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Eagle11 last won the day on March 11

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  1. I am betting it can baddog........everytime I say this takes the cake they go and add more stupid to the batter and remake the cake.
  2. Question: What, exactly, was the Biden Regimes excuse for abandoning the astronauts for months? Was there not enough kickbacks in it for him and his family? Was it because NASA wouldn't let his crackhead kid be on the mission? Or did he just not care? Asking for a friend
  3. Don't go using facts baddog........that just confuses them
  4. CB, You come around and most of the time just bash Trump but I ask....... Regarding the tax issue, what are your thoughts on getting fair taxation. As I have said in a few other posts this issue has gone through many administrations with no attempt at scraping the tax code that gives the benefits to all that want to use them. Yet Trump and Musk are the only ones in your scope because of TDS. The dems and repubs will not do anything about it because their big money donors want it. All rich folks are not conservatives. Raising rates will do no good without closing loopholes. I am in favor of scraping the whole code and everyone pays a flat rate. That would save everyone from using a tax acct. Just simple math will tell you how much to mail in.
  5. Everything in the biden crime family administration just reeks. He wasn't the one running the White House as those with brains and the ability to discern things could see.
  6. I wish they would but I doubt it
  7. AAW, you ruined it with 'It's very simple'...lol I have talked about a flat tax. Everyone pay 10% (arguable number). But, but, but If I pay 10% Musk should pay more. Nevermind his 10% is much larger than my 10%.
  8. This is great news for the Repub's in midterms and 2028. Come on AOC, show us your karate chop move
  9. So, had he not "promised" rainbows and unicorns you would have been ok with it they way you loved bidens weak performance
  10. I believe this is the clip you are talking about
  11. I hate that people lose a job but those decisions are made everyday in every job sector there is. I am in oil and gas, I have been through lay offs, had to hustle to find work with bills, kids and wife worried. No one was crying on a message board for me and I would not want them to. In my work, we hire contract guys to do some of the work for us. They are brought in with a timeline and work that needs to be completed. When it is done they are laid off and find another contract. If I kept guys on after the contract was over because I felt bad for them, our company would go bankrupt. Sort of like our government is doing right now. The government has a bunch of workers (hundreds of thousands) that basically have no oversight. They are not bad people but they have a system they can play. Many people on the left do not understand why we wanted a Donald Trump in office. The argument always was "he has no political experience". EXACTLY, look what decades of 'political experience' has gotten us. We need a business mind and model to make government efficient. If companies in the private sector were run like the government, the would not last 3 or 4 years.
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