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Everything posted by JS

  1. 15 guys under 4.6 forties??? I have to call BS on that one---show us the clock and what do you mean by getting a D-1 letter?
  2. If the question was "Is Basketball the King in an individual school ?" then the answer is---certainly but the question pertained to all of SE Texas and on that level it is not close
  3. This has to be the most stupid thread ever---basketball is king only in "DickyVille" not even a close second to football in the great state of Texas
  4. Ponder is great but Felts is special
  5. scheduled for tomorrow--big game for both
  6. exactly--not so much the stat as it is the stat keeper
  7. I guess it was just a slow day in Dickyville
  8. @ Dayton weather permitting
  9. BH will have to have an off night to lose--last night they looked great
  10. Who will beat BH?--I think Dayton takes Crosby
  11. Well it sure as heck ain't basketball
  12. I watched the BH game last night and was very impressed. They made very few mistakes and seemed to play on a mature level. An example would be in about the 5th inning after a misplayed bunt left 2 on and no outs Ponder walks out and calms the pitcher down. He then pitches out of the jam.---LEADERSHIP I PREDICT BH WINS THIS DISTRICT WITH A PERFECT RECORD.
  13. I think KP will give BH all they can handle but with the game at home BH has the edge tonight. tThese two will battle for the top spot all season. We will know more after this game.
  14. North Forest---I understand there are a couple of changes in the infield tonight Grote is supposed to pitch and he normally plays 3rd
  15. I hope it misses you to the north by more than 12 miles!
  16. Huffman takes this one 6-2
  17. Totally 100% correct. The best 9 play--end of story.
  18. I don't think we have a "number one"--we have 3 quality pitchers that on any given day can throw a great game--- Frank's velocity is getting there and his control was outstanding-perfect game until the 5th. The defense was solid until the 7th when the inning opened with an infield error add in two more errors a couple of dink infield hits several walks and two solid hits and the score was close---should not have been But it was. yes it was--just points out the work Dayton still needs to do on defense--no slight intended
  19. 1-1 in district and 9-5 overall
  20. I don't think we have a "number one"--we have 3 quality pitchers that on any given day can throw a great game--- Frank's velocity is getting there and his control was outstanding-perfect game until the 5th. The defense was solid until the 7th when the inning opened with an infield error add in two more errors a couple of dink infield hits several walks and two solid hits and the score was close---should not have been
  21. I hope Mr. hicks does well. If he is as good as is billed then it is a great thing f not only for his High School but the entire area.
  22. I haven't seen 90 so far but I bet before the season is over we will see it
  23. yeah 07 its a different level isn't it? but he will be fine I am sure
  24. Love to but we are on our way to McNeese to visit our other son---good luck and how is JR doing?
  25. March 31 at your house---hopefully we can get the defense lined out by then--to many mental and physical errors but these boys are working their tails off for Jeff Stewart and they will get it
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