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Everything posted by idk

  1. With that score, Livingston may of started practicing basketball early. Looking from the outside in, those boys have shut down. I could be wrong but it takes a lot for a group of young men to keep going hard every play when you are getting your brains beat in like this week in and week out. I hope it gets better for them. May want to start playing the underclassmen so they can get some reps before next year.
  2. I may get slammed for this but that's ok. Livingston football is really in bad shape. Just look at their stadium. They say the voters will not fund a new one, but they had no problem purchasing Texas Slams facilities for a million, now they are building a soccer and track facility, I am not saying they don't need it, but hey. Those powers to be in Livingston don't care about football at all. They want to and think they are going to win a baseball championship. Problem is, their little circles and in-fighting will keep them from it. Over there it is not about how good you are, it is about who you are. Football is a second thought to most, It will take a ton of work to get them respectable. For the kids sake and some of the parents that really want the to be good, I hope it happens. OH and before someone says it, No I do not have a kid in Livingston or playing for Livingston.
  3. I was referring to them being bigger than Shepherd, He keeps saying they are a little better than Shepherd. I was just pointing out that those schools are bigger than Shepherd and so is Livingston. I was just giving him a hard time.
  4. For the record, both of those schools you refer to are way bigger than Shepherd, so yes they should be better. So that makes the Shepherd score worse than both of those due to the fact that Shepherd is so much smaller than those schools and Livingston.
  5. Final. 68-7
  6. All I can say is wow. I knew Shepherd would win but not like this. 68-7 with 6:00 left
  7. 61-7 with 11:00 left in 4th
  8. 54-7 with about 1:00 left in 3rd
  9. Now 48-0 Shepherd. In the 3rd.
  10. Shepherd 41 Livingston 0 halftime
  11. Miles is a heck of a person and coach. He would be a really good fit for Coldspring. Yes most the folks in Shepherd like and appreciate him, we know what we have. The reason I say most is well you know how people can be, can't please everyone. Miles has done a great job. I hope Coldspring's finds what they are looking for, but at the same time hope it's not Miles. Again I just can't see him doing that this late in the game. He thinks too much of his coaches and players.
  12. As far as I know at this moment it will be someone other than Robinson. I do not think he applied. I do not think he would do that to the kids at Shepherd this late in the game, He is a stand up guy who thinks of more that wins and losses.
  13. I think a lot of them were thinking that Miles was just gonna come running back. And by the looks of how long this is taking that was not the case. I do honestly wish Coldspring the best, but when you run off really good coaches it can come back to bite you in the butt.
  14. Can someone update us on if Robinson even applied. The word I get is he hasn't applied for the job!!
  15. They have to go thru the principal of the school they are getting hired at. Miles is involved trust me. As far as I know that is always how the hiring process has been done in Shepherd. I could be wrong.
  16. So has anyone found out if Miles has even applied. What is it going to say if he doesn't?
  17. I'll call Miles and ask him! lol. Loyalty is a big one as you stated. Maybe he has too much invested in the community now. Maybe he wants to stay and prove everyone wrong about the kids in Shepherd (as any good coach thinks they can do). Just a few, but to get anything but speculation on my part or yours, Miles would have to answer those questions.
  18. Tempting!!!! I have no Idea, but I can only imagine that this is a hard choice for Miles.
  19. Yep, Coach G. is a good coach and man. There is no doubt that I would think the folks in Coldspring are going to try as hard as they can to get Miles and want him to bring a few of these coaches with him. I have family and friends in Coldspring, and wish them the best. A lot has changed since Coldspring and Shepherd were in the same district, Yea they still play but it just isn't the same. Some folks try to make it out to be but it is not.
  20. I agree, The last few years there has been a ton of turnover. When he first came here it wasn't like that. It's not a knock on him, Shepherd doesn't pay much to coaches. Oh I agree it would be a good hire for Coldspring, I just question if going home is the right thing to do. Like you just said, we all like money, and if I'm not winning the trophy then I'm getting paid. lol. But as we all know any good coach thinks they will be able to turn things around and win. Do I think if Miles goes home, will he win. Yes he is a good coach and get kids to buy into the system. Then he has a way to keep the parents where they should be. He is open and honest, no doubt.
  21. Just because Coldspring has more Athletes than Shepherd doesn't mean they have the jimmy's and joe's to get the job done. You know that!!! I stated not Livingston. No I do not know of a job open with the jimmy's and joe's it takes. So if you could read into what I was saying, if there are no jimmy's and joe's (to take you deep into the playoffs) then take a job with $$$$$, if he doesn't want to stay where he is. Again, you are pushing hard for him to go to Coldspring (so I would think you are either from there or have ties there) I am not really pushing for him to stay in Shepherd more than I am pushing for him to make the right decision for his family. So again, if the jimmy's and joe's (he has now, which is few) and the jimmy's and joe's in Coldspring won't get you that trophy, then the best thing is the money and a happy family.
  22. I agree with the Jimmy's and Joe's, what I don't agree with is Coldspring hasn't done anything to prove they have the jimmy's and joe's. Now if a bigger school with more money and more jimmy's and joe's I could agree with. And NO it isn't Livingston.
  23. Is there a list of applicants for this one?
  24. Also I looked on Coldspring website this morning and they did not post the position on their. Are they going to stay in house with the asst. AD. or just not post it hoping to get Miles?
  25. Oh I'm not saying he should take the Coldspring Job, lol. I think he should look at his options and either Stay in Shepherd or take the best job that fits his family. We all know he is a Coldspring boy, thats a fact, but we all know that sports has a way of turning your friends and community either in your favor or against you in the blink of an eye. I know the majority of folks in Shepherd like him as the AD and that may be a comforting factor to him. I'm just saying that sometimes returning home, you find out it isn't like it was when you left. I would like to see Miles stay in Shepherd, but at the same time there are going to be a some lean years. No matter what choice he makes I will support him and always be his friend, he was a great coach and mentor to my son. Miles is a good coach but and even greater person.
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