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Everything posted by OrangeCountyBulldogFan

  1. Coop....because the kids like him? I guess by your statement, Vidor is a successful program since the kids there like MAtthews. Come on Coop.
  2. Good point and delivery there.
  3. I don't deny that Coop. OCBDFan' date=' please keep to the subject (Forum Rule 9) and do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspiscions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. (Forum Rule 15) [/color']
  4. A lot of difference between JV and Varsity FB. Most schools pick their kids from all squads including JV and put the best players on the fields. To judge a secondary or JV squads performance is not the best for the varsity program. Now all that being said, if he continues to motivate and can adapt to the injuries and intensity that VArsity FB gives you, then maybe after his 3rd year or so we can see how this guy will work out. My guess is that until you match up on Friday night and go to the playoffs lets say....just once, then you can be considered a taleneted coach. IMO....I think he was within the system and was cheap ($) for a program that is perhaps the worse in SETX.
  5. By the way PNG Proud....Mohica is a Defensive lineman not a running back you knuckle head.
  6. Nice Job Guys. But I am with you....another darn board to keep me in trouble.
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