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Everything posted by JS

  1. A concrete parking area is being built while I type--parking should not be a problem.
  2. Congrats to Ford--he has worked hard and will continue to do so. Credit must also go to Coach Stewart and the Bronco coaching staff. These men work very hard to keep the boys motivated to do their best. Go Broncos!
  3. That depends on the individual board. The fact is H-D board has the authority to reject ANY recommendation sent to them by ANY committee or ANY superintendent for ANY reason they see fit.
  4. Nothing changes at L-town----they will fight to stay out of the cellar.
  5. The board is doing its job. They are as qualified as anyone to make this decision and they have the AUTHORITY to do so--all they need is the time and space to work through it as a board--and eventually they will do so. Then it will be up to you folks to rally behind the new AD. After all of this he will need your support.
  6. ugly as it may be---this is the process The board does not have to accept the recommendation. They cannot say who they want but can keep rejecting finalists. I would only hope that the H-D board is doing what they believe is TRULY in the best interest of the district--if they are not then vote them out
  7. You are correct. This year he and a couple of others will be going on both sides of the line. He is very strong and very quick.
  8. I wonder how bad they would be w/o a GREAT coach?
  9. w/o question it has to be Lumberton--the only winners they produce are 8th graders---yet every year the same old song--blah, blah, blah
  10. Central/Dayton will not be close--Broncos by at least 21
  11. You are right about the PAT---Dayton should not have lost---but those are the breaks
  12. I like being in 22-4A for football---the rest of it is just to much travel with kids getting home very late on school nights--the other concern is the amount of additional costs to the district--more busses, fuel, drivers etc
  13. where did you get that ????
  14. the other side of that equation is also true---the team that ned beat is gone as well
  15. Tony---please go study
  16. distancerunner and the rest of you can remain bitter if you like--we choose to move on and be happy---spent saturday and sunday around central texas celebrating a great season----bitter breeds contempt and contempt breeds hate---please do not hate
  17. Juliene Banning took first in the mile run back about 1978. P.J. McGowan is the first male to win a State title.---Way to go P.J.
  18. I have to believe that you two do not represent the BH population. It is important to know what happened and what did not. Dayton was DQ'd and we accept that--as difficult as it is--it is still the judges ruling and that is all that counts. Nobody whined, cried, or made excuses. No fan in the crowd shouted "go get them". No fan said " I am calling the UIL and they know me". No fan ran down with a video saying "it is on now" and "we will make them run it again". No fan will post said video on the web with "proof" that only BH can see. No it is now over. I believe you have a baseball team in the playoffs--go out and support them. Dayton is now focused on football for next year--maybe we will see you in the playoffs. As for my friends in BH---we are not at war with BH or anyone else. We know BH has a fine program and appreciate the competition.
  19. I agree with the last paragraph--it is no different than arguing balls and strikes or a close play at the plate---the fact is no foul was called so there was no foul. Good luck to Joe Carter and crew at the state meet. As for BH--we will meet again and I am sure the competition will be good
  20. I agree---all of this does not help the Dayton or Barbers Hill communities---it is time to let it go
  21. you sure as heck don't show it
  22. Listen beagle----I am going to have a great time while you wallow in self pity and tears----the official ruling is NO FOUL--anything else you have to say is irrelavant and simply an excuse for failure--maybe I will sit back and have a cold beverage and think of you crying--have a great time at your pity party
  23. he was not thinking about one of the most critcal aspects of the race????well now he has the off season to think about it--and you think about it as well--we will be in Austin----now I have to go to work and leave you to complain and whine
  24. and you would have to be STUPID or just a KLUTZ to not hang on to the stick at all costs
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