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  1. I would like this to go deeper and find how much of these 'gifts' that our government sent out was returned to line lawmakers pockets? That, in my mind, is why they are holding rally's and crying on all the so called news outlets. Their retirement plans are going to be exposed
  2. Bye ewers.........transfer, draft,..........don't care, just bye
  3. But, But, But there is no way he wins.........LOL
  4. "You tell them I'm coming and hells coming with me"
  5. When I am speaking of veterans I do not view them as dependent on handouts. Yes, there are many in America that depend on government to carry them along but not vets. This country spent billions of dollars sending them off to war, we can spend the same to take care of them when they return from war. If we could stop funding useless studies around the world, sending billions to countries that hate us and funding departments in Washington DC (Dept. of Education being one) the savings would start. I agree with you that tough, unpopular choices will have to be made but veteran care would be off the table for me. And a huge Thank You to your parents for their service
  6. I am with you on that. That is why I say 50% and not every dollar. I believe there is enough savings that we can do both. Total revamp of VA This country has been throwing money around like Phil Mickelson and John Daly in the high roller room at Bellagio.
  7. And put 50% of every dollar saved/cut towards care for our veterans.
  8. Yessir, me too. The best of times
  9. Eagle11


    Here you go, I will not be doing anymore research for you [Hidden Content]
  10. Maybe he will get in now......but it is a shame he will not get to enjoy it. RIP Charlie Hustle
  11. Finally, an honest 'moderate'
  12. She got one right........I will never vote democrat. At least I hope I won't. I can't control what happens after I die.
  13. Eagle11


    I have to apologize, I gave kamala way too much credit earlier when I said she was flip flopping on issues. According to Sen. Sanders she was being 'pragmatic' and lying. This is from an interview with Bernie Sanders on Meet The Press....... Host Kristen Welker: "She has previously supported Medicare for All, now she does not. She's previously supported a ban on fracking, now she does not. These, Senator, are ideas that you have campaigned on. Do you think that she is abandoning her progressive ideals?" Sanders: "No, I don't think she's abandoning her ideals. I think she is trying to be pragmatic and do what she thinks is right in order to win the election." At least he is straight up about it
  14. Eagle11


    We beg for substance.........we are usually, almost always, disappointed. But when the state run media will not demand more we are left with her.
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