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Everything posted by goodsport

  1. Liked the opening statement. Didn't like the Lum and HF score but hey you are entitled to your opinion.
  2. Like my mama always said believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see. For damn sure nothing what you read in a message board! :D
  3. This is going to be a great game.
  4. Choo-Choo cuga cuga Choo-Choooooo. Get ready I can hear it comin.
  5. Heard That the Liberty Wal-Mart store has reordered and triple stocked tissue. Seems that they are still trying to keep up with all the crying at Dayton for the lost to Lumberton last year.
  6. maybe you can come counsel us.... I'll write you down for week 11. You oughta be free about 7:00 right? J/K Man don't get mad. I know the truth hurts. I'm sorry. Truely, I really feel bad for you guys.
  7. I Think they can't get over The district lost to Lumberton that meant something. So this is the only way they can get their fix on a win in a scrimmage. I feel sorry the people in Dayton, bronco1, and anybody else here from Dayton. They do have counselors or therapist for that matter to help you get over that hump in the road. God Bless, and best of wishes, My prayers are with you
  8. This is the week we have all been counting down to! For all the SETXsports members that have children in school, GOOD LUCK TO THEM! GOOD LUCK to all the young men who will be doing their best every play and the coaches that will be having an ever lasting impact on their lifes in both the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. I have been watching the Bronco Friday Night Lights 2007 DVD over and over. What a season the Bronco fans were treated to last year, hopefully this year the Bronco's season will last one more game. The National Anthem will be played by hundreds of high school bands across the state of Texas in the 7:00 hour this Friday. LET THE SEASON BEGIN To close this post I would like to share some memories I have of growing up in Port Neches during the 70's and the memories I have now of watching the junior high kids I teach grow up as students in Dayton High School. All of us should be very thankful for the coaches and teachers that are responsible for what we see on the field each week. MY TOP TEN FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS MEMORIES! 1. What was the first song I learned as a student in PN-G? You are my sunshine The memories I have of that song being played in front of tens of thousands during the 1970's playoff runs, still gives me goose bumps today. 2. Playing football during the summer as a young kid and wanting to be not Roger Staubach or Tony Dorsett, but George Micheals (the PN-G wide receiver). 3. Being in Texas Stadium in 1977 along with 49,000 plus Plano and PN-G fans. It is still the most attended football game in Texas. 4. The game I remember the most at the Reservation was the 1980 PN-G vs TJ game. Dodge and Duhon prevailed that game 14 to 13, but what a game. I never will forget the thousands of people standing along the fence line. Probably one of the largest crowds to watch a football game at the Reservation. 5. The school wide pep rallies we had when I was an elementary student before the playoff games. They would play twinkle twinkle little star over and over on the school PA system. The boys would dance around like the Indian Spirit and the girls would do the cheerleader, Indianette, or twirler dance to the song. We were only in third and fourth grade, but we knew the routines at that young of an age. 6. I was going into high school when BISD was forced to integrate, I remember the turmoil of closing down South Park and Hebert and all the upset parents and students. West Brook winning state in their first year was a present from the heavens for the kids and adults of Beaumont. 7. The Marching Q. No other band has an ending to their halftime that compares to the Marching Q. 8. Being an employee here in Dayton (sucks) and watching what has happened to this community with the success of the high school football program. Some say it is only a football game, but the resulting impact of a successful varsity football program can not be underestimated. Coach Stewart has done more than build a successful over all athletic program here in Dayton, he has helped Dayton ISD become better. 9. My first classroom rule is ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. To here a Bronco player running off the field and as he passes me while I am videoing and says "Please no more". PRICELESS!!! 10. Finally, last season two big games. When Dayton put up 63 points on my arch rival Bulldogs in Nederland, what a game. If only the Bronco Band could have played Cherokee (just once) it would have been the icing on the cake, and the Bronco lost to Lumberton in the first game of district. What an AWEsome finish to the game. You got my 10 all time memories, why don't you share some, either as an adult, student, or athlete. The memories that will be made on Friday Nights this year, is what it all comes down to! GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE TEAMS AND.... Please no more!!!
  9. Oh man! you should have never said that BC by 7. you gonna have 7mary3 all over you now. He is a flip flopper though and my just join you for awhile.
  10. Hey COOP! By the way whats up with the weather today? Is it going to stay like this all day?
  11. What you going to pump them on your handle bars. ;D
  12. Okay. Will he be in the middle of the set screaming and hollering what he wants to say? Its just a joke Coop.
  13. You spelled your ride wrong. That's T R I C Y C L E and get daddy to fix it for you.
  14. Do you think D. hooks is going to stand in the middle of the studio to say what hes got to say?
  15. :'( :'( :'( Are you mad because I won't let you on the L-TRAIN. Well I tell ya what. nah. That first step up to the L-TRAIN is a big one you may hurt yourself. You better just stay off and go play with your tricycle.
  16. Man almost sounds like you want to jump on the L-TRAIN its going to cost you a lot to get back on. Thats what happens when you say bad things.
  17. So it is funny to you that ya'll got rolled over in a scrimmage, because that is what happened. Based on what happened Sat. I won't be expecting a whole lot of district wins either. I won't say that ya'll don't have talent on the field because you do, but it seems one demensional right now. Lumberton has some hosses on the field there is no doubt. Saying your team is good means no more than a scrimmage score, you have to prove it on the field. That didn't happen Saturday, first string, second string, what ever the case. By the way I have the utmost respect for the Lumberton players and coaches. They made a good run last year and they always play hard, the majority of the flack that the team catches is due to a few dimwitted fans who spout off dumb comments and rediculous claims. We all have'em L-Town just seems to have a few more than everyone else. I'm actually kind of bummed over the SCRIMMAGE. I was really hoping the L-Train would have showed up yesterday but man it wasn't even close. I'm talking every faucet of the game went in Dayton's favor. Anyway's I'm through with the Lumberton posts for now. Good luck L-trolly, it's going to be a long season. Thank you. Because like I said you have been kicked off the L-Train. Don't come crying and try to get back on later when things aren't going your way. This is not a bandwagon its the L-TRAIN baby.
  18. Now that was FUNNY! Now you just said something stupid. Great Job!!
  19. Are you kidding me? Why are you the only one that can't take some lil'ol trash talkn on a public forum. Every time I was on the forum last year all I had to read was that freakn'score from the Dayton/Lumberton game and all the trash talkn'about the loss that Dayton took, just a lil'payback from last year is all, not that I have to explain myself but apparently I have done well in striking a nerve. Gotta'love Texas High School Football. By the way the Lake Travis game wasn't a fluke like the Lumberton game was against Dayton (hitn'that nerve again huh?). Dayton was playing at the top of their game when they played Lake Travis and the BETTER team won and Lake Travis will probably win the state title again this year. Choo Choo ha ha ha ha ha ha.......see ya'll saturday morning again, how was this a fluke? never understood that? so it was only a fluke when we beat every beaumont team, NEDERLAND (11 year playoff streak SNAPPED) oh wait, not to mention.. LAMARQUE. can't it be that our team was better on that night? instead of a fluke.. give it up.. if y'all "win" this scrimmage, it will NOT make up for the fact that we handed ya'll ya'lls only district loss in 2 years! ;D ;D regardless of how you look at it! It always makes me giggle when you triangle folks use La Marque as a prop to bolster your programs but that's cool as it only assures me that you guys use our program as a measuring stick to gauge where you guys are in comparison. I respect that LM has won the state title. They were a good team. I have a video file to show you what happens when people show off in front of the crowd before the fight starts. Basically what happened when ya'll played Lumberton. If you want the file xLmCoog88 I'll send it to ya.
  20. I am right here waiting to see if you say anything stupid so I can hammer you.
  21. Don't jump on the L-TRAIN now. 3 post eailier you said we wouldn't win 2 district games. I have just kicked you off the train bye-bye.
  22. I would be very proud of my team when they win a SCRIMMAGE also. Okay you got your revenge back in a SCRIMMAGE. Hello! I can say this H-F put it to Lumberton last year in the SCRIMMAGE thay had. Then Lumberton did just fine the rest of the season. I don't know who Dayton SCRIMMAGE against, but they lost 2 non- district games and then the 1st district game of the season and they also did just fine the rest of the season. I could care less if dayton beat us down 100 to 0 in the SCRIMMAGE it doesn't mean #$@%. What I do hope is that Lumberton got a good pratice in and found what they need to work on for when it does count. I think Lumberton would let Dayton win all the SCRIMMAGES they want. The reason is as long as they get a good practice in.
  23. Whatcha want to hear? We lost a SCRIMMAGE.
  24. Oh God please help me. I'm not going to hear the end of this from my buddy at Silsbee. He has been talking trash about the Lum and Sils rematch seen the schdules came out.
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