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Everything posted by Dottie

  1. I don't know all the details of what happened here.. I'm beginning to get the "picture" though.. . the fact is that OOC and Shockers both had plenty of talented girls on the team.. adding in a couple here and there from other girls and you'll have two very strong teams from the golden triangle with Blast and Shockers. So let go of the what ifs and focus and the what is... my daughter will be on one of these teams.. they both want her and we will decide tonight.. either way, she'll be on an amazing team full of incredible talent from this area! And I'll be proud of both teams no matter what. There are too many girls to be one team between them.. that would mean a lot of bench sitting for serious talent. I don't think anyone wants that. So whichever team your daughter ends up on between these two.. she can't lose.
  2. Okay.. enough already. This whole discussion started because of an ugly comment made by the parent in question which by the way was pointed at MY daughter! I commented about it because MY daughter saw it and was hurt by the comment. That was what started this whole thing spinning out of control. The parents in question can say what they want about the coaching staff of this team but actions speak louder.. the ugly comment and pulling their daughter after saying they would if she didn't start the pitching in bracket games show different. Big Daddy, you admit you do not know the coaching staff of this team and therefore truly have no say in this. You are stating things you know NOTHING about. Let me tell you about the coaching staff of this team.. they are fair, work hard at teaching and YES they TEACH the girls skills. Certainly all of the pitchers have their own pitching coaches but as anyone who has played softball for awhile knows,  not all girls are afforded the opportunity to pitch and these coaches afford that to ALL  of their pitchers which only helps to make them better. The girls are thriving and getting better every week due to them. And they are dedicated to this team. I've seen a lot of teams where girls were put into positions they shouldn't be simply because they were the coaches daughter.. one of the coaches daughters is a pitcher and she doesn't pitch the majority of the time because he's not playing favorites. He's doing what is best for the TEAM. These girls get excellent coaching and the comments made to the contrary were sour grapes. Should some of the posts have been made ... no probably not and I'm sure they were done in the heat of the moment without thinking and once they thought about it they removed them. The parents in question are good parents and their daughter is an excellent player. I love her and we miss her terribly. But this didn't happen due to bad coaching... it was for entirely different reasons. To knock the coaching staff of this team is to knock the team. IF the coaching was so bad these girls would not be doing as well as they are and they certainly wouldn't be improving regularly. And I for one as someone who DOES know the coaching staff and the parents in question am a little tired of those not on the inside making ridiculous comments that they have no basis for. And yes, the girls on this team might see the comments which again are a knock at them as well as their coaches and just plain wrong. If this is truly all about the girls lets move on. I for one am extremely proud of these girls and their coaches for the incredible job they're doing.
  3. Epic it was.. I didn't think it was ever going to end and I believe it ultimately came down to which pitcher needed the bathroom break worse  :D The girls all played amazingly! I'm so proud of both teams and just wish the game had been earlier in the day so more people could have seen it! The girls from both teams deserve a huge ovation! They are truly great kids. Can't wait to see them play each other again! Coaches from both teams also deserve recognition for the outstanding job they're doing with those girls. I for one and proud my daughter is a part of OOC and thrilled she has the coaches she does. She is growing with this team everyday in ways we only imagined. And just think.. the season hasn't even officially started good! lol It's gonna be FUN!
  4. EXCELLENT!! Congratulation girls! I'm proud of you.
  5. Thank you Coach! I really didn't think it was someone from your team. But I'm glad to know for sure that it wasn't. I probably wouldn't even have posted a response except the pitcher in question read this and was quite hurt by it. I'll show her this in the morning.. it will make her feel better. Looking forward to seeing your team again, they are a great bunch of girls. Thank you again!
  6. hmmm... on that "crow hopping" thing... I've watched a LOT of pitchers in this division almost all of them "hop" at some point. Pitchers from EVERY team did that night on that field. When I asked our pitcher why she was doing that as it's not something she has ever done before.. she said "because there was a hole I was trying not to hit". I think it's kind of sad really to feel the need to call a child out on a concept (crow hopping) they do not even understand at this level. Especially when they ALL do it. But I suppose when a pitcher can't be shaken in any other way trying to do so by having the umpire's go at her is simply a last resort. Albeit a sad resort.
  7. The girls looked great! They're only getting better... can't wait till next weekend!
  8. I hate that I missed the game.. looking so forward to seeing them play in two weeks! Gonna bring the camera and get tons of action shots! They are looking SO good!
  9. CONGRATULATIONS girls!! You are becoming a real force and I am so proud of you all!! Keep it up!
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