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Posts posted by MIF04

  1. Congratulations to both Huffman and BH on their good season, and good run through the playoffs.

    We had Huffman ranked ahead of Jasper...and Huffman won. A tough year for the Bulldogs who saw great expectations fizzle due to injuries, etc. As far as BH, they spend most of the year yo-yo'ing around HF and Silsbee. Silsbee deserved the higher ranking (in our view) as they were district champ. HF dropped at the end of the season and were a shadow of their early season success. We had Silsbee and BH neck and neck...and that is how their series played out. A 2-1 Eagles win in game 3.

    If the point is that there is some magic being east or west of the Trinity...I've missed it.

    And, I fail to see the point on whether BH is or isn't up to 4A numbers. They are 3A until August.

  2. Personally, I think David Huggins at Kelly would be a great fit there. He played HS at Lumberton, so he is 'local'. He had an outstanding college career at both Gal. Comm. College and then McNeese before playing in the professional ranks. He is a pitcher and is one of the most knowlegeable people around about that. He is young and energetic and has taken Kelly to the playoffs both years he was there. Plus, he has handled the parents at Kelly so he has some experience in that area. Just a suggestion.... IF he'd take the job.

  3. Somebody could turn that job into a gold mine, so to speak:

    1. It is a great baseball district. You play and coach against some of the best in the State.

    2. Lumberton has enough tax base to financially support a committment.

    3. Their younger age groups have been fairly successful so help is on the way to the HS program.

    4. It would also be a great spring board -- you do good there, in that district and you can move up (although I'm not sure you'd want to after doing all that).

    If they do it right, Lumberton should have a # of top applicants to choose from.

  4. Pitching wise, I would add Harwood (PNG) to that mix. You may see some of those guys show up in another position. For example, Powell could be a 1st teamer as a pitcher or as an OF. You could also slot either Mire or McInnis in the DH role.

    Beyond pitchers, I would think Mosley (NED) would garner some consideration as an OF while Laird (NED) would merit some consideration (although it appears the midd le infield is already selected). McFarland (NED) could also be a possible DH selection. I would also think Gardiner (OZEN) may have some support.

  5. I confess to being 'old school' on this issue....

    First, parents should teach their children respect for their country, their flag, etc. I am in complete disagreement with that. How they line up during the National Anthem during 1 of their team's games, however, is another thing.

    I was at the LCM-BC game and noticed it (and even commented about it to a couple of the other parents). That is how noticeable it was. LCM stood in a straight line, hats off, arm behind their back. Maybe it is a small detail, and maybe it doesn't affect how wins or loses a game BUT it is that attention to detail that (in my mind) sets Griff apart from other coaches. The difference between LCM and BC during those few moments was obvious.

    Again, did it make a difference? Who played better that night? Who was the more disciplined team? Who made less mistakes, and who made less critical mistakes? And, who won?

    I again confess both my age and 'old school-edness' (see, I invented a word). I just like hearing the anthem before a baseball game. And I like seeing that tradition respected. That may not make Griff the best coach but it certainly demands my respect.

    "And the home of the brave........."

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