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Posts posted by BrenhamFan

  1. [quote name="Kvillecatz" post="813814" timestamp="1277013064"]
    [quote author=Wildcats#1 link=topic=68914.msg813810#msg813810 date=1277011773]
    Kville Vs. WHO???? ...Who is Vidor?? lol Kville is takin this one Big With my Boy Aaron Breed Takin my Spot for Mext Year and Ford Will rush for over 150 on them Guranteed

    ;D Its gonna get ugly real quick :D  

    Dem boyz want know what hit em  

    Yall better make sure you win, or there will be enough crow for a buffet!  If you do win, I guess next year, y'all deserve to go to the next level of 20-4A opponents. (LCM or Nedereland)  If you get past that, 2 years from now, try Central or PNG.
  2. Hope y'all got some room for a little green in that sea of purple...  I'll be there supporting region 3 and rooting for you Indians.  (After we take care of Huntsville on Friday of course). Thanks for the ticket info.  Last year when we played in the classic, they had a cheaper rate at certain hotels for people attending the classic.  Do you know if they're doing the same thing?  If so, which hotels?
  3. [quote name="Jackthehammer" post="813695" timestamp="1276907717"]
    [quote author=liltex link=topic=70341.msg813691#msg813691 date=1276906522]
    I believe He's coming to promote the Dave Campbell Classic games @ the Alamodome-PNG vs.Gregory Portland etc.and this stop is not about why or why not a team's not ranked in the top 25.Signing of the magazine is a xtra gesture and promo for the magazine.If he'd make a pit stop in Bronco country along the way they'd prolly have a parade ;) 8) ;D
    I will buy his mag give him my money and if work permits Ill go see him. But that mag still bears his name on it. I talked to one of his guys last year and got some clarity from him. The rest I'd like to hear what old DC has to say. Great for PNG getting to play in the game. They probably deserve it. Central also deserves some credit for what they have done.

    We played in the 3rd game last year of the kickoff classic and beat Mayde Creek.  Who knows, maybe if you can pull off a win in that game like we did, you will have the same luck and success we had last season.  (untill we meet up of course)  ;)
  4. [quote name="ForeverADog" post="813676" timestamp="1276901191"]
    Liltex, valid points but I saw every team in district last year except for Livingston and watched PNG 3 times. Just watching him, Doty, had great pocket presence, superior accuracy, and unlike a lot of the qb's I saw he had the ability to somewhat read a coverage. I'm not even looking at the stats to see how he compares you can just tell by watching him.

    Couldn't put it better...  The kid just stands out.
  5. [quote name="liltex" post="813518" timestamp="1276864633"]
    LR1969 the post meant I would not do it for money.I draw a military disabled compensation so it would all be for fun as I was responding to a post by Bigdog asking if I was volunteering.Sorry if this upsets you and I'm sorry you have struggles of your own.Being alumni @Dayton from the 60's I can tell you we've had to earn our spot in the headlines yet a state title still evades us that says how hard the game really is.

    I heard that...  Were still looking for our first one. 
  6. This is ridiculous...  The ref in in the Germany game just gave Klose his second yellow card in only the 36th minute.  It's the 5th yellow card this game.  Two minutes later Serbia goes up 1-0.  It's truely sad to see a game being decided by a ref, instead of the players.  Especially when your losing probably your best player for more than a game and half.  In the 46th minute, Germany just got a rebound off a corner and hit the crossbar with a rocket from about 16 yards out.  Then that shot is followed by a bicycle from about 10 yards away....which would've been in, if not for the defender by the post.  Even the announcers agree how bad calls have been.  Especially, sending Klose off.
  7. [quote name="downgoesfrazier" post="813461" timestamp="1276824243"]
    Brenhamfan, with that talent Brenham has coming back, anything less than a championship should be a disappointment for yall.  Do you think Brown ends up at UT?

    You got that right.  If you lose the title game and bring back that much talent i'm sure that's how a lot of people see it.  Remember we had to pull off back to back second half come backs just to get that far though.  Those same 2 teams look really good this year too, so who knows.  As far as Malcolm Brown goes, i'll have to do some digging and ask around but it's very possible if he continues to work and train hard that he could end up a longhorn.  He has the size, and deep playoff runs just add more experiance against some of the best talent Texas has to offer.  If he goes there, I agree, he will probably be the second Malcolm Brown there.   
  8. [quote name="badndn" post="813338" timestamp="1276789941"]
    [quote author=Jduncan1 link=topic=70576.msg813336#msg813336 date=1276788915]
    Forney ????? Please give me reasons why he is the best in 20 4a
    Not hard to argue when you look at the numbers he put up and wins he helped them to!
    Completed 55% of his passes for 941 yards, 11 TDs and only 4 Ints in only 4 games of which they went 3-1.
    Forney 235 yds / 2.75 tds / 1 int per game and comleted 55%. Looks pretty good to me.
    Doty 163 yds / 1.25 tds / 1 int per game and completed 56%. Of course PNG had a stout running game and Nederland did not.
    Gonzo 164 yds / 1 td / 1.1 ints per game and completed 53%. He also rushed for 400 yds and 12 tds. The better athlete yes, not best QB. I saw them play several times and as a QB he really didn't throw the ball down field much at all. Most of his passes where the WR screen to Sonnier.
    Hughes 164 yds / 1.3 tds / 0.6 ints per game and completed 53%. He also ran the ball well.


    It's not always about stats though.  Theres alot of other things that factor in.  Like you said, PNG had a good running game, and it's easier to keep your stats high over just a couple games, compared to a whole season, who is more clutch, leadership, etc.
  9. I'm ready for round 3, as i'm sure both teams are as well.  I can't wait till August 27th...(to see the blue bell churn before we kick off, or atleast that's what PNG named it) Pretty catchy, I liked it.  Still waiting to hear some more of those jokes about how we'll have to name a flavor after them if they beat us. :D
    How's Dayton looking?
  10. [quote name="A Bear's Bear" post="813130" timestamp="1276711778"]
    [quote author=LTrain link=topic=70211.msg812256#msg812256 date=1276472592]
    Because thats what the post is about, its a comparison opinion between the 2 QB's

    Well I'm going to hijack this post if that's the way you're gonna be...who's better; Ryan Hughes or Brennan Doty or Hunter Gonzales?

    Ty Schlottmann isn't bad either if that's how were doing this thread, but as a qb, I have to pick Brennan Doty.  We completely shut Harmon down last year, (he had single digit rushing yards) and Doty's leadership and accuracy kept them in the game.  A game that looked like a runaway at halftime.(20-0)  Pretty impressive for an underclassman in that big of a game.  If he can put on a little bit of weight, he should easily find himself on a couple recruiting list.  
  11. In the magazine he list PNG as #1 out of his 5 dark horse picks.  I guess that DC's version of others receiving votes...Three out of the five are from region 3. (Stratford is #3 & Crosby is #4)

    "Bent on Revevenge"
    Stephenville @ Aledo, Week 0
    Brenham @ Waller, Week 5*
    Beaumont Central @ PNG, Week 10* 
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