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Everything posted by Eagle11

  1. Good, she will learn the error of her way.
  2. I realize this is in a state that basically supports this type of shopping but one person with a gun to lay out a couple of these thugs would make future shoppers think about their actions. Maybe Aldean needs to make a follow-up song....."Try that in a red state" [Hidden Content]
  3. My kids would be out of that district lickety split šŸ˜
  4. Because there is still this little pesky thing called a balance. We, the taxpayers (who did not co-sign on you loan by the way) got stuck for the BALANCE of unpaid debt. I surely hope your degree was not in finance.
  5. I wish I could get some of these societal leeches social security numbers and write them off on my taxes. If I am going to have to pitch in to pay off their bad choices. Try to recoup some of my stolen tax money (student loan forgiveness crap) through the system. Those Rich Men North of Richmond strike again.
  6. Yessir, I believe so. I am far from being an aggie fan but I am a fan of college football. Johnny was a train wreck. I found it really odd hear Kingsbury smugly chuckling basically saying as long as he could play Saturday they didn't really care about the other 6 days of the week. My wife is an aggie. In the documentary Johnny said he couldn't wait to get out of B-CS. She made the comment, why didn't aTm just boot him away? It would never happen - That kid was responsible for more monetary growth within that college in 2 years than the previous 10-20 years combined.
  7. I watched it last night. Thought it was pretty insightful. What are y'alls thoughts on it?
  8. I will agree with this..........it doesn't "show" anything but it is good for young teenagers to see the lengths this scum will go through to kidnap kids. Anyone one or any news outlet that would say do not see this is part of the problem in my eyes.
  9. My wife and I just saw this movie today. One of the best I have seen. Even as the credits rolled I have never been in a theater that was that quiet. Jim Caviezel is amazing in this movie. Highly recommend
  10. At Trumps request. The russia collusion has to keep going you know
  11. 1st thing he has had a plan on in a while........with the exception of ruining the USA, he is perfecting that
  12. This may not end well. Done basically with no ones knowledge or input. [Hidden Content]
  13. The left thinks this is ok BUT if an English teacher that was also a preacher started baptizing kids at school without the parents consent they would collectively lose their minds. I don't get these folks
  14. In my mind, I guess I did. They will not miss my business as I will not miss theirs. Then there are those that choose to straddle the fence and say nothing.
  15. I am pro business and job creation. I am also for standing up for what you believe in. I have ZERO problem with Target selling that crap. BUT I/We have the right to not shop there as well.
  16. Let's see if they get the same treatment as Bud did
  17. Actually should have left her there.
  18. This is the major issue within the repub party as I see it........if it isn't my favorite candidate, I am not going to vote. Say what you want to about the Dim's, but they will unite no matter how much infighting they went through in the primary. They will come together no matter how crappy the candidate is. Insert Biden. Now, that being said, my issue with going outside my preferred candidate is if they are a RINO. Insert Romney and McCain.
  19. Good for the donors walking away [Hidden Content]
  20. The FBI will now step up and not produce requested documents.........they are trying to protect the biden syndicate
  21. Another thing about this investigation. Repubs are inviting/begging Dems to be present and view the evidence. Schiff and associates (investigating yet another false claim) hid in the basement and would not allow Repubs to be present. I hope we get rid of 'The Big Guy'
  22. Brutal is not even close.
  23. This crap has to stop..... [Hidden Content] If a teacher brought in a local preacher and started baptizing kids after school the left would lose their collective minds. Why not just teach the kids to read, write, add and subtract and stop trying to brainwash them.
  24. I am not some huge Trump guy........although I voted for him before and I will again if he is the nominee. As I will for Desantis if he is the nominee. BUT, Stevie Wonder and Ronnie Milsap can see the total lopsided system in this country right now. How the presidents crackhead kid is still walking free is beyond me.
  25. Just a continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time.
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