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Everything posted by MIF04

  1. That was just one talented group of young men, not to mention just good guys. They will be fun to follow in the coming years !!!!
  2. Way to go Jake...we are all so proud with you !!!!
  3. Braeden Riley (INF/RHP) from Woodville verbally commits to Coach Mark Johnson and the Sam Houston Bearcats. Congrats to him and his family.
  4. Ferguson commit to Ole Miss. Murphy commit to Houston. Riley commit to Sam Houston.
  5. Flores and Harrington will be good. I suspect Nederland's staff will be good. I am not sure of the status of Jasper's pitching.
  6. A lot of good staffs off there: Schooling and McDonald at Silsbee Stringer and Meeks at Bridge City (Stringer will surprise some folks) Svoboda, Murphy and Serna at West Brook Those are just a few that come to me off the top of my head.
  7. Amen brother...just like the little train, "I think I can, I think I can..."
  8. A healthy Dishon and last year's team maybe....
  9. Jay Bruce was named to the 1st Team of Minor League All Stars by Baseball America. This is a team that includes players of all classifications (from A thru AAA). This is a great honor for a great guy.
  10. X-rays negative on Dishon. On crutches as precautionary measure until Wednesday. Should be 'good to go' come Friday.
  11. He is on crutches, and probably needs a precautionary xray tomorrow. It is also his homecoming game in his senior year. If at all possible, he's gonna play....
  12. Yeah....but you could get 2 for $2 at the end of the game !!!!
  13. BC's defensive did a wonderful job up from keeping pressure on Fazio (granted, when he did get a chance to throw, his guys were (a) wide open and ( had the same 'dropsies' that BC receivers have). Kudos to Cody Mills on a good game @ RB and Jeff Stringer @ QB, especially when Dishon was hurt. For Kelly, I thought they played very well on defense, especially LB Sean Bean (#40). That kid's a keeper. Lastly, lighten up on the announcer. He's a good guy just having some fun with it....
  14. 1. BC did a good job last week putting pressure on Kelly QB. That's the good news. The bad news is, when they didn't, their receivers were generally open (more good news for BC last week: Kelly's receivers are as bad as BC's at catching the ball). 2. Agree the intensity will be big. The loser of this game (realistically) is in a huge hole when it comes to making the playoffs because both have WOS, Silsbee, K-ville and Jasper ahead. 3. Status of Dishon's ankle is big key for BC. 4. If Dishon plays, I like BC by 10 or more. If not, we'll call it a pick 'em game.
  15. Well, without breathing too hard.... (1) Ferguson and Murphy at West Brook are both middle infielder, both have major D1 scholarships. Riley at Woodville will have a significant D1 scholarship as a middle infielder.. Hart at Jasper -- only a junior. (2) Beyond that, Gardiner at Ozen, Roebuck at HJ (I know he played more OF last year but was SS at frosh and should move back this season with graduation -- a very good player), Bolton at BC and Barrera at BH. Again, not a knock on Bunner because he's a good player but he falls in the group in paragraph 2, not paragrph 1. And I have seen all of them play. Plus...there may be some others out there. These are just the ones of the top of my head.
  16. First, I think Vidor is a very interesting team in that district. You cannot simply pencil in Nederland, PNG, and LCM (pick the order) and say 'there's your playoff teams'. I think both Vidor and Ozen have a chance to squeeze in as a playoff team. Both teams have good coaches and a good core of talent that is maturing. Whether those teams have the depth is another matter. I would take issue before we crown the Vidor SS as the best player in the area...While he might be 1 of the top 5 or 6 middle infielders out there, I can think of 3 or 4 very quickly I'd take before him. That's no knock on him...he's a good player, but I'm not sure he's ready for that crown....
  17. I think it is gonna be a long year for WOS. (1) They weren't that good last year. (2) They lost their 2 best pitchers. (3) Re-alignment has made their district much tougher with the addition of Silsbee and Jasper, along with Bridge City. The new coach is a good guy and will do the best he can with what he's got. He better have a lot of patience and a sense of humor....
  18. Not a loaded question at all. I just wanted to know.
  19. This is actually a very good question. Few teams in Texas lost as much talent as has LCM due to graduation. The '06 edition of the Bears was one of the most talent-laden teams this area has put out. They do return starting C Jake Rowell, a legitimate middle of the order hitter but the rest of this team is a question mark. This entire district could become very competitive. Nederland returns the most quality varsity starters, although losing an ace like Matison Smith leaves a big gap. PNG, like LCM, loses a lot of talent including their top 4 pitchers. Flores returns, as does starters Carnahan and Hearn but losing a rotation of Harwood, Powell, Mire and McInnis is tough to replace. I keep thinking Ozen is a team on the verge on making a run in this district, same with Vidor. Lumberton will probably remain the same players/parents vs. coach they have traditionally been and Central, quite frankly, doesn't have enough talent 1-9 to compete. I really don't know how everyone's JV squads did last year so that will obviously have an impact, especially at LCM and PNG.
  20. Did anyone go out and watch any of this?
  21. Odds are Lamar will miss this one.......just a statistical hunch.
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