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Everything posted by JWB

  1. I hate to pack up my tent early,but don't sound that bad^^^^^^^
  2. McFadden named starter for Sunday's gm vs Seattle
  3. I bet he's glad that he didn't have to quit!
  4. B.C. will be tough again this season...Can't wait to see them hit the field.
  5. Game 1 Tonight... Royals vs Mets should be a good series...who do ya'll like to win it?
  6. Beasley was making me nervous being the return man,before the muff! Its time to look at other options,maybe give Whitehead another look... We should've stayed with the run too,the giants defense couldn't stop us....If McFadden isn't the starter against Seattle we'll take another "L"
  7. It wasn't all Weeden,but he doesn't have the experience that Cassel has. With Weeden being the backup they had to give him a chance to lead the team,and he proved that he couldn't. Cassel has proved that he can come in and win some games in this league ,I just hope he can do the same in a Cowboy uniform...On the other side of the ball we will be at full strength with R.Gregory returning!
  8. Its all about the votes...It's mind blowing that these so-called Americans are willing to give our country away for votes...Sad days we're living in...
  9. So,whats the story with this guy? if he isn't a bad guy and is a liitle "off" why isn't someone in his family helping him out? walking around scaring people is good way to create a hostile situation...
  10. The worst part about Houston not having a QB is the fact that they have had the chance in several drafts to address the issue,but have failed to do so......That can be blamed on not only their coaches but ownership too!
  11. He's a racist...period!
  12. The boy didn't invent anything,all he did was wire up some electrical components to a digital clock to give a countdown! this is not a clock!
  13. Wow,this thread got way off topic! If you've seen pictures of what the kid built and you can honestly say you think its a clock, you really need to wake up! I've shown pics of the device to numerous people that hadn't heard details about the story,and almost all of them said it looks like a bomb or something from a movie,not one of them said,OH that's a clock.
  14. Whataburger's Biscuits-n-gravy is the Greatest!
  15. hopefully when Springer gets back,he'll spark some offense for us...
  16. That isn't gonna happen....there is too much money in it, but that's really the point,the technology of the equipment used in the game has passed up the dimensions of the game....
  17. I remember the Burger Chef in Orange by the old circle,or light now. I think its a Dr office now.
  18. Is it time for L.L. to consider making some changes? Like base path,and pitcher's mound distance? And move the fence back some? what are your thoughts?
  19. BC is getting Kayla Gallardo,Asst Coach from Orangefield. From what we're hearing she's gonna be a good one.
  20. Yes Sir! Thanks Tim!
  21. For a second year in row the BC Senior Boys have won both District and Sectional Tournaments,and now will be advancing to the State Tourney in Tyler. This years team is made up of players from BC and Orangefield Highschool. Congrats and Good Luck! Taran Burch-BCIan Carruth-BCShannon Chance-BCBrady Coulter-BCRyan Deutsch-OFBrett Fregia-OFKevin Gordon-BCLuc Hollier-BCParker KidderJacob Rainey-OFJustyn Romero-BCBradley Thibodaux-BCSchuyler Thibodaux-BC
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