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Everything posted by JS

  1. score more points than the other team
  2. That is good to hear and you are correct the knee will be stronger than before.
  3. There is a guy in Lumberton that has has a pretty good run. He will be looking for more money from someone.
  4. Most, if not all Boards are involved in personnel discussions--they are done in closed session and should not be leaked to the public under any circumstances---personnel can be placed on the agenda by the sup or any board member---while the sup makes the final call on any particular situatuation he/she takes the chance of "going down with the ship" I think if you read my post it states the board should not be involved in the evaluation, reassignment or discipline. I did not state that a board member cannot have personnel placed on the agenda and discuss concerns with the superintendent in closed session. However, as I stated and you agreed with the final decision in the sups. And yes, the sup will answer for their decision to the board correct
  5. There is a difference between discussion and decision
  6. Most, if not all Boards are involved in personnel discussions--they are done in closed session and should not be leaked to the public under any circumstances---personnel can be placed on the agenda by the sup or any board member---while the sup makes the final call on any particular situatuation he/she takes the chance of "going down with the ship"
  7. Longview is in D-1
  8. Casey is a legit speedster but I would have to see the clock to believe that Crosby has more than one 4.4 guy one the field
  9. Things are handled no different that they ever have been. This has all started because the school board put "Discuss the duties and responsibilities of the HS Head Coach" on their agenda. That's a normal process. The school board meeting agendas have always been accessable to anyone but the difference you're noticing now is with the internet and boards like this the info is getting out to more people than ever before. Also, with Matt Burnett being one of the more tenured coaches in the area at popular school, news will spread. Noone really knows what going to happen except, the school board, the sup, & maybe MB. Its not a circus just a bunch of internet posting know it all's like us talking about it. Believe me I know all about the process. The first mistake was in mentioning the Head Coach on the agenda. They should have listed it as "personnel"--simply because once this kind of speculation gets started the most likely outcome is a public trial of the person involved and a split community---regrardless if the man is the problem or not.
  10. There is another team looking for revenge as well.
  11. These decisions are always difficult---but there is no need to make a public circus out of it
  12. Well with all fairness, we've all seen teams that have been no more than decent with a star that carried them further than they could have. Let's not underestimate them and put ourselves into that situation. Better to err on the cautious side, eh? I stand by my post--Lumberton should crush Crosby
  13. Until now I have withheld judgement on the Dayton defense. My reasoning was that with the loss of 5 starters this summer and injuries to Crowder, Brown, and losing Barton to academics there was no way the Bronco staff could pick up the pieces. I was wrong. This defense looks very good to me especially against the run. With LT and Friendswood in D-1 I believe Dayton has a very good chance to bring home a ring.
  14. If this is an ACL repair then he will be out for six months---the worst thing he can do is try to comeback to soon.(Jerry Rice) The external recovery will go very quickly but it takes six months for the ligament to completly fuse to the bone.
  15. Crosby is no match---an easy win for Lumberton. Cougars have a decent QB and a very fast Casey---that is all
  16. Dayton Lumberton Nederland Central by a nose---closest game of all
  17. I have to pick Big Ned in this one---28-13
  18. Crosby is downright awful--Lumberton wins by as many as they want--I say 45-13 with Crosby scoring in the 4th quarter against the Lumberton scrubs
  19. Come on Lumberton---do your part and lay down against Nederland
  20. IF thes boys skipped practice to go to an NBA game then it is a MUCH bigger problem than a one game suspension-------they have no respect for the coacing staff, their team mates or their community---IF THIS IS ACCURATE then I would suspend them for the balance of the season
  21. When you don't lose very many games you tend to remember the ones that you did. The whining comes from the fact that we are in no man's land...Houston doesn't cover us and we're out of the Beaumont territory. Get's a little old when the houston high school sports "experts" pick CE King to beat you in a landslide...makes you wonder if they've actually paid attention to HS football outside of 5A in the last 13 years. More along the lines of frustrating because before we moved to the Beaumont district 2 years ago we barely got media coverage of any type despite year after year of making the playoffs year after year. The whole point of the forum is to say something that gets a reaction and response from other posters. If we were all on here posting "no you're better; no you're better" all the time then it really wouldn't be a very interesting board now would it? It's pretty easy...if you don't like the spirited banter from the Dayton fans then don't read it. I wouldn't use "lurking" either...tends to make me think of the people who have to register with the county and aren't allowed within 100 feet of children. I'll probably get dinged by the webmaster for that one. Ditto
  22. Do I have to sit down before I shut up? Maybe give you a Nazi salute as well?
  23. That's the good thing about a dream you decide the winner. Then you wake up and realize you have to make it through another day of re living that beat down you took from that little school from lumberton. Then it's bed time and you snuggle up next to teddy and think how great it's going to beat that little lumberton team tonight Zzz. Ouch that's gotta hurt. A one point beatdown????? you people need to hire a math teacher
  24. WE have been sleeping like a baby and dreaming as well.....dreaming of a re-match and a beatdown
  25. Ned has 100% fan support from the Broncos---GO BIG NED
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