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59n Sports

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Everything posted by 59n Sports

  1. I think Huffman will win this one. Watched both teams play this year and Huffmans d is really good. Where I do think they will struggle is passing the ball. Against Coldspring there was alot of droped passes that should have been made for positive yards, and maybe have changed the outcome of the game. But that game is in the books. Huffman by 17
  2. I'm going to have to go with Coldspring on this one. They are playing at a different level this year. Barbay's offense is great with a primary 2 man show in the backfield. Cummings is almost un stopable up the middle and Gilbert around the ends is great. Coach Morrisons defense is really good. I'm thinking  the best in the district by far. The only phase of the game where they are hurting is a place kicker, If they had a  place kicker they would be complete. I going with Coldspring by 32.
  3. The kickoff run back for Coldspring didnt end the game for Huffman. The 3rd pick the qb threw on the 1 yard line ended the game for Huffman, and it was still up in the air there because of  the way Huffmans D was playing the second half they could have gotten a saftey and got the ball back and scored. There was enough time on the clock to do so.
  4. Is it going to be Coldspring and Bridge City OR Wos. I know Huffman will play Silsbee, and Liberty will play who Coldspring dosent play.
  5. The Coldspring/ Huffman game was great. It was the best game of the season for both teams. I really thought Huffman was going to pull it off with the energy they came out with in the 2nd half. Coach Morrision For coldspring did the right thing pulling The Sikes kid out after seeing that Huffman had found the weekest spot In Coldsprings D. The reffs was horriable. 6 personal foul penelties in the first half, and the missed a hole lot of false start calls, but they went both was on that. Overall a great game.
  6. Cowart was the assistant principle at New Caney when Mapels got his first job out of college, and to go on Maples graduated form New Caney while Cowart was ther. So to back up C-town he is correct. Any more facts you need to know about that.
  7. Panthers Baseball is looking for a catcher and another pitcher. We are a 13u team devoted to getting players ready for high school baseball.     Call    Kraig Erwin @ 832-401-2591
  8. ITs still a tear down and I think it counts. He was a beast on the court.
  9. Ivan " Tuffy" Williams did it in Cleveland. He went on to Texas to play football
  10. Just a wild question. Back in the day you would see highlights of guys dunking and tearing down the backboard. Who can you think of and where are they from?
  11. Yeah injuries. Already,they both came from school basketball. Now he has 6 weeks in a bot rhen probably rehab for another 3 or 4 weeks.
  12. Panther Baseball is looking good if I could get a few more pitchers. and another catcher. The only bad thing I have going is a 2nd baseman out with a broke grothplate in his ankle and a centerfielder out with a bad wrist. Anyone intrested in trying out please call  Kraig Erwin @ 832-401-2591
  13. Panthers Baseball is still looking for a few more kids to complete our team. We are looking for a couple of pitchers and a couple of catchers. We are not a baseball academy and do not charge you to coach your kids. The only thing you pay for is your part of the tournements and uniforms. Panther Baseball strives to get players ready for highschool baseball. To setup a tryout please call   Kraig Erwin @ 832-401-2591             or   Brian Shephard @ 713-202-0160
  14. Panther Baseball is looking for some more pitching. If you have a child that you think he has what it takes give us a call. We are coaches that are puting a select team together and are not charging you for your child to play, you just pay your part for the tournements. We are working hard to get these Boys to the next level in baseball. Panther baseball is a 13u team and we are going to be plsying Nations and Super Series tournements.   Call to setup a tryout. Kraig Erwin  832-401-2591               or Brian Shephard 713-202-0160
  15. When they played Cleveland it was 119 to 64 and that was more than Coldspring or Splendora put up against Cleveland. Im nit a big basketball fan and the only reason I watch it is because C Cleveland is good and I am a strong supporter of our sports.   Coldspring and Splendora ut a total of 78 points against Cleveland
  16. The 13u Panther baseball tryous has changed from saturday January 30 to sunday January 31 at 2:00. At the highschool baseball  field. Sorry for the change. We forgot about highschool tryouts.   If you have any questions please call         Brian Shephard @ 713-202-0160                           or         Kraig Erwin  @ 832-401-2591.
  17. Panther Baseball wiil be holding tryouts January 30 2010 in Coldspring Tx at the highschool. 10:00 am. We are looking to help kids get ready for the next step in baseball at a low cost. We are not a baseball academy. We do not make money for coaching you kids. If you any questions call Brian Shephard @ 713-202-0160 or Kraig Erwin @ 832-401-2591.
  18. Panther Baseball will be holding tryouts January 30 in Coldspring Texas. We are looking for Kids that are devoted to the game and have strong work ethics. We are a 13u baseball team wanting to teach young kids the fundmentals of baseball and prepare them for the next level of baseball. Contact Brian Shephard @713-202-0160                   or             Kraig Erwin @ 832 - 401-2591
  19. [quote name="sports fan 929" post="731207" timestamp="1260940419"] big daddy please tell me you aint talkin bout andrew [/quote] They have picked up Andrew, But also picked up the two Walker boys from Splendora and I think that will help them out at the plate and in the field. The help I think Cleveland really needs.
  20. Like I said That is just my opinion and I don't know a hole bunch about Huffman actually I now more about them after reading your post.
  21. Cleveland has a kid coming in this year that is very talented on the mound and at the plate. I know one kid doesn't make or brake the team but he will bi a big help in there rotation that I feel was week last year and should do better this year than last year. I'm not saying they will win their district because Splendora has a really good group of kids this year. I don't know much about Huffman or Tarkington. Coldspring should be good but I think a young team is going to hinder then, Give them 2 years and they will be solid with a great group of Freshmen coming in. Shephard will be a threat I think with a group of kid in there that have been playing together for a few years. I think it is the group of kids that went to the Dixie World Series. This is just my opinion
  22. I think it would be a great idea if you have the kids to put a team together. I was home schooled and didn't have the chance to play past pony league baseball. I know where I live there are several kids that are Highschool age and love to play and are really talented ball players.   Let me know how its going or if you need some kids i will see what I can help you out with.
  23. Cleveland Paul "Bo" Hamilton  Philles. Coldspring Marc Love Galveston Whitecaps then Pirates Travis Dean San Jac
  24. Congrats Matt. I don't know you but I have a 12 year old tat loves baseball and I preach to him about grades. Glad to see you a star in the classroom and on the field. Best of luck in the future.
  25. The parents arnt feeling anything but all the money in their pockets. Since they did win the lawsuit I wounder if they are setting up a scholarship fund for future baseball players in their area. I mean if they was awarded $850,000 for the lawsuit and another $750,000 that is 1.6mil. What kind of job to his parents have. If they make that much money they surly don't need the $850,000. This is crazy.   I guess I am going to sue mazino for my son twisting his ankle when he rounded second base, anybody wan in on it let me know.
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