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Everything posted by rip2506

  1. [quote name="puddin tane" post="1158399" timestamp="1326344092"] "Doctor Deer", the whitetail guru from Nac says pee dont do squat [i]■ Scent lures don’t work: Kroll’s research indicates that deer are curious animals that may stop to investigate a new odor in their home territory, but the deer are just as likely to be attracted to human urine or the interior smell of a new car than any commercially marketed sex lure.[/i] [color=red][Hidden Content]] [/quote] There is a lot of good information in that article... thanks puddin!
  2. [quote name="bullets13" post="1160597" timestamp="1326652559"] couple of nice wins in this tourney for WB against some pretty good local teams. [/quote] I thought the Red Bracket was surprisingly even. A lot of 1 goal deciders. The fact that Kelly beat Lumberton, Lumberton beat Dobie, Dobie beat WB, WB beat Kelly and then Lumberton and WB played to 0-0 draw in regulation.. shows that it could have been anyone's tournament to win ! Nice job WB.
  3. Your Kelly Girls 1-0 over PN-G... last minute goal by Jillian Ryles with 43 seconds left.
  4. I mostly watch... but I can see kids and grown-ups alike are really enjoying the new facility. John Werner told me that on Tuesday the 20th they had nearly 60 kids! I played last night for maybe 10 minutes and was pooped. Wednesday night is the night for you talent laden heavy hitters.. which I am not of course.. I usually go to watch my daughter.. last night it was a SSSC 93 reunion.
  5. There was one (Magical) October morning (the 25th or 26th) about 6yrs ago that my tinks 69 and primo's ( little black) call worked unbelievable. took two shots at two different bucks within one hour apart.  I thought I was da man... Have never had that kind of success again.. so it has to be timing / married with situation. I am a big believer that late bow season gives you your best chance in eastex. I have killed 3 deer (10pt, 9pt and spike late season) in December.. the 10pt(12/24/02) and 9pt(12/7/03) were one year apart in my first two seasons of deer hunting ( thought I was da man again) but they all have been with rifles just after or during a cold front and no calls or pee involved. Can someone dial me up a big nasty Northern... We are running out of December fast!!!!!! :D
  6. [quote name="ST413" post="1146308" timestamp="1323891782"] My cams had a few more pics one legal buck and a few small ones and does. Doesn't out seem in that area that every year after  weekend the does disappear until after thanksgiving? [/quote] I think you are right ST413.  I was traveling the eastex corrider hwy 96 thru Jasper to Center to 59 to Texarkana early Friday morning and between 8:30 and 9:30 I saw a dozen deer mostly does. Then on the way home Sunday evening around 4:30pm.. I saw over 20 from Marshall to San Augustine mostly if not all does standing in groups of 6 or better in open fields just grazing... it was crazy I was texting my friends .... are you hunting are you hunting I am seeing tons of deer out feeding in the fields and a few right up next to the free way.  We have Lamps permits so no does seen that evening.
  7. My friend saw one more effort of two bucks trying to breed does Sunday morning north of Jasper. Went yesterday and it was hard hunting for me.  My cameras had only does (night pics) and one illegal buck (daytime)... not much inspiration there.
  8. [quote name="fiveoclocksomewhere" post="1140856" timestamp="1323203942"] Duncans Spindletop Select Girls U-17 team won first place by winning all three games. But are forfeiting a chance to win state because only 8 players can commit to travel to play at San Marcos the weekend of state. The state tourney was moved because of rainouts at Western District play. Changed the weekend to when school lets out. Some players have travel plans. And have several players injured. One has a Kelly HS tourn that weekend. It is a shame, because this team would have a good shot. I know my daughter is bummed out about not getting the chance. [/quote] Sorry to hear that five-0.
  9. [quote name="WBdad" post="1140144" timestamp="1323103288"] Select U18 Girls win their bracket with wins of 6-0, 2-0 and 3-1.  Girls played really well even on Sunday in several inches of water.  It was fun to watch! State Finals have moved to the weekend of December 17 & 18. [/quote] Needless to say the several inches of water keep me home. Good luck in the Finals!
  10. I just heard the Eastern District Championships were being held here in Beaumont tomorrow.. Go check it out!
  11. :) You have to back arrow to get to pic 2.. Picture 2 is a good depiction of a 1.5, 2.5 and a mature deer In picture 5  which deer do you want to shoot.... the young buck is being protected and I can not say it enough.. I like It! pic 6... you do not think being a love machine is hard on a brotha... look how much weight he has lost.... looks like a greyhound pic 7  this is the same deer! pic 10  I ask again.... which deer do you want to shoot!!!!! NO BRAINER Hey folks this has been a brown it's down lease for the past 30 years and look at us now after what 2 years... C'mon Man! Truth be told non of these deer have been harvested this year.. older deer are harder to kill.. but it keeps me wanted to hunt because I know they are out there. [Hidden Content]
  12. [quote name="tvc184" post="1133924" timestamp="1322523895"] When people start showing me trail cam or hand taken pictures of 4-5 year old deer that are 150+ pounds, thick neck, large hindquarters, etc., and are consistently less than 13", I will believe that it doesn't work. I was in south Texas two years ago at a bowhunting only day lease and a guy from east Texas killed a 1.5 year old basket rack and pencil horned 8 point. The deer still had perfect teeth with a very thin neck and was obviously a very young deer. The guy had to pay a $500 fine for the underage deer. He swore and was angry that his "mature" deer was an old deer and he had been hunting for umpteen years and could age them and this was obviously a mature blah blah blah. I'll bet that he would be glad to tell you that it was a prime example of mature deer that just won't make the 13" rule. The only thing that it is a prime example of is that he can't age deer on the hoof or even dead for that matter. The 13" is not perfect but the old rule of shooting anything that moved was hardly effective. In lieu of a better way to judge mature deer, the 13" rule is the easiest to visually see and enforce. The obvious best answer is for all hunters to do right thing while managing a deer herd. Can anyone venture to guess what the compliance rate for killing mature deer would be if it is left up to hunters? I think the truth that we routinely kill baby 4 pointers should quickly answer that question. [/quote] I like the 13 rule because it absolutely puts off the killing of 1.5 4pts and some 2.5 year 8pts that are just not there yet.. if you buy a trail cam or two as I have done the past year and review these pictures often you will see many deer that the rule is protecting... and that is a good thing.. I know I have received a very good education by this method. I love eating deer... but I have to be honest I want to kill larger mature bucks !  If you have to kill something for food.. there are still plenty of un-branched deer running around.
  13. [Hidden Content] owner acted as if he was not pissed.... yeah right! that buck had to cost a fortune
  14. The Lord heard my request... saw evidence here in Beaumont that the rut is still in full effect.... I was going to my home off Walden rd and in a big cattle pasture which I have never seen deer after 8 years of living here.. I saw a doe being tended by a buck...5:15pm. I rush home maybe 300yds from the sighting and go get my binoculars to get a positive id on the buck. ( shooter, non shooter) well when I get back the doe is 30yds from the road up against the barb wire fence buck 45yds from the fence.. I pull over and just watch for a minute when a fed ex truck needs me to move up so he can pull into the new edition. I oblige him and that is when the doe spooks a breaks out into a full on top end sprint and the buck hits the nitrous bottle and is right on her tail... reminded me of top gun when the pilot was trying to shake the enemy... crazy.... she would break left and he would break left... she would break hard right and he would break hard right... ( you know in eastexas with all the trees you cannot see all this activity)  it was awesome.. she finally gives up and stops out in the middle of the pasture... and he strolls up to her and says.. you thought you were going to loose me didn't you.  Now come to big Papa. The buck appeared to be an 8pt ( never got a side view) but was not symmetrical and just under 13 inches but sure was cool to watch.. I am hunting tomorrow for sure!
  15. [quote name="fiveoclocksomewhere" post="1134551" timestamp="1322592813"] RE: Indoor adult leagues forming.  My daughter plays on a co-ed soccer team. I asked them if they are forming a girls or mens team for the indoor league(6 per side). The all said that $80 to play was out of their price range. These are pretty much all college kids. I know that the facility has to pay for itself, but that does sound high for the first year of existance. The fee is $50 and each player must join the association for $30. Minimum of 8 players must register. $640 for each team. Anyone have thoughts on this? I wonder how registration has gone so far? [/quote] do not want to run customers off due to pricing (do not know the cost of operations) but looks like registration is going well. checked web site (quinn indoor soccer) there are 24 prospective adult league teams listed. Men (12) women (4) and co-ed  8  ... not sure if rosters are full.  640 X 24 = 15360.00 .. do not believe this will go too far on a place of that size .. I would imagine utilities would claim most of that annually. Update: John said team formation and registration is going great.. especially on the youth side and all the teams should make on the adult side as well. Looks like the parents are going to have to subsidize those broke college students.... I know that is where my daughter hopes her fees will come from.  ::) LOL
  16. [quote name="bullets13" post="1134579" timestamp="1322594430"] in East Texas i saw a buck tailing a doe this past Friday, and Sunday, after a heavy rain the night before, my dad found a fresh scrape.  Our lease burned, though, so i don't really know if our rut has been messed up out there because the does were stressed. [/quote] keep it coming boyz!  KEEP HOPE ALIVE!
  17. [quote name="ST413" post="1134066" timestamp="1322532996"] There were two bucks seen chasing does in woodville this weekend. [/quote] I like that!!!
  18. I had two good pics of two deer I have been wanting to kill if I was lucky.. it has gone from quantity to quality. This camera is in a firelane nowhere near a feeder.. just some hand thrown corn.. one pick was just before 8am and the other just before 5pm  both on the 19th
  19. Give your opinion as to where we are or evidence you have seen to the contrary. I am aware of the general principle as it depends and can be regional. I am at 96 and 255 and I saw hard evidence of pre-rut activity in Mid to late Oct.. scrapes .. rubs.. all of this is none existent right now.. which leads me to believe they have been breeding for around two to three weeks or more and  we are done... someone please give evidence of the contrary.. buck nose down on doe trail etc. grabbing for straws and do not want it to end just yet.
  20. [quote name="injun" post="1133165" timestamp="1322440535"] Still waiting for all those "monster bucks" at the Moore Plantation this 13" rule was supposed to provide us.. There were a grand total of 3 weighed in at the check station opening weekend off of 26000+ acres. One was 14" and one a 16" . Not sure of the third Maybe it will take a few more years , this is only the 4th or maybe even the 5th year we have had this stupid law [/quote] We are 10 miles from the Moore and it was very slow for us opening weekend as well. I had a friend (ex pres.. of our lease) that after the first week or so he would hunt the Moore exclusively.. He loved the place as well as another member we have.  I have not been out there since 07 Now my cousin on the other hand who hunts in Colmesneil said they have harvest some monsters this year as well some other folks in Corrigan.  The Corrigan guys have been doing the management thing for 20 plus years... it works.
  21. thanks appreciate that.
  22. Shot a big fat doe Sunday evening. Picked one out of a group of three. It's funny how they seem to stick around for a few minutes after the first one goes down.. finally they got the message and fled. One young buck.. possible spike.. it was a good ways off (220 plus yards)... did not need any accidents on a four point. was just hanging around. My cousin ( who had been drinking) says shoot it.. shoot it cuz ! I am not that greedy anymore. after we got chomped on by the mosquitos after dark.. he thanked me for not killing anymore.
  23. Sharkfutbol... now that myself and Watash girls have left.. its time for you to keep us abreast of the stats! You know things like how many throw-ins, goal kicks and  whistles for fouls.. just the important details... do not bother with the scores.. who is counting anyway. LOL or delegate it to BOX-T
  24. I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other Dave. I wish it was going to be next season.. We will be a little light on competition next year without Tx State, UTSA and the third team that is leaving.
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