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Everything posted by JS

  1. You are 100 % correct--Only a very few will get the call
  2. Yeah and they BOTH are GONE FISHING, so they really don't matter, now do they?? most are not fishing----they are on the track
  3. I just do not see it--Liberty is boxed in on 3 sides with only one way to grow. They will not experience explosive growth for at least25 years(if ever). You are correct however that it would be a mismatch and an unfair one at that
  4. so how about the charity game? I L-town would do it it would be great.
  5. maybe so---I do not know their history---3rd round several times and state semis(Dayton)---if our neighbors have done that then come across the river and lets play a scrimmage for charity--would be a huge draw
  6. Ditto--but Liberty just lost a fine candidate.
  7. I believe you are getting a fair value as it is.
  8. And your mother is a man! Shut up! No one is talking to you hick boy! I knew you could not go 24 hours w/o name-calling--- you are a great man---Hillary is looking for a running mate---you should apply
  9. No I am not. In fact I cannot help but be happy for a team that wins when a lot of folks-including me-predicted a loss. GO EAGLES!
  10. Be patient--these decisions can be very tough with a lot of emotions and different personalities, agendas, etc---It could also be a good sign of more than one strong candidate--The board will work it out
  11. Yes I will--until he comes out with another racial comment or name calls----I predict he cannot last a week
  12. Hey, boy....I am NOT a Central fan...at all...I was a spectator at the game and gave my take on it afterwards..I could care less, really.. name calling again DickyV?
  13. BH simply played their game and won it---fair and square. A few folks will complain about the refs but that is to be expected of the losing team--hats off to Central for a fine season.
  14. and now a threat as well---what a piece of.....work you must be
  15. No, I am not bitter, and no I never made any excuse for anybody..I was giving my take on what I saw at last nights Central/BH game and all of a sudden it turns into you cowards attacking me over the internet...Like it always does...And NO, I have never been a middle school coach, not that there is anything wrong with that, and I have nothing to prove to anyone on here...Those that know me do, those that don't...don't.. "cowards" sounds like name calling to me--DickyV
  16. and now it is the "victim" card
  17. DickyV is a bitter person--for whatever reason--calls other posters names--makes excuses for bad behavior--and finds excuses when his team loses-----now back to the game: congrats to BH I am happy to have called it wrong for it looks like discipline carried the day and to the "Dick Theory" was ONCE AGAIN proven to be false---BTW BH plays physical when the refs allow it and not dirty
  18. Frank tore his ACL in late November (basketball)and had surgery on the 25th--rehab is going well and he hopes to be back in late March or early April.
  19. and the first time I read your Lumberton post I knew what you were-----of course I had to "read between the lines"
  20. And you say there are no racists on this board.... : .....There is at least one--I recall a fellow that posted that Lumberton could not win because of......does that ring a bell DickyV a.k.a. as the Dick Theory------read my post---I NEVER said anything about race!
  21. I do not have a dog in this fight--but will stand by my observation---BH is the more disciplined team--and if that hurts your feelings then so be it--DickV
  22. For goodness sakes--just give the kid a break---after all he is just the kind of thug the NBA is looking for
  23. Yeah you are DEFINITELY just a fan...How in the heck do you gage which team has more PASSION? How can you say that BH is more disciplined than Central? Wait I know why, nevermind, (dont want to stir THAT pot) but that is also nearly impossible to gage...and the coaching part, well, that is an opinion, which you are entitled to...Enjoy the game and good luck to your team. I have seen BOTH teams play --on two occasions--and on each occasion BH was definately more disciplined(and it had nothing to do with the Dick Theory)---I do believe that Central has more talent and will win it in the end but BH will keep it very close with GREAT freethrow shooting in the final seconds
  24. This sounds like another version of the "Dick Theory" and it is just as stupid as the original
  25. not crazy at all----Ozen is in a class all alone in this district
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