Bernie, could not agree with you more. Lets get rid of a coach who took the job when he knew we were going to 4A and did not have a shot. Also, the coach who has taken us to the playoffs for two years straight, will be three next year, and was on the staff for I believe 2 years when they went to the playoffs before. How many Huffman coaches can you name that have been to the playoffs 4 times in Huffman? I have been around Huffman for a long time and have seen coaches come to Huffman to try to use it as a stepping stone. Now we have a coach who seems like he wants to be here and we have people wanting him to leave. I use to sit on the Huffman side during games and all I hear from certain people is that this kid should be playing before this kid. My question to you is do you go to every practice and see what goes on? Do you see the kids who never get in at practice because they would rather stand at the back and talk? I used to be the same way and wondering why certain kids were not playing when a coach was here in the late 90's, and then I started going to practice and I realized that some kids are just happy to wear a jersey and make no attempt to get in. Then come Friday nights they want to play so bad they cannot stand it. To Coach Mac and the whole coaching staff good luck on Saturday. To the kids enjoy the moment you are in and make the most of it. Many people play 4 years of high school football and never get to see the playoffs. To the people who do not believe in the kids or coaches at Huffman then you are not a true fan N-E-ways.