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I Tell It Like It Is

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  1. Everyone likes stats. Here are some of the records of Head Coaches that Coach Bolton worked under. I wouldn't go as far as to say Coach Bolton has not gained experience from successful coaches. 2006 21-AAA 6 4 0 Claude Tarver 2005 24-AAA 9 2 0 Claude Tarver 2004 24-AAA 6 5 0 Claude Tarver 2003 21-AAA 4 6 0 Claude Tarver 2002 21-AAA 11 2 0 Claude Tarver 2001 22-AAA 6 5 0 Claude Tarver 2000 22-AAA 7 3 0 Claude Tarver 1999 24-AAA 5 5 0 Claude Tarver 1998 24-AAA 5 6 0 Claude Tarver 1997 24-AAA 7 4 0 Claude Tarver 1996 24-AAA 7 4 0 Claude Tarver 1995 22-AAA 8 1 1 Claude Tarver 1994 22-AAA 9 3 0 Claude Tarver 1993 23-AAA 9 2 1 Claude Tarver 1992 23-AAA 6 3 1 Claude Tarver 1991 24-AAA 10 3 0 Claude Tarver 1990 24-AAA 11 2 0 Claude Tarver 1989 24-AAA 10 2 0 Claude Tarver 1988 24-AAA 11 1 0 Claude Tarver 1987 20-AAA 3 7 0 Claude Tarver 1986 20-AAA 2 7 1 Claude Tarver 2000 24-AAAA 8 3 0 Fred Bolton 1999 24-AAAA 12 1 0 Fred Bolton 1998 24-AAAA 7 3 0 Fred Bolton 1997 24-AAAA 6 4 0 Fred Bolton 1996 24-AAAA 7 2 1 Fred Bolton 1995 24-AAAA 7 3 0 Fred Bolton 1994 24-AAAA 6 4 0 Fred Bolton 1993 19-AAAA 7 5 0 Fred Bolton 1992 19-AAAA 7 5 1 Fred Bolton 1991 22-AAAA 5 5 0 Fred Bolton 1990 22-AAAA 2 8 0 Fred Bolton 2004 20-AAAA 3 7 0 David Williams 2003 20-AAAA 5 5 0 David Williams 2002 20-AAAA 2 8 0 David Williams 2001 20-AAAA 3 6 0 David Williams 2000 20-AAAA 2 8 0 David Williams 1999 20-AAAA 3 7 0 David Williams 1998 20-AAAA 4 6 0 David Williams 1997 20-AAAA 11 3 0 David Williams 1996 20-AAAA 5 5 0 David Williams 1995 20-AAAA 9 2 0 David Williams 1994 20-AAAA 11 1 0 David Williams All-Time Winningest Coaches List T88. Les Johnson Bastrop 185 154 5
  2. In regards to head coaching experience post by Luck of the Irish; What does that really mean? I don't know what coach Moody's experience was but look where that got the Bears. I have done some research on Coach Bolton and he helped turn around a poor Brazosport Exporter team around. The team went 0-10 the year before he arrived and I believe (don't quote me on this) they didn't win a home game in 3 years before he arrived (hear say the home game part; fact on 0-10). The year he arrived they wen't 5-5 in a very tough district losing 4 games by a less than 6 points per game. They were a very competitive team due to his enthusiasm. In years before, he was part of the 1997 LCM team that I believed made it to the QuarterFinals, and also part of Bridge City's team in 2005 that went to the Quaterfinals. He has winning experience with football savy and a smart/effective offensive attack (I know for a fact that LCM's past team was not ran under his Offensive even though he was the OC). Which brings me to the ultimate decision LCM is going to have to make in order to turn around the program. The qualified candidate must do what other's cannot, but more importantly do what others are not willing to do. Without a doubt, if these two characteristics are required, Coach Bolton is hands down the man to hire. With all this said, I hope you take more from the first part of the post. Please if you are anyway part of the hiring process stop reading now, you are only making your input more bias.
  3. Dwight Thacker and Troy Woodall from Bridge City. Coach Thacker prepared us extremely well for high school football. (undefeated season) Coach Woodall no doubt was the one he coached more character into me more than any other coach. He coached me in highschool football and basketball. Of course like the topic says besides your parents which my dad is a coach so besides him, these two have had the most influence on me.
  4. Ok Fan in the Stands, I am the second baseman, I was playing right next to the pitcher in order to prevent a squeeze. The ball was popped up over my head, i turned around to catch the ball. The first baseman made the catch. I turned around to look at the runner and the ball hit me and the back part of my left tricep. I love my first baseman, he is one of my best friends. However, i know he was nervous and wanted to make a quick double play. If you have any more comments towards me, feel free to come meet me at my house for you to have a better understanding of the game. The only thing that matters in the end is the scoreboard. My only problem with this site is ridiculous people, who are truly "wannabes" are absolutely IDIOTS! I enjoyed the hell out of playing ball for bc and would not have had it any other way, including not having any other coach. Three Region III Championships, Two State Tournament Appearances, two season with 30+ wins one with 28 and being apart of a great program that has had i think 121 wins in 4 seasons.
  5. Meeks who has the veins now (inside joke).....great game 10.
  6. I can remember playing baseball with all the neighboor hood kids using a tennis ball in our front yards.....very happy to see dishon play in an all star game
  7. i hear this way too much....its ridiculous. whenever our team hears it, we just say "yea like we can win."
  8. Cardinal 8107 well put....we have to play our game to our greatest potential. We have some clutch players throughout the lineup. I think that playoff atmosphere has a lot to do with it.
  9. wish there could be a truce but iam sure not all feel this same and on behalf of bc iam sorry for the trash talking that occured before and to an extent i see where revenge trash talk is wanted. but in the end the scoreboard and wins and loss columns are all that matter.
  10. i agree with this last post....i read some of this talk here on the internet and i think about how low some people are. one thing is to degrade adult to adult, but its another to bash adult to student athletes. some of the other post may be student athlets to student athlete bashful statement and i personally believe they are only lost at this stage in their life. ill tell you right now iam the second baseman for bc and iam troy bolton. i hate this website but am addicted to reading what these people say. all iam saying is, is that is seems like people like to see bc lose, i know that many people pick us as the favorite and teams are excited when they beat us, we lose two games and people automatically start to trash talk and talk like we didnt deserve our reputation. all iam concerned about is winning and that is all since the season has started. i guess what iam really trying to say is that some people are on here trash talking or talking about cardinal12/redhead or saying flying to the south, you are low individuals who are clueless. To all the bc players, perseverance is the hard work you do after already doing the hard work. knowing this we have to go back to basics and work hard at that, good things will come. i dont want people to think that iam saying if you post on here you are low, some on here do in fact show sportsmanship and you should be commended for that.
  11. Matt Hicks and Joe Robertson- both played great in the past weekends tourney.
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