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  1. Alot of people are forgetting the fact that chester only lost 2 starters which were a third basemen and an outfielder. which is easily replaced. They still have barnes and sturrock pitching both in the mid 80's this year as seniors, (which they threw incredibly well last year.) also a freshman that is throwing high 80's and can smash a ball as well. I would have to go with the jackets taking district again this year if they can stay disciplined on the field.
  2. Thank you everyone for keeping you in my prayers. I just want to let Leli know it was nowhere close to being his fault. It was just a freak accident. Luckily there was no broken bones just torn ligaments, torn muscle from the bone, and severe dislocation that went through the skin. I have a ten week. I have a big goal in front of me and thats to be back for baseball. I am happy and it makes this alot easier on me seeing all the people praying and supporting me. Well i hope to see High Island on the diamond this year. Chester # 88 Senior 2010
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