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Everything posted by JS

  1. "I'll take a high school coach any day over a select coach."----Your words---both broad and ignorant.
  2. Most high school coaches also coach 3 sports, have families, and during the summertime are preparing for the upcoming football season. They also like to get a little fishing in and what have you. Most high school coaches are volunteering their time helping their kids little dribbler basketball team, their sons little league team, or their daughters softball team. A good coach is also going to be a good evaluator of talent so he isn't going to have to go trapsing around southeast texas lurking around select games to watch little Nolan Ryan. I've known select coaches who coach these teams because they've been removed from high school ball, or had trouble in the classroom. I'll take a high school coach any day over a select coach. That is a broad and ignorant post. One of the premier select organizations in the state is run by Mike Rutledge(Kyle Chapman). He and his staff do all of their work pro bono--no charge for their services--in fact he spends a lot of his own money on this organization. All they look for are kids with talent who love to play the game. They do not tolerate attitude problems. What they are trying to do is help young talented boys turn into talented men while staying on the right path. If someones kid is playing on a team with a coach as you describe then he is on the wrong team or playing for the wrong reason.
  3. I have also seen it the other way as well--personally--the kid has to listen to the "jealous experts" in the stands--your daddy this and your daddy that---the kid just worked harder than most but the yik-yak continued until he was offered and accepted a full scholarship to play college football---------- So you see it can go both ways--I could not be more proud of him for succeeding although he never responded verbally to the detractors--he did however respond on the field and in the classroom What did the jealous distractors mean by their comments? Jealous because your son worked hard and was better? Bingo
  4. I have also seen it the other way as well--personally--the kid has to listen to the "jealous experts" in the stands--your daddy this and your daddy that---the kid just worked harder than most but the yik-yak continued until he was offered and accepted a full scholarship to play college football---------- So you see it can go both ways--I could not be more proud of him for succeeding although he never responded verbally to the detractors--he did however respond on the field and in the classroom
  5. You are correct--I would like to know if that high eighties is on a gun---Dayton has one at 89 and one at 85 and I consider us lucky
  6. I can't disagree with that but who can fault a kid or a parent for trying to be the best that they can be? In the end it is still the coaches job AND responsibility to mold the team and find the right mix. If I were a coach I would certainly rather start with kids that have been playing year around than with some who dust the old glove off every February.
  7. Barbers Hill made a run in '07 to the Region III semi-finals....were #8 in one of the final state rankings. Hales and Campbell played for SE Texas SunDevils, Thamm for the Houston Heat, Silva w/ the Knights and Magic, Garner w/ the Knights in the summer season. Oops, forgot..Rocha w/ the Knights and Kelley w/ the Ft Bend Texans. I think it would be great if an entire high school team could play off-season together. Back in my day, this was against UIL regs. Has this changed ? Not trying to start anything, but you may have just proved retiredoldcoaches' point. Because how did that group fair in 08 when most where seniors? maybe so but several have signed to play for outstanding college programs and I would bet my left that the one at Angelina will sign a major league contract within 2 years
  8. I believe once you get to high school, the responsibility of the coach is to put the team in the best situation to win. Playing time is earned during practice time. When other influences other than ability determine who plays and who sits, that when credibility and respect are diminished. I can understand not playing the moron trouble making star, but when a better athlete is sitting because a kid's parent moved the coach to town or baby sits their kid's on the weekend, how do you respect that person? The short answer is that you don't.
  9. I have never made an issue of my kids playing time and never will. If he is needed he plays if not he sits. There are times when you must speak up especially when a situation arises that is detrimental to your school district, town, and community in general.
  10. w/o question "select" baseball is developing better baseball players
  11. I DO agree with the article or about 99% of it---- every once in a blue moon a parent is forced to speak up but it should be done privately and in the coaches/admins confidence--sometimes there are situations that have to be addressed
  12. No respect for High School coaches is a two way street...in today's world there is a lot more knowledge of the sport fundamentals and a lot more of daddy's money spent on professional lessons than ever before. So where does a high school coach hibernate during the summer? Theres is no question that select or tournament baseball, basketball has evolved and developed better athletes than "most" high school programs. A lot of high school coaches are stuck in the sixties and will not accept the fact that daddy's money provides them with some of their best talent. Some kids will develop bad habits during the high school season and some stay away from high school sports altogether. Did your high school coach have it right way back then? probably not, how many coaches know how to teach pitching and will you turn your high school coach loose on your boy.....? well said
  13. yea 19-4A is between Dayton and BH this year in my opinion... i think that BH has the edge though bringing back all the experience that they are We were just plain awful last year for a lot of reasons so I think BH is a little out of our reach this year---but anything can happen Walters was a bright spot last season and Crapo and Kolarik are a year older so maybe........................Grote has a great glove and will make a fine 1st baseman but the fact remains there are a lot of spots open and team chemistry will be the key CHEMISTRY funny how it comes down to that a lot of the time in baseball huh diamond J? No question about it---but that is the coaches job to figure out the mix not mine or any other parent
  14. yea 19-4A is between Dayton and BH this year in my opinion... i think that BH has the edge though bringing back all the experience that they are We were just plain awful last year for a lot of reasons so I think BH is a little out of our reach this year---but anything can happen Walters was a bright spot last season and Crapo and Kolarik are a year older so maybe........................Grote has a great glove and will make a fine 1st baseman but the fact remains there are a lot of spots open and team chemistry will be the key
  15. After a dismal season last year it could be that the entire Bronco team is underrated. With several players back from injuries, a new coach, and most of all a new attitude the Broncos should make the playoffs...we will see if the seniors and probably 5 underclassmen that start can gel then we have a shot
  16. Why the hostility toward Ponder? I have seen him play many times and he has always excelled--he is a VERY GOOD player---so what gives?
  17. I don't have an underclassman--my kid is a senior--and plays for Dayton but I have followed BH baseball for quite some time as you have one of the best programs around--I know several of BH underclassmen very well and some of them are exceptional---I will however support BH baseball unless they are playing Dayton
  18. end of story.....until one or more of them goes 0 for 12 at the plate and maybe 0 for 5 with risp then you had better bring the best bat you have up senior or not----------this conversation sounds like there may some seniors worried about playing time if they are the best they will play if not then move over---that's life
  19. Rocha, Padgett, Burditt, Henscey, Clifton, Peterson, Carmona, Baker, Ponder. These are the Seniors that have paid their dues. Next in line are the JV players from last year who have already been pulled up.Freshman get in line. Bounds would have been in that line up if he was not injured and I bet you will see Lyday in before it is over----go ahead and give the seniors a shot but you will see changes before it is over I truly believe that Bounds would have been a starter and it killed me when I heard about his injury.Lyday is another great kid and I believe he will get plenty of playing time. My son likes him to catch. Mine has pitched to him many times and he is an outstanding catcher--pretty good bloodline as well
  20. Rocha, Padgett, Burditt, Henscey, Clifton, Peterson, Carmona, Baker, Ponder. These are the Seniors that have paid their dues. Next in line are the JV players from last year who have already been pulled up.Freshman get in line. Bounds would have been in that line up if he was not injured and I bet you will see Lyday in before it is over----go ahead and give the seniors a shot but you will see changes before it is over
  21. You have to put the best 9 on the field---freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior--our team will have 12 seniors but I expect to see only 4 or 5 starters---as for as chemistry goes the coaching staff will have to assess this facet of the game--a parent simply can't do it because of their own biases
  22. Ponder is pretty dang good behind the plate but Lyday is a big strong athletic kid---I would like to see him have shot @ third base
  23. I wouldn't bet the farm on it--the competition is pretty strong over there.
  24. In all likelihood PNG made a great hire but I would not have him walking on water just yet---lets see how his first year goes
  25. unless UIL realigns with the Broncos back in your district then that trophy will be in Liberty County
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