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Everything posted by Dogs2x2

  1. Great Game Guys!  I had a blast watching this one.  I loved how the East boys seemed to all bond together as if they had been playing together for awhile.
  2. [font=Times New Roman]Senior Showcase was great!  I loved the way the boys all played together so well no matter where they were from.  Just so happened our NEDERLAND boys rocked!!  Sharkfutbol I'm surprised you are not taking the credit for their great playing cause you coached them all for a number of years..... LOL just saying[/font]
  3. Great Win for the Dogs!  Vidor is a tough team very physical.  I was glad to see the ref letting the boys play and not blowing his whistle every 5 seconds.  I love the fans.  Both Vidor and Nederland had the stands full and were very very loud.  Its great to see such support for Soccer.
  4. 3 points would not win the game.  There was little to no time left on the clock.  We did not get the 3 points nor did we recover the onside kick.  So what then?  We could have [b]Should[/b] have went for it.  Please dont tell me I dont know what Im talking about.  Were you there??? Do you think these coaches are perfect and all there calls are gold??  This happend several times over the 2010 season.  Not good play calling.  That Is My Opinion!
  5. I wasn't trying say the boys didn't make mistakes and that all our losses where due to the coaches but you would have had to see some of the play calling to understand.
  6. Yep Livingston game
  7. I'm not saying Neuman is a bad couch but he is not coach of the year.  Some of Nederland's losses were due to bad coaches calls.  Case in point... 4th down like 4 yards to go with only a few minutes left in the game and a field goal wont get us a win but the coaches choose to kick one anyway (which we missed) and then try for an onside kick which didn't work instead of going for it??????? Just my opionion but this kind of play calling happend several times and lost us games.  That last playoff game putting an un-experienced quarterback in to throw countless times (whick were not being caught) instead of going with what was working (running the wild-dog) or using the running backs.  He was obviously preparing the quarterback for the next season and not playing for that game.  He gave up on his playmakers.  Just getting to the playoffs seems to be enough for him. He seems to only want to get by.  The games Nederland did win was because the boys pulled together and played their butts off but sometimes bad play calling shut them down. JUST MY OPINION
  8. Ok according to your statics J.Nelson should be there but dont try and say that Sonnier & Salenga didn't deserve it.  They rocked all season. 
  9. Congrats Boys!  I can only speak for the Nederland Boys but you people saying this is a bogus list can jump in the lake.  All those Nederland boys listed deserved it.  So when you say this is bogus be more specific cause not ALL the boys listed are bogus.
  10. Amen Brubaker!  This Nederland team is a tight bunch.  Those Seniors rallied around all the underclassman and showed them how to be true leaders.  They leave their ego in the locker rooms and get the job done.  It has been such a pleasure to watch these guys.  I am looking forward to watching the underclassmen next year also.  They had some pretty incredible leaders to show them how its done.  I hope this season will go on for a good long while.  People may doubt us but they should never doubt the heart these boys have.
  11. Congrats Trevin.... We are so proud of you! 
  12. Bulldogs did a great job!  I don't know much about the different plays but when they did the Hook n Ladder the men in the stands went nuts...  Everyone was yelling "Hook n Ladder"  LOL it was exciting to hear & see the crowd react so excitedly and the boys did a GREAT job pulling it off... Perfect timing.  These boys will work hard to win.  They are definatley close as a team.. Great Job Boys!
  13. Thats why I said "not the whole team".  They did play better (as far as playing dirty) than they have in the past (4) years we have played against them.  It was just two that I saw not playing up & up.  Otherwise it was a really good game. What problems did they (Central) have in the past???  Wow where do I began.. against Nederland's freshman team 3-years ago the game had to be stopped bcause the kids where taking swings at the refs and then at their coach.  Then 2-years ago against PNG when the benches were cleared because of fighting.
  14. Good Game. Nederland should have won all day long.  As in the past Central started to play  a little dirty.  Not the whole team but one individual in particular.  #4 for Nederland came up swinging a couple of times because the defender from Central was putting his hands in his face mask and scratching at his eyes.  He came off the field with bloody scratches on one eye and a black eye on the other.  I dont understand why such a good team has to play like that???  For the most part they played a good solid game except for a few individuals.  No need for that. 
  15. What an awsome game!!  All the negative comments only pumped our boys up to come together as a team and show everybody that they wern't going to lay down and die.  They played their hearts out.  Even the pep rally was the best I have ever seen at Nederland High School.  The entire gym stood up the whole pep rally and screamed.  One of the captains (#4) gave an excellant speech that pumped everyone up and he meant business.  I think PNG came into the game with the attitude that there was no way NHS could beat them and that worked to our advantage. Also the fans were incredible.  At first I thought we were too quite but once the team got going then you couldn't hear yourself think it was soo loud.  Thats the way it should be every game no matter what. That just goes to show you that the dog's hearts are in this to win.  Good Luck Dogs on your next game.  You can do anything you set your mind/heart to.
  16. [font=Times New Roman]Well bearbryant IMO those 40 yard bombs NHS was throwing wern't working.  What happened to the short slant throws to the receiver that get 5-10 yards per carry????  Just saying the play calling wasn't the best.  Im not insinuating that I know better than the coaches but come on....it was pretty evident they weren't on their top game.[/font]
  17. Cant take anything away from Vidor they played a good game.  I completely respect our coaches but come on even I could see that they call plays that didn't work the first 4 times we ran them and then do not call a play again that did work.  The boys aren't perfect but they are working their butts off.  They made some mistakes of course but they cant change the coaches crazy calls.  They get out there and do their best with a heavy heart knowing that the coaches sometimes loose their mind and call ridiculas plays.  Frustration and pressure are getting to them.  Its hard to tune out all the critisim. 
  18. You are so right roughrider.... but its hard to sit and say nothing when someone is inadvertainly dissing your team.  If the boys that had the problem had spoken up to others on the team besides just themselves then maybe the other Senior leaders would have been able to by-pass all this crap.
  19. [font=Tahoma]Plenty of Senior leaders....Kemp,Schlett,Salenga,Sonnier,Butler just to mention a few. [/font]
  20. I agree with you tappedout.  Neuman seems to be getting frustrated. Cant blame him. But he still has alot of kids (probably most of them) that are showing up for practice, working their butts off, and trying their best to better their team as a whole.  They are working together to keep their focus on whats important and trying to enjoy their season.  I know that most of the Seniors are not going to let this ruin their Senior year and they back Neuman and the other coaches 100% as they should.
  21. [font=Times New Roman]Dionte may not be in the leader position yet as far as leading this team personally.  He is the leader as far as being quarterback but he will learn a lesson from this incident about being a better leader all the way around.[/font]
  22. I can only speak for my kid and he busts his a-- to play.  He doesnt play because he is a coach's favorite, he plays because he works hard and gets the job done.  If the coaches only played their favorites we would never win.
  23. To "The Boys Mom"... not sure what you meant by saying is everyone held to those rules or just some???  I get so tired of hearing how people think the coaches just play their favorites or show some sort of favoritism. (Which is what I understood you to imply) Yeah Im sure they like some kids more than others but if they are going to win they have to have rules that apply to everyone. The kid that left was a starter.  I know Neuman did not want to loose him but when you let the kids run the team then your done.  I know these boys will work even harder to show the kid that left that they will do fine without him and Dionte will step up and learn a lesson from all this also.  I just know my kid likes both Dionte and Carson.  He will support whomever plays quarterback and do his best to help them do their job because its about the T E A M !
  24. In my opinion, you support your team and teammates No Matter What.... Its suppose to be all about the TEAM not one or two individuals opinions.  I'm sorry the boy decided he didnt want to work things out but I'm even more disapointed that his parents let him do this.  What is that saying??? That if you dont agree with a decision then just quit and go somewhere else??  Not only did he turn his back on Dionte but he inadvertanly turned his back on his other team mates who depended on him.  He doesnt have to like Diante but Im sure Coach Neuman did what he is suppose to do and get the players together to work out their differences, but ultimately its up to him and his staff who plays & who doesn't.  
  25. All of Nederland as well as everywhere else is deeply saddened by this tragedy.  What an honor it has been to watch Reggie play for the last several years against our team.  Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and the whole WOS community. 
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