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Everything posted by skipper

  1. gonho, did you see what we saw when franks was the target play and 3 kids on him and the thay still tryed to get it in his hands and the other kids WAVEING there hands and no one around them
  2. (VERY VERY POOR) all night long by the wo-s DBs now all the teams will see this and pick it up. wo-s will haft to find away to use franks ITS NOT WORKING
  3. wo-s---------------------B - lazy
  4. lazy lazy lazy laid back wo-s football team WE ALL saw friday night. the best player on the field for wo-s was #42 thank god for him.the QB sure needs to read better, lc-m had franks # all night as we all saw. in closeing iwill say this and you might say i am nuts , but wo-s START PLAYING BETTER FOOTBALL
  5. i agree.NEVER KNOW when we will need a FG to win a game.this is a MUST and all coaches know this but wo-s is way behind
  6. 31-14 wo-s
  7. :) :) this is what the fans at wo-s have been waiting for
  8. lol lol lol hay gunho thats ok my friend i understand been there done that ,i wish him luck. might catch u before the game and let you put on my wo-s hat ;D ;D ;D
  10. i will say this ,coach crouch and the kids at lc-m did not showcase the passing game tonight maybe tomorrow, just ran the ball and very few passes. the stangs were all over the bears from start to finish
  11. if your a gilmer fan. just go tomorrow and read the gilmer paper .thay tell all
  12. the wo-s 9th grade made it look easy and the JV.people if you think wo-s has speed just wait yell next couple years it will be there at west oange
  13. : : : : : : : : : : : : : you guys are make this fun to look at
  14. : : : come on now 77 you know better than that .LIKE I SAID WO-S dose not play good at lc-m. lc-m will have the upper hand in this game two X wo-s coaches and all the speed and playing at home as of now 50/50 that lc-m wins, what more can you ask for
  15. WEST ORANGE-STARK has a history of not playing very well at lc-m we as mustang fans know this ,no matter how good a team wo-s has.it has been told to me that there is a voodo dance thursday night late at night is this TRUE
  16. this might sound strange to most of us that saw it that night in vidor. wo-s did give up over 400 yards ,i think it was all on the ground and put 28 points up not a bad nights work dont you think.ok on the other hand lets lets look at it like this.the kids from wo-s was up agnest a huge vidor football team one that will be in the playoffs for sure.now then the mustangs did put up 21 points agnest vidor and i did not see no 2nd team for vidor playing maybe couple guys in spots at times and that was it.you fans at vidor i am not taking enything away from your very fine football team, but the mustangs did not have all there players suited up buts that life.i for one was in shock becouse a team that can put up only 28 points and run up over 400 yards hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm in a game that would count ,i think i would take the mustangs in a close one
  17. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D MAN OH MAN this is heating up now. this is the way its going to be just like the song says by W .NELSON by the 3rd qt speveto will stand up and lead the fans in (TURN OUT THE LIGHTS THE PARTYS OVER)
  18. lol lol lol this is the best yet.lc-m is not big at all if you wish to see someone big like theNFL go over to dayton are vidor
  19. what time dose this game start
  20. PS thay even put the fake punt in so thay can keep the ball out of the mustangs hands
  21. i got a funny feeling that the OC at lc-m will have his QB rolling out of the spred to keep away from the presser that getting ready to come at him. then my friends its going to be a long night. coach crouch will try and keep it balance if he can thats there game plan as of lastnight
  22. what if KV played gilmer
  23. i for one am very PLEASED that coach crouch is trying his best to get all the programs going,randy is a good man smart also
  24. did randy have his hands in his pocket lol. and coop, we better start getting these kids better ,who is still out
  25. good post gunho.but lets turn this around a tich.the mustangs have been running a crouch type of game for years and lc-m is just starting
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