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Everything posted by 40oz.

  1.   We are still looking for one or two more 12U girls wanting to play at Higher Level.  We are in need of a Catcher and or Out Fielder. we practice every Sunday at the Bridge City Little League fields. We have open pracices  feel free to come see if you have what it takes? Or contact me Coach: Al 718-6814
  2. well let me tell you what i mean exactly by playing dirty. when a player on the other team get fouled on perpouse one of the Legacy girls proudly said i am glad i hurt that girl she desirves its.  and for the s.p. boys they dont play dirty its call bein good and having the skill to play basketball and play fierce wit all your energy.
  3. The coachs name is Marci Anderson she also coaches the softball team
  4. very rough game between these two teams... one team played with heart the other played dirty. Though the dirty team won keep your heads high s.p. your game is improving.
  5. well truthfully the 1A classifaction is important it.  Your whole team is made up of every girl that tryed out because you need to fill a spot and at a 3A there is a real pick who is good kind of try out..
  6. 3A vs. 1A .... should i say anymore why in the world should the BC coach press Sabine the whole game. We all knew what the out come would be. That was an unreasonable rub in the face.
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