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Posts posted by MIF04

  1. SE Texas Sun Devils opened tournament play at the LA All Star Classic in Baton Rouge. The Devils went undefeated until Sunday when they played a 14 inning, 2-2 tie. That ended the tourney. Members of the Devils that played that weekend:

    Wes Schneider

    Bobby Armstrong

    Braden Riley

    Tim Ferguson

    Charles Schwarzlose

    Matthew Serna

    Mark Serna

    Keko McGallion

    David Murphy

    Hunter Cervenka

    Clayton Ehlert

    Jake Rowell

    Matison Smith

    Jon Carnahan

    Mitchell Todd

    Johnny Dishon

    Cameron Campbell

    Jason Fuqua

    I think that's all that played this weekend. This coming week, the team is in Houston then off to Austin, followed by East Cobb, Georgia.

    Five players were invited to this week's Area Code tryouts at Baylor (Hunter Cervenka, Johnny Dishon, Tim Ferguson, David Murphy and Mark Serna). Cervenka, Dishon and Ferguson survived the first cut and played in the closing game. Final roster for Texas Rangers announced in 2 weeks. Three players (Dishon, Ferguson and Cervenka) are at U. of Arkansas for National Showcase/AFLAC All-American Tryouts. Rosters announced later this summer.

    Busy summer....again.

  2. Wonder why more of these local kids don't go to Lamar?

    That is a very good question...one of the best ever asked on this board.

    Lamar has established a pattern of seeing a lot of the 'top' talent go elsewhere. In part, that is due to their failure to actively/timely recruit that talent. For example, the 2 top talents in the 2006 class (Ehlert and Angelle) signed elsewhere and were not even recruited by Lamar until late.

    Take the year before (2005 class) -- the Ewing brothers from West Brook. James was not recruited by Lamar at all -- he was the starting 2B as a freshman, hit over .300 and helped the Razorback make the NCAAs. His brother (partially recruited by Lamar, but very late) Michael started as an OF from Southern Mississippi, led them in a number of offensive categories and they, too, made the NCAAs. Lamar? They again stayed at home.

    Not to say that Lamar has not signed talented kids. The Smith kid from Nederland is probably going to be quite a coup for them. Nevertheless, most (if not all) Lamar signs locally are players who 'settle' for LU instead of get recruited by them. They just don't do a good job. JMO.

    As far as McNeese, they made a good sign on the Haymon kid from BC. He is still gaining strength from his Tommy John surgery and projects to be quite a catch by his soph/jr seasons. I really like the 2 kids from Sulphur (Conrad and Simon). Conrad may very well develop into a top shelf D1 pitcher there. LSU got on him, but late (and then there was the coaching change) -- good sign for the Cowboys.

    If you want to change your recruiting results, maybe you need to change who/how you recruit. Again, JMO . . . .

  3. First, I appreciate the compliment but a lot of folks helped with this.

    Second, any stats came from the school stats and may or may not have been absolutely complete/accurate. We did try to verify, etc but (at the HS level) you have to trust some of your input. I don't think whether Ehlert tied for the team lead in HR or not would've impacted any of the results.

    Third, the process convinces me that there are a truckload of talented baseball players in SE Texas. We are most fortunate for that.

    Fourth, it less than 8 months until the first practice....

  4. First, Big Red 75 -- I was very careful not to express my opinion about what Kevin Angelle (or anyone else) should do. For that reason, it was your opinion...but most certainly not mine. I do have an opinion but I have not expressed it here (or, publicly, anywhere else). I just don't think its my place. I know that particular family well enough to express whatever opinion they may ask for ... and nothing more.

  5. First, congratulations to Kevin on being drafted (and to all the other kids as well). It is an honor for any Major League club to stand up and say "we want him". Of all the HS seniors, JUCO freshmen, JUCO sophs, college juniors and college seniors -- Kevin was in the Top 400 in the world. Not bad in anybody's book.

    Second, this will most likely be a 'draft and follow' situation for him. He'll go to San Jac and the Rangers can negotiate with him up until 48 hours (I believe) before next year's draft. If no luck, he would be eligible to re-enter the draft anew.

    As far as him going to Texas A&M vs. San Jac -- that's a personal decision for him and his family. What I might do (or anyone else might do) really doesn't matter. I could fill up pages on this board with my opinion on that subject but, again, it really doesn't matter. It is Kevin (and Connie and Lee's) call. I am sure the family is comfortable with their decision and now they'll just play their cards (no pun intended, BC fans) as they fall. I just hope they have been getting (or start getting) some good advice on these issues.

    Lastly, go get 'em today. Big game for Kevin and all the BC faithful.

  6. Sounds to me that it is a classic case of 'two wrongs don't make a right'. I am sure the Belt kid was out of line. He's a kid, a senior, he is about to be eliminated from the playoffs. He is an UT signee, a potential early round draftee and the best player on his team. No question he felt the pressure of the win and the loss all season. Did he act right? No. But the announcer is WAY out of line. He is an adult and is supposed to be relatively unbiased. To call out a teenager while hiding behind a microphone is simply wrong. JMO....

  7. After the 1st inning, Angelle was dominant. 1 infield hit (in the first) and 16 Ks. At point, he had 13 outs in a row by K. In fairness, Janak was fairly impressive as well. Good body, athletic and a little bit cocky. Really, BC did not hit the ball hard off of him. It couldv'e easily been 0-0 going to the 7th.

    Props to Brett Day for his 2 hits, including an infield hit beat out with a head first slide into the bag. Ditto to Troy Bolton and Kevin Angelle for adding 2 hits of their own. Rory Scales, Casey Jackson and AJ Hecker also had hits for the Cards.

    Big win. Again, pure dominance from Angelle. Columbus had 1 chance to get to him (in the first) and didn't. Lights out. End of story. Game (and series over).

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