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Everything posted by JWB

  1. Hopefully that wont drive the price of them Pokechops up too high!
  2. Why do you keep bringing up the kkk? there hasn't been a single event in recent history that I can recall that the group has had any involvement in? I haven't seen anything on the news or read anything in the papers????? what you really mean to say is white people in general !!! that's what your're implying.....I've seen a lot of the BLM and black panthers recently....... But they aren't hate mongering racists are they??? But I got a really good feeling you are!
  3. We do need to make America Great again! do you disagree or do you feel good with the way things are?
  4. You may not know how to upload videos but, you sure know how to stir up your racist bullcrap!
  5. Man, that's before Sharpton got strung out on meth...He was a little heavier back in the day......
  6. this guy here....
  7. How about you move to another country and find out for yourself! I've read a lot of the dumb stuff you put on this forum and your're truly a piece of work.
  8. he was shot and killed because he decided to jump on a man with a gun......
  9. whats to stop this from happening in say Time Square? these animals only want to kill as many as they can...
  10. where are the fish biting and what are they hitting on?
  11. She's already bought and paid for by the mooslim brotherhood! its a done deal, if she gets in the white house we're are all gonna be in deep $h!t!!!!
  12. Sounds like the UIL just needs to give Central some participation trophies so they can stay home......
  13. working? what about the homeless man he pointed the gun at? I personally think his death could've been avoided, but his actions led to his death...
  14. Clinton's numbers will continue to drop. After FBI director Comey's testimony yesterday before Congress, I believe the email scandal isn't over yet...She's guilty as sin!
  15. Don't forget about Chason Burch
  16. That's right Reb!!! those are the FACTS and there is a lot of idiots on this forum that just cant admit that they're wrong! and by the way I'd vote for West in a heartbeat!!!
  17. Dang Shame!!! the FBI Director is bought and paid for!
  18. Arizona battled back, but falls short... Congrats to CCU
  19. 4-2 CC Top 7
  20. crickets***********
  21. Dove, have you watched the Benghazi movie 13 hours?
  22. If that doesn't get you fired up, then you just don't get it ! God Bless America!
  23. Reagan had nothing to do with Benghazi! quit changing the subject....Have you seen the movie or not?
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