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Everything posted by JS

  1. your opinion means nothing--just like your 1st place trophy
  2. ok genius I will spell it out for you---C.E.King could not win a game in your tourney--yet they blow you out---THE POINT IS YOUR TOURNEY WAS RIGGED AND CLEVELAND GOT HOSED IN THE FINALS--clear enough for you?
  3. just proves the point
  4. The LCM team was garbage--they barely beat us I know you're trying to make a point and all, but to call another team 'garbage' to do so makes you look like you have a weak case. just calling like I see it---they were bad--at least when they played us
  5. The LCM team was garbage--they barely beat us
  6. Right now our guys would not beat a sixth grade girls "B" team---so it is not about winning it is about integrity or the lack of it
  7. Using your logic............next year invite 101 teams then put 100 in the bottom and BH in the top and go have a great tourney--hey its just practice anyway so why rig it?
  8. ok--Let me try this again. BH has a fine tradition of athletics and academics. In fact my two sons have played on numerous select teams made up of kids primarily from BH---great kids w/great parents. I am NOT anti-Hill. I pull for you folks any time you are not playing us. But............take an objective look at the bracket and it is way out of line:8 teams in the bottom and 5 teams in the top with one of the 5 a JV team and on top of that BH gets a bye---so there are really only BH and TWO teams left by the time BH touches the ball! Now--it is legal and you can do it----BUT this kind of thing cheapens your tradition and makes the outside folks look at your trophy case with a jaundiced eye. You may believe that another trophy adds to your history but it only demeans your communities past glory.
  9. ;D ;D ;D ;D Diamond and Aggies just need to give it a rest and stop making up stuff ;D ;D ;D guilty conscience?
  10. Thanks for your analysis--you said it much better than I did.
  11. taking advantage is one thing----in my view BH goes to the extreme--again if you have friends in the know at HJ and Kountze just ask them--if I were a coach I would not participate either
  12. it is sure different from the way we host ours but it appears that you confirm what i wrote
  13. Ding Ding Ding we have a winner ;D I was wonder where in the heck Lazeek was getting all of the junk he was spouting!!! Lazeek as you said WHO CARES!!!! BH won their Tournament Nobody is saying they would beat HJ, Kounce or a half a million other teams!!!! All they can say is they won this one and I think after what Cleveland did to Silsbee and the rest they faced that it was a quality win by the Eagles. Oh and Happy New Years ;D ;D ;D hope you get the BH chip of your shoulder for 2009 :-* I read that "someone" was unhappy or questioned why HJ and Kountze do not play in the BH tourney anymore. I gave a reason and that is that!!!! I don't care if it is a BH fan or a fan of another school, it makes no difference. Best of luck to everyone!!! I MADE THE STATEMENT and here is the reason according to friends in both communities----BH pairs all the tough teams so that they face each other, then one reaches the finals after several bruising games only to face BH which has given themselves a bye and paired the weak sisters with themselves---along come the finals add in some homecooking and there you go---1st place it is your tourney and you can do it your way but it still smells any way you slice it
  14. There is a reason HJ and Kountze do not come to this tourney but if it makes BH feel good about themselves then so be it---of course they could just play their JV
  15. the wildcats on Saturday at about 5:00 PM [Hidden Content]
  16. How original---NOT--- about 40 years old
  17. Oh No!! maxpreps has us at 59????what shall we do??----how about skin some wildcats
  18. Isnt your smoke break over yet? Get back in there and cook me a whopper. Your reaching now. I can sense the doubt building up. you SS folks are piling something up allright but it ain't doubt on our side if you are implying that we are feeding you info to give you the inside on how to beat us - know this - we are not the coaches and they do their job well - and if you are the guy who calls the plays - shouldn't you be doing something else besides underhanded research on how to be the best team you have faced all year? ok you caught me--yes I am the play caller and am doing underhanded research using highly trained techniques and corresponding with brilliant people like you
  19. Isnt your smoke break over yet? Get back in there and cook me a whopper. Your reaching now. I can sense the doubt building up. you SS folks are piling something up allright but it ain't doubt on our side
  20. Is that Everman with or without there starting QB ? ;D he was out for one quarter and the second string was faster and ran harder anyway...where were you going with this? so why is he second string? Because he played first string free safety (that is a defensive posistion) free safety is a defensive position ??? really???
  21. Is that Everman with or without there starting QB ? ;D he was out for one quarter and the second string was faster and ran harder anyway...where were you going with this? so why is he second string?
  22. 1:05 on the clock and the Broncos are down by 9 pts---great comeback to get the win!
  23. Berotte is an unsung hero---does his job and does not complain and he came thru bigtime last Saturday!
  24. does he get it or does he just have a prermanent smile?
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