this might sound strange to most of us that saw it that night in vidor. wo-s did give up over 400 yards ,i think it was all on the ground and put 28 points up not a bad nights work dont you think.ok on the other hand lets lets look at it like this.the kids from wo-s was up agnest a huge vidor football team one that will be in the playoffs for then the mustangs did put up 21 points agnest vidor and i did not see no 2nd team for vidor playing maybe couple guys in spots at times and that was fans at vidor i am not taking enything away from your very fine football team, but the mustangs did not have all there players suited up buts that life.i for one was in shock becouse a team that can put up only 28 points and run up over 400 yards hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm in a game that would count ,i think i would take the mustangs in a close one