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Everything posted by MIF04

  1. Several surprises: 1. I agree that Carnahan's omission is a surprise. No disrespect to the other guy, but Carnahan performed exceptionally well under very difficult circumstances. 2. I am surprised to see Aaron McFarland not included on this list. 3. I thought Vidor had the 1st team 2nd baseman from last year returning. What happened to him? Still, congratulations to the young men who did receive these honors. It is an achievement that lasts a lifetime.
  2. Way to go, Kevin...but let's win state first !!!!
  3. Agree...how does Bagley make 2nd team? Did he miss too many games? Not that Listi isn't deserving....he is. Just curious.
  4. I thought they played Columbus last year over at Spring Westfield. That is quite a hike from here (especially during the week). BC has graduation on Sat morning so that may impact the schedule, too.
  5. I think the thank you should go right back to Matison. Great kid, great player. He made his team better by not only being a great player but a great teammate. We were better having him....
  6. West Brook had the following 22-5A All District Selections: FIRST TEAM: 1b - John Michael Falgout (Sr.) 2b - Tim Ferguson (Jr.) SS - David Murphy (Jr.) OF - Mark Serna (Jr.) SECOND TEAM: 3b - Thad Lycan (Soph) OF - Bobby Armstrong (Jr.) P - Josiah Svoboda HON. MENTION: OF - Matt Calvert (Sr.) P - Marcus Doubt (Sr.) Congrats to these kids. Also congrats to Marcus Freeman (PA Memorial) who was named 2nd team SS.
  7. I agree that the teams played smart (as well as scared). While some may disagree with the term 'laying down', when you refuse to throw your best against the district's best, you are telling your kids 'we can't win'. And you shouldn't be surprised when you don't - I didn't mean to imply those kids didn't try. I think the kids played hard but the fact remains that it was a 'easy ride' thru district for BC. I think (and hope) that BH has woke up the 'sleeping giant'.
  8. I think the feeling is mutual. Being around Matison not only made our team better, but made US better. He's a great kid and his future is only going to get brighter. Thank you.
  9. Great year to Nederland. Props to Coach Robbins for taking a team that many thought would squeeze into the playoffs and not be a big factor...guess they proved us wrong, huh? This team is loaded for next year (especially if their pitching develops enough to replace Smith as their front guy). I also think that the 'Dogs success proves another point - it is always better to play a tough non-district schedule. They played in 3 highly competitive tourneys (and a very competitive district). By the time the playoffs hit, they were ready for that kind of pressure. Do we think they're the forerunner next season in 20-4A? Congrats on a great season. You always like the teams that achieve and over-achieve. Lot to be proud of down in Mid County.
  10. Well, the clock finally struck midnight for BH yesterday. It was actually a pretty good game (better than the 8-2 final). You just have got to give it up for the game Jeff Stringer pitched. It was just a bad time for BH's bats to go cold ('cuz they were ripping it in games 1 and 2). BC coulda/shoulda blown this game up early, leaving the bases loaded twice in the early innings. When Barrera came back and struck out the heart of BC's order with the bases juiced, I thought that might've been a turning point for BH - they just needed to put a run on the board and Stringer didn't let that happen. Obviously a big day for Casey Jackson with 2 bombs (along with HRs from Cody Sparks and Johnny Dishon). I still wonder about BC's defense. They were suspect all series long. That remains their 'achilles heel'. They also need Haymon to throw better than he did against BH (although I think the Eagles had a lot to do with that). I look forward to the Columbus series and am really hoping for a BC vs. Hudson matchup in the regional final (I think both coaches gotta throw Belt vs. Angelle). As far a windup for BH, they had a tremendous run through the playoffs by knocking off HF and Silsbee (2 really good teams) and taking BC to a 3rd game. Both BH and Huffman represented that district very well. BH has a lot of people coming back next year (including almost their entire pitching staff - I was really impressed with Hales {I've been watching him since he was 9 so seeing him develop has been a pleasure}). I want to add some props for their catcher (Campbell). I have seen him a few times this year and am very impressed with him. He is an excellent defensive catcher and (as BH's 4 hole) can swing the bat some (2 hits vs. Angelle, for example). The Eagles will compete right away in 4A. Good luck to BC. You picked a good time to play a really good game. The road to Austin continues....
  11. The point (I think) about BC being in a weak district has a lot to do with the fact that the other teams in their district played 'scared' against them. BC almost never saw anyone's #1 during the season because everyone else in that district played for 2nd/3rd place. There's nothing wrong with that (sometimes its better to be a penny wise instead of a pound foolish) but it did not help BC (and, again, that is not the other school's job). It is, however, a fact. The other schools simply laid down for BC.
  12. A superb year for the Falcons. Both Bagley and Listi are top of the line talents. They'll move to 4A and should be able to compete right away with the talent they have returning (and for a while after that as that area is booming). Again, congrats.
  13. I agree with Bears: I love this game....even when it hurts. Those kids have nothing to be ashamed of. A great season, a lot of guts....just needed 90 more feet.
  14. Close call on them bringing back Belt but I am sure they will (they have to for some period of the game). On the other hand, that kid is probably a round 2 draft choice (if he doesn't go to UT first) and that L arm is awful valuable. I just don't know what the situation is with him and his coaches. Fingers crossed for 2 games tomorrow for Huffman.
  15. First, a superb job by BH last night. I thought Hales threw extremely well, allowing 1 hit and striking out 13. Just a great job. He was in 1 jam (loaded the bases in the first on an error, Dishon's single and a walk and 1 out) and struck out the next two. Offensively, that was the ball game for BC. Second, BH swung the bats well. The big hit was the double by Loranger which pretty much sealed the deal in the 1st. The turning point (if there is a turning point in a 10-0) game was the misfire on the 1st and 3rd pickoff. Instead of 2 outs and a 1-0 game, it is 1 out and a 3-0 game. Haymon pretty much fell apart after that. His velocity was down 79-80 and his curve ball flat (his elbow was dropping all night). Still, BH flat out swung it and you gotta give credit where credit is due. Third, BH puts the ball in play and BC showed that, at best, they are average defensively. That does not bode well for the Cards in game 3. BH made 1 error (1st play of the night) but with 13 of the 15 outs by K you don't need to play much defense. Fourth, this game reminded me very much of an earlier blowout loss that BC suffered (9-0 to Nederland). Haymon was 'off' and got hit early, while Nederland threw a soph LHP who shut them down. Very similar game. Last, the season comes down to a Barrera vs. Stringer match up in game 3. Both pitchers can be very effective but there is an immense amount of pressure. Clearly, BH has momentum and the advantage that (if need be) they can use Hales to close out a late inning lead (his pitch count was fairly low last night). On the other hand, I doubt BC can use Angelle (he threw 130+ pitches on Thursday). Should be an interesting day in Baytown.... And for the record: 1. I am not a WOS fan (didn't go to school there, don't live there) - I do respect what Hooks has done there over his career and salute McCarter for taking basketball team to Austin this year. You guys should see all the PMs I got this season because I didn't think Sparks was the 2nd greated pitcher in SE Texas.... 2. I don't think, and never said, BH fans were ignorant. I may have disagreed with them (or they may have disagreed with me). 3. I just like baseball. I have followed it in this area for years. I don't think that makes me a 'baseball god'. It just makes me someone who is very interesting in the game. I am fan of the game. Sure, I have teams I 'like' better than others -- that makes me a fan. 4. And, I promise you -- whoever wins Saturday, I'll be rooting for them next week when they play Columbus/Hutto.
  16. Hudson gave up 13 runs to HJ in game 2 (just scored 18 to beat 'em). With Listi pitching, I don't think Hudson scores 18 so I look for this series to go to 3 games. At that point, it'll be a toss up and probably a high scoring game. Good luck Huffman.
  17. I also think Hales from BH deserves credit. He already was deserving but proved a lot tonight vs. BC. He has got to be in the mix.
  18. Jody has managed to sink to a new low (and that is, of course, saying a lot since he holds the web site's record for lows). His last post on this thread with his 'picture' demonstrates a lack of class that reflects poorly on everyone at BH. As a moderator, I take personal offense to that. He is entitled to his opinion about what constitutes bias (which he clearly defines as any opinion that does not heap praise upon BH). I'm not sure why he thinks every moderator on this board in biased but, again, I guess we don't blindly believe that BH athletics is the best in Texas. As far as the 'who is better?' -- Angelle or Bagley, I will bluntly state my opinion that Angelle is, by far, better. That doesn't mean on any given night one might 'perform' better than the other but, all in all, Angelle (again, my opinion) is better. He is a better HS pitcher and he is a more projectible pitcher at either the college or professional level. That doesn't mean Bagley is a bad pitcher. He isn't. He is, in fact, very good. So is Listi. I am sure Jody thinks they are good simply because they swept BH in district. Baseball America and Perfect Game both rank Angelle much higher than Bagley. Angelle is #192 in the country and Bagley is #587. Granted, there is no 'shame' in being the 587th best player in your graduating class for the entire country but...Angelle is nearly 400 slots better. I guess those 2 organizations are biased, too ?!?! Finally - SPECIAL NOTE TO JODY: "It is better to keep quiet and have people only think you're an idiot then opening your mouth and removing all doubt."
  19. Updated national rankings continue to include a # of local players: CLASS OF 2006 #189 - Harwood (PNG) #192 - Angelle (BC) #225 - Ehlert (LCM) #463 - Mire (PNG) #587 - Bagley (Huffman) #618 - Smith (Nederland) CLASS OF 2007 #83 - Dishon (BC) #179 - Ferguson (WB) Congrats to each of these young men.
  20. I repeat -- Lamar has gotten a steal with the signing of Smith. Keep it up 'Dogs....
  21. First, Griff has been very successful this year with Womack then Ehlert to close. Second, Brenham does have problems with LH pitching (Powell shut 'em down for 6 innings for PNG). Third, none of LCM's pitchers have gone over 90 pitchers so they are not set up for high pitch counts, complete games, etc. Remember, against Klein Oak,, Ehlert was dominant until the 5th when he gave up 4 or 5 runs and was tiring. Griff's thought process was right...it just didn't work out. And, remember, with the score at 4-3, the Bears left the bases loaded one inning and a runner on 3rd in another. They had their chances. Againt, it just didn't work out. This was a very good team, full of very talented players. It is a #$#% shame that they had to play through one of the toughest regions in recent memory. Those guys have nothing to hang their heads about. They represented their school, their district and themselves in an exceptional manner. They are to be commended. Great season, Bears !!!!
  22. Sorry I missed the game but reports on Angelle was that he was around 86 (velocity down) and fast ball was flat tonight. This came from 1 of the MLB scouts there so I take is as fairly accurate. With that being said, you still have to give credit to BH for battling back and making a good game of this. That's playoff baseball at its best. A game like this has several sub-plots. BH can be encouraged that they scored a bunch of runs against Angelle (off night or not). BC can be encouraged that Angelle had a bad night and they still won going away. You do have to give BC credit for this -- BH ties the score, has the momentum and BC responds by scoring 6 runs. I look for tomorrow night's game to be intense. I also think it will be interesting how both BC and BH respond. I do remember that BH was dowon 1-0 against Silsbee and that worked out for them OK in the end. I can't wait to get home and wait that one.
  23. Way to go Brett. Bet Rita and Oren are on cloud 9.....
  24. Way to go Nederland. I am guessing Matison Smith pitched one heckuva game. Any details? and how did Nederland score?
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