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Everything posted by JS

  1. I think he/she was really asking about an injury....just the wording was a little odd. Wrong. DaBears was trying say Jake did not throw well in high school. He has referred to this before in posts at the time Jake was being recruited. His throwing is much improved now. He worked hard on it in high school and has worked hard on it since. DaBears is no bear. He is should change name to DaCubs. Has been disrespectful before and will be again. He needs to get a head baseball coaching job down the road. He has all the answers. Got it. With that said, Jake will be catching "JR" this year @ AC....makes me a big Jake fan.....among several other reasons. From what I've seen, ain't nothing wrong w/ Jake. Bright future for this kid. Talent, big heart and desire, and just a good, level-headed young man. Maybe 'JR' should "hang" out w/ him a little more. Go 'Runners ! We always appreciate a great catcher!
  2. congrats to Jake Rowell on his success--he has represented the area very well
  3. The score of the game started it but when you publicly diss the boss---well this is what happens
  4. Yes--taking 4 is garbage
  5. I agree--BH most likely wins the district-but losing Michael Bounds hurts
  6. The kids who fail TAKS are already put in TAKS math, science recovery class. I do not understand putting the kid out for a year. the second part is the important part----work harder--students, teachers, and admins
  7. "out for the year" is IMO over the line---while students must pass the TAKS the answer is to assign these kids to remediation classes and work harder to get them over the top---if this story is accurate AND it passes you can look for the dropout rate to increase and enrollment to drop------and if an Athletic program fails(especially a good one) the morale of the entire district will suffer
  8. Lots of good baseball in the Kingwood area--seniors or not they will be very competitive
  9. And by the way Diamond J, hitchhiking is illegal, they might get arrested. Then don't hitchhike---the point is just quit whining about it and find a way to make it work!
  10. I just know talent when I see it
  11. 19-4A Crosby, North Forest, Galena Park, and Kingwood Park
  12. Thanks-I thought I was alone
  13. ok---I have held my tongue as long as I can. I have never heard so many crybabies in my life. Some folks want something for nothing--whiners, crybabies or freeloaders, it is all the same. If a kid wants to play he/she can find a way---ride with a friend, hitchhike or ride a bicycle. NOW GO AHEAD AND CALL ME NAMES
  14. sometimes things happen in a playoff situation and a team does not advance but without question BH had the best pitching staff in the area last season( IMO the best wound up at Angelina) and I would bet that they will be plenty salty again this year
  15. I don't think Tarkington has the pitching to compete with Huffman
  16. The list was sent out, but with all 35 names blacked out in magic marker. So, in essence they still did not release the names. Which is pretty stupid, as that is the same as giving away evidence of breaking the FOI Act for anyone who wanted to pursue further political action. elections are coming up----you folks could always sign up!
  17. BH played great--Dayton was not allowed to---see you on Feb 10 on a neutral floor
  18. I don't have a dog in this hunt either, but its not really about someone getting fired for looking, that doesn't happen too often. But your current employer and the kids and parents of your current program are all going to look at you differently knowing that you were looking. Businesses do NOT release the names of their applicants...heck the best people wouldn't APPLY if they did! These applicants are trying to improve their position in life, put yourself in their place...would you want your current employer to know you are looking for greener pastures???? Its all a moot point anyway, since schools are government entities and HAVE to release the info...doesn't mean I have to like it or its right though. oh my!--Hill Guy and Diamond-J are in agreement! I need to buy a lotto ticket
  19. Absolutely no difference, same opinion applies. Sisbee88 and some others have it right---the fact is that a gain of short term knowledge will be followed by a shorter list of candidates the next time around and there WILL be a next time-----relax and let the board do its job
  20. To win by one Dayton will have to outscore BH by 50---I do not see it------- BH in a close one
  21. If he is in the mid-eighties then is not the fastest--Smesny in Dayton is @89 with a good change up and a nasty curve
  22. again this year the broncos held up our end of the deal for a 4th round match-up----where was the smell-train??????????? maybe stinking it up in basketball
  23. If Dayton's "horses" can play team ball they keep it close---otherwise it won't be pretty
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