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Posts posted by mfbarnes52

  1. Question asked the coach in an interview.....

    Interviewer: Let me throw some stats at you....the last four games, you have outscored our opponents 214 - 34.  That averages out to four 54 - 9 victories.  Over those same games, you are averaging 435 yard of total offense, and giving up just 174 yards to the opposition.  What has to be pleasing to you though is that when you break the yardage down, we are 40% pass and 60% run over that period.  No doubt it would be a lot closer to 50% - 50% if the games had not been blowouts.  Is your goal to be a 50% run / 50% pass team? And my final question...the Crosby game.  Now it will be their turn for revenge, and I am sure that is motivating them.  What are your thoughts on playing this team twice in the same season?  The Bears seemed to have improved greatly since your Game 1 victory over Crosby. I am not sure that they can say the same after finishing the year at 4 - 6.  Despite their victory over Nederland last Friday night, they finished up their regular season with three straight District losses, getting outscored 117 - 58. Any Thoughts?

    "There are many different types of offenses you can employ.  Some are weighted heavy toward the run and others toward the pass.  With our offensive scheme, it is very important to be balanced, not so much in the number of runs versus pass, but in run and pass yards.  Every year I have been here, we have run for more yards than we have passed for, but in our most successful years we have struck a pretty good balance.  As you progress in the playoffs, and play better and better teams, they are going to be able to take something away from you.  When they do, you better have something else to turn to. Secondly, it is rare you play the same team twice in one season and especially three times in 12 months. However, I don’t think it makes that big of a difference.  When we beat Crosby earlier this year, they still had at least nine more games to play.  When they beat us last year we turned in our equipment.  I think the incentive is large on both sides.  Don’t be fooled by their record either.  They lost to some very good teams, four of whom are still in the playoffs.  We on the other hand only have one team that we beat that is still alive...Crosby!  They are a very talented team and it should prove to be an outstanding game."     Coach John Bolfing
  2. Montgomery played Huntsville @ Buddy Moorehead Stadium in Conroe TX last Saturday night, and the Huntsville fan turnout was pathetic. What the heck is wrong with these people? They had a group of really good kids, that busted their bitts and made it to the playoffs. They were playing less than 30 miles from home and less than 200 people show up at a great venue? Huh really? It was really sad to see the empty stands across the way, and Montgomery had some fans sitting on that side because the Home side filled up. I just don't get it.

    People get off your butts and support your kids. They put out the dedication to play a tough sport, make the grades to qualify to play, and stay out of trouble, and make the decision to do the right thing and not be out running the streets and getting into bad situations, or worse, and as a parent you can't get out and support your kids? Jeez it pisses me off to see it.

    Okay vent over.....
  3. Lights Out, full contact, frenzy........ Friday Night, all in the name of hometown pride. Being able to go back in time, to the place where you felt you had life by the tail. Seeing all those faces you've known for years, sharing family time and friends. Crap food, popcorn and a cold A&W Root Beer. Cruising the drive-in till after midnight, and then you wake up and you're back in 2010.........
  4. [img]http://www.hometeamsonline.com/photos/football/MONTGOMERYFOOTBALL/photo1283645551381.jpg[/img]

    Simply put:

    First Quarter Summary:
    Crosby (6:43) Merka 14 yd TD run
    Crosby (6:43) PAT good
    Montgomery (2:54) Dobbins 4 yd. TD run
    Montgomery (2:54) PAT good Talbot
    Montgomery (1:43) Dobbins 20 yd TD run
    Montgomery PAT good Talbot
    Crosby (:00) Merka 7yd. TD run
    Crosby (:00) PAT failed
    Second Quarter Summary:
    Montgomery (10:50) Bolfing 20 yd. TD run
    Montgomery (10:50) PAT good Talbot
    Crosby (4:49) 40 yd. FG good
    Third Quarter Summary:
    Crosby (10:38) Merka 12 yd. TD run
    Crosby (10:38) PAT good
    Montgomery (10:26) Dobbins 71 yd. TD run
    Montgomery (10:26) PAT good Talbot
    Montgomery (6:04) Dobbins 17 yd. TD run
    Montgomery (6:04) PAT failed
    Montgomery (3:45) Dobbins 1 yd. TD run
    Montgomery (3:45) PAT good Talbot
    Montgomery (1:53) Bolfing 39 yd. TD pass to Peppe
    Montgomery (1:53) PAT good Talbot
    Fourth Quarter Summary:
    Montgomery (9:45) House 30 yd. TD run
    Montgomery (9:45) PAT good Talbot
    Crosby (4:52) 3 yd. TD run
    Crosby (4:52) PAT good
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