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Everything posted by geauxbroncos

  1. Beard and Hanna did run the ball hard....they had to because there were not very many holes for them. And I did not see ANY speed from Lumberton at the scrimmage....Size-from the way it looked today the size they (Lumberton) play smaller than they are...athletes... maybe but they were clearly out classed today. As for the Dayton players knowing the play they were going to run before they ran it. I am sure that Dayton coaches like to prepare to play a scrimmage the same way that you prepare to play a game. It is probably a good idea. Kids learn how to implement game plans etc... With all that I still think Lumberton will be fine. They have good coaches and kids who have gained an expectation for winning. That is always half the battle. Once they get their line playing mroe physical they will be able to run the ball better and keep the pressure off the QB...Good luck to the Raiders and the Broncos
  2. Yes it is a big deal and the nature of the beast like dickiev said. However the NCAA fuels this beast by making the evaluation period for college coaches alomst all summer long. There was a segment during the final four and one of the people interviewed said that the high school program was no longer important in the recruitment of basketball players. AAU ball has replaced the high school team....many of these AAU teams are funded by large corporations and these corporations (mostly shoe and apparel companies) want to see a return on their investment...so they publicize these kids to the media...The NCAA could change the whole scene by not allowing the summertime to be the evaluation period.... The college coaches would not like this because they are busy during the season and the big tournaments draw the best players from all over the country into one place. Coaches used to have to work and beat the bushes so to speak to find players, now all they have to do is go to a few tournaments...The media also likes the tournaments because they get to cover the best of the high school ranks all at one place.
  3. He really should get some 1st team all district consideration. He has played tremendously for Dayton.
  4. from the UIL WEBSITE look it up yourself if you want. [Hidden Content] Section 28: DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (i) RESPONSIBILITIES. In addition to those responsibilities found elsewhere in the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules for a district executive committee, it shall have the following responsibilities: ...... (5) Notification of Appeals. The district executive committee shall make appeals in writing to the Chair of the State Executive Committee, through the UIL Director. (6) Determination of Tie Breaker Process. The district executive committee shall determine in writing prior to a contest’s season the method to determine the district representatives in the event two or more schools are tied in win-loss percentages. This clearly states that the rules for tiebreaker are to be set up before the beginning of the contest's season. NOT in a 2:30 meeting on the day of the last game. No one from Dayton wants to take ANYTHING away from Lumberton. The manner in which the rules were changed is what is is wrong. We have no beef with playing whoever is set out in front of us that was NEVER the issue. No one is crying about playing Crosby. We are ticked about the way the rules are interpreted by the DEC One more thing.... ALL YOU FOLKS WHO SAY HEAD TO HEAD determines the outcome of the seeding answer this question. Last year in basketball Dayton and Central had the SAME record at the end of the year. However DAYTON had beaten Central 2 times in head to head competition. But, the 22-AAAA executive committee decided that a coin flip was necessary to determine the seeding for the teams. NOT HEAD TO HEAD. Why is it that when the head to head competition worked in favor of a Dayton team that head to head did not matter, but when head to head worked against a Dayton team head to head results mattered?? I know that they are different sports but the scenario was the same.
  5. Ok here you go. You want the answer here it is. According to the policies of Dist. 22-4A, in the case of a 3-way tie all three will be called tricahmps, but according to the manual there has to be a district champ and that is determined by points added and subtrated by the 3 teams involved. By winning by more than 5 Dayton is the overall district champion. Here is the good stuff. Dayton, the district champ by the policies of District 22-4A will be the second seed because called and whined about the policy to the other superintendents who have no clue about the athletic end and had the policy changed at 2:30 on the Friday. Yes we all agree that Lumberton beat Dayton, but according to the policy before it was changed at 2:30 on Friday, Dayton would have been the #1 seed out of District 22-4A. I also heard that the day before the executive commitee met and agreed that Dayton if they won would be the top seed from District 22-4A. Now then wether you agree or not since Lumberton beat Dayton, according to policies set by those superintendents and the executive committee 2 years ago, Dayton should be the top seed but JUST GOT SCREWED BY A BUNCH OF CRY BABIES BECAUSE THEY ARE WERE SCARED TO PLAY CROSBY. We would like to invite everyone down to watch the rightful District 22-4A top seed play at Crosby on Friday night. NUTS AND BOLTS, NUTS AND BOLTS, WE JUST GOT SCREWED. Do not take this for whinning about the situation, we welcome playing CRosby, what a great gate and a great game, but thought all of the people in the golden triangle should know that Lumberton just took their ball and went home and cried to mama.
  6. Hey now theres some great insight. Beacause some Dayton fans think that the team will beat PNG that must mean that the players and coaches are thinking all they have to do is show up. NONE of this stuff on the board means ANYTHING. I am sure that the players and coaches from both schools are preparing for their toughest game of the season. good luck to both schools
  7. The only people at the game who matter will be the ones lined up in purple and white with helmets and pads on. Everyone else get there however you can.
  8. You guys should be proud. Good luck vs Big Ned.
  9. Very few Dayton fans are making excuses about the loss to Lumberton. There are a few who keep trying to defend or rationalize that game. Lumberton played a great game that night and won. BUT NO ONE IN DAYTON IS JEALOUS OF LUMBERTON. What is there to be jealous of? We have a 12 year streak in the playoffs. I sincerely hope that Lumberton wins Friday and makes the playoffs. That way Dayton would have the longest 4-A consecutive playoff streak in the area and HOPEFULLY we would get a rematch with Lumberton in the playoffs. That would be fun.
  10. Dayton's "smaller" defensive backs that you speak of will be ready for the "218 lbs of steam." There will be three or four 170 lbs of steam ready to meet it every time Nothing would make Dayton happier than to play Lumberton again. That would be the best playoff scenario EVER.
  11. Lumberton has a very good team. I don't think PNG will win this one. PNG has to prove themselves this week.
  12. That sounds like a good idea to me. I am tired of hearing you rip someone who works hard and has dedicated his time to helping students become better people. My advice to you "unfaithful pirate fans." Stop living vicariously through High School athletics.
  13. I thought that we had already discussed this......yes you guys are 3 and 0. But none of that means ANYTHING.... The only thing that the 3 and 0 record tell me is that there are 3 other teams out there who are not as good as Lumberton
  14. Wow!!
  15. I am in......but How much you wanna bet we see some "new" names on here next week! Some of these guys will not be able to stay away. Where you at Raidernation or maverick24? how about it?
  16. Lumberton fans should rejoice. Not being picked to finish last and being picked AHEAD of PNG. That is great.
  17. That is an ignorant response.
  18. Aren't y'all 3 and 0? Why fix what is not broke? Wait until after Friday and then I can give a better opinion.
  19. How many Lumberton Dayton threads will there be? But to answer your question. It will still be a blowout.
  20. What makes you believe that Dayton is not as good as last year?
  21. I hope that was sarcasm.....
  22. Nice post but ....You are wrong. Predistrict opponents that are QUALITY allow teams to see what areas they need to work on prior to the start of District. If you can play 3 quality opponents before stepping into the battles of district then you have a better idea of what your team is good at and what they are weak in. Lumberton will not really know how well they are going to stack up until they start district because they have not been tested yet. That is why everyone talks about your schedule. That is why they will have a hard time. Oh yeah your LSU argument does not hold water. LSU played Viginia Tech who was ranked no 9 in their 2nd game. They also beat Miss. State (who is an SEC team)by 45 pts and Miss. St. beat Auburn. So take LSU's Schedule out of your reasoning.
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