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Everything posted by JWB

  1. I wonder if Dove, Big girl, or Nappy have even seen 13 Hours? Watch the movie if you haven't, and then MAYBE you can understand why the Benghazi topic upsets people that care about this country!
  2. Was it white guys? maybe the KKK? OR DA MAN?
  3. Unbelievable.....you just cant make this stuff up???? You actually believe this garbage???
  4. Dove seems to be the type of person that'll stand around watch everything fall apart and blame DA MAN!!!
  5. Wait a minute Nash...you didn't use your White Privilege Card to get some free stuff????
  6. this Guy^^^
  7. This is one of the dumbest comments I've ever read on SETX...You are clearly not dealing with a full deck!
  8. Like him or not, the man is right....people better pull their heads out of the sand and Wake UP!!!
  9. The feds already have enough to nail her to the wall....They were just looking for conformation from this goofball....Hopefully they'll drop the hammer on her crooked tail soon!
  10. I was waiting for.....That's All Folks!
  11. Some people are hoping he is,but it's highly unlikely.
  12. The Chicago killings are idiots with guns. Just like the tray von killing..an idiot with a gun..I would have taken his gun though and pistol whipped him That's right I looked it up, that's more than you did before getting on here running your mouth...All you knew about the case was the kid was black....the shooting wasn't inside a walmart and it wasn't a toy gun...it was airsoft gun with the fluorescent tip taken off the barrel making it look very real...Its a shame the kid lost his life and its a shame that you are the type of person to seek out any reason to push your personal racist agenda...
  13. So what your really saying is you're not voting this year because the two candidates are white? that's what all this crap you post sounds like to me?
  14. wait...I thought Obama is mixed? Black Dad and white Mom....Just because folks don't like Obama doesn't make them racists.....what about whites that don't like Hillary? are they racists too?
  15. Here's some info on the Rice case, (you should do some research yourself)...The Rice case looks like tragic shooting that could've been avoided, the other incidents were grown adults that could've handled themselves very differently. And another thing... don't insult me or anyone else on this public forum, that's not very mature! You don't need to trust me or like me because you don't know me...Just do some research and read before you get on here making yourself look foolish... [Hidden Content]
  16. I'm not familiar with the details of the Rice case, but the Bland women hung herself. Brown was shot while assaulting an police officer... Martin was killed because he chose to attack a man with a CHL... Gray was injured while resisting arrest....3 outta of the 5 here were criminals, and was 1 suicidal...
  17. should be a good one tonight!
  18. neither has Trump! Him saying we don't want or need illegals in the USA isn't racist...Illegal alien isn't a race!
  19. this guy here^^^......you live in AMERICA, and You have the same opportunities as everyone else...quit crying, no one is after you or trying to kill you...Grow Up!
  20. Trump isn't a racist...That's just easy label to put on someone you dislike or don't agree with...Trump is brash, he sometimes says things that don't come out quite right,and that media likes to twist, but I believe he'll be better for our country than who is running against him and who we got in there now!
  21. Good Luck Bears!
  22. MAN,I like Springer in that lead off spot!
  23. It's going to come down to who can play an error free game...you can not win games making errors on routine plays...Good Luck LCM
  24. I gotta feeling they'll be playing tomorrow or moving to a all turf field somewhere....
  25. I believe the Cowboys knew what they were doing drafting him....They had some inside info on his injury, and surgery because of the team doctors/surgeons... He is gonna be a monster when he gets back on the field. Even if its next season until he's able to play, I think it was a good pick!
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