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Everything posted by JS

  1. why do you say "shafted" rather than that they simply lost to superior teams? please explain. yes please explain
  2. that's quite a win streak see you at the Hill on 3/31
  3. congrats on the victory
  4. good luck to central but my money is on crosby---can really play
  5. I am going by second hand reports so not sure who they faced
  6. lost to Oakridge 8-6 but from what I understand played pretty well-the team is hitting and defense has been pretty good--after tonight Basketball is over and Walker, Crapo, Kolorik, and Smesny will be back
  7. How is Kenneth Allison from Central doing?
  8. Do you know if Hufman won that scrimage Huffman may have something about that ;D How did Huffman do against CE King. Did not go but heard that our outfield needs some work. Heard that the hitting is pretty strong and pitching is a no brainier. Coach D Will have them ready and is the best Coach in our district in my opinion. I seriously doubt that Huffman will see any of your teams bc they should win this district. If they do they get a bye right? In the event they do match up with you guys they should compete with some success. They did pretty well over the last two years in four-a and moving down don't see anyone in your district that hang with them except BC. Huffman has three capbale pitchers Deberry, Henk and Hashagen that can flat bring it. Just my opinion. Explain to me how Huffman drops in classification. I thought Huffman was in a growing area. If you tell me its because the added a new high school in the area, my next question is, did that in turn not cause you to lose any of your returning players to the new school as well? Huffman was right on the "bubble"--at the last realignment they dropped in enrollment to just below the cutoff for 4A---they will be a formidable opponent this season---really good pitching
  9. congrats to Angelina and Thamm--he is the real deal
  10. high scorer does not make you the best--no discipline, no teamwork, and no chemistry--this Bronco basketball team is awful--it is amazing that we won 3 games---they were better before football ended did not say that----they would have been better with a disciplined Dugat this year---as it is they were better before football ended so you think they'll be better without Dugat next yr???
  11. For us it will begin on feb 18th---can't wait
  12. congrats 07---how did your son do?
  13. high scorer does not make you the best--no discipline, no teamwork, and no chemistry--this Bronco basketball team is awful--it is amazing that we won 3 games---they were better before football ended
  14. # 5 is pretty dang cool!
  15. It is because some folks believe that all coaches "walk on water"---some of us have learned otherwise
  16. I don't know what the proper discipline will be but for a coach not to know is just not believable
  17. Thanks. We were Dixie League in our town and I found the good ole boys were alive and well. I coached my sons team for several years and did my best to make sure that a kid was chosen for the All-Star team for these reasons: attitude, ability, and availability. I did not matter to me who the kids daddy was--you can imagine the closed door disagreements. It was a relief to turn coaching duties over to a qualified coach---but it did take time to find the right fit
  18. A valid question and you are probably correct about Texas Tomorrow. I am a working man-no privilege here---My family and I would not trade the memories for anything. We have seen a lot of America and made countless new friends--many of which our sons have competed with along the way and still compete with today--
  19. No I'm not suggesting that. I'm saying as a whole, I'd take a high school coach over a select coach. In general, I think that high school coaches are better. That doesn't mean that all of them are. ok--but that was not the quote--he said "any day" that is what I found offensive----we are not that far apart
  20. so specifically WHAT is incorrect about my view? Are you suggesting that ALL high school coaches are superior to select coaches? Please explain.
  21. "I'll take a high school coach any day over a select coach."----Your words---both broad and ignorant. I still don't see where it is broad or ignorant. I stand by my statement. As a whole, high school coaches are better. Of course parents think different because select coaches tell parents what they want to here, that little johnny can become a major leaguer. If you can't see that diamondj, you are the ignorant one. You've tolerated some pretty broad posts on the other side of this issue, yet you've remained silent on those. Pretty hypocritical. Read it again Jethro--I said the post was broad and ignorant and I am correct. I have experienced this from all angles--from great high school coaches to some that were less than brilliant and some who were simply reliving their "golden youth" through the team. I have also seen some select coaches that were "turds" for lack of a better term and some are just plain stupid. Most of the coaches in my district are great coaches and fine people. Most are personal friends of mine but I will call a spade a spade when I see it. The long and short of it is simply this: there are good ones and bad ones on both sides of this issue but to say "I will take a high school coach any day over a select coach" is broad and ignorant.
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