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Everything posted by elhector1

  1. I don't think the question was a bad one, or an accusatory one, silly. Earlier in the thread someone had mentioned that some of the kids had gotten waivers, but since there were no leagues in Orange proper, there was no need for waivers. BCLL is hnd has always been a class organization, with serious parent volunteer participation, which is what makes a great league. The parent volunteer participation in both TCLL and WESCO had dwindled dramatically, and for TCLL, hurricane Rita was the first nail, and hurricane Ike was the final nail in it's coffin. Having said that, my congratulations goes out to the entire BCLL organization, and it's 11-12 yo All Stars in particular. Knowing what it takes to field, coach, and prepare the team for the All Star tournament, I give props to the parent volunteers that went all out for their kids, this even as many were not in their homes because of Ike. It was an effort of champions, both on the field, and off...
  2. In answer to the question, Little League sets up boundaries according to the areas chartered leagues serve. In the past, BCLL served the BC/OF area, Twin County LL served the LCM/Mauriceville/Deweyville area, and WESCO LL served the WOS and parts of the OF/BC area, because of the boundaries that were determined by LL International. With the demise of both TCLL and WESCO, the BC area increased to cover the areas formerly covered by TCLL and WESCO. Therefore, as I understand it, there was no need for waivers, since the area belongs to BCLL. If Little League Incorportated returned to the Orange area, the area covered by BCLL would be reduced, and the new or rechartered league would get the area around it's local ball parks. The OYBS is not affiliated with the Little League Incorporated organization, it is affiliated with the Pony Youth organization, therefore there is no conflict of a kid being in one area and playing in another.
  3. So let me just make sure I understand. Two outs, runners on first and third, batter hits the ball to 3rd baseman who forces the runner out at 3rd to end the inning. The batter is charged with an official AB and it is ruled as a ground out to the batter? You mean forced the runner out at 2nd, since the scenario you painted was runners at the corners. If that was the case, it is not a force at 3rd.
  4. Every year, I see the po, po, pitiful me posts about whether or not a certain player or team "gets respect"...let's admit it, there is only one team in this district that doesn't get respected on the baseball diamond...and their mascot is NOT a Pirate. Even so, they can rise up and bite you when you're not expecting it. As to Vidor...they have a good pitching staff...they have some good hitters...but the core group of seniors at LCM, in addition to the juniors and sophmores on the team, bring a seasoned group of ball players, all of whom have played, and batted against the Pirates before, and come out on top. What will the difference be? What will both squads need to bring to the table, to win the game? It's not one guy, it's not a group of talented players...it's wanna, in Spanish ganas. It's an intangibles that starts in the heart of the team leaders, and filters down to the rawest rookie. It's the ability to rise up, take the field, and get the job done...in the past few years, it's been the Bears who have brought more of it to the field...and I expect the trend to continue... Bears, winners in a tight game, 5-3.
  5. I smell a T-Shirt ;D I'm in...$15.00 a shirt, money to go to a charity of their choice...faces in front, with a background of the balls and equipment of the sports covered...oh yeah!!!! ;D
  6. Van and Gabe... schoolin' the "big boys"...
  7. the Beaumont Enterprise has a Sports Department? Oh, I forgot, it's headquartered in Houston... not like Gabe at The Leader...He's at as many sporting events as possible...and you can call him with game notes. One guy in Orange, outshines a bunch of guys in Beaumont...hey BE...who's your daddy?...
  8. wow... we went from the "new kid" to Matt Hicks... I have seen Matt off the field, before a game...humble, and not arrogant. On the field, plain and simple, the kid can play the game. I got an idea...let's just see what the season holds...that's the fun of baseball...those lucky youngsters get to play the game, we get to watch it. we get to see young men live up to the hype of the community, and we get to see other young men create their own noise...we get to see leaping catches, balls going over the fence, hard hit line drives that just go over an outstretched glove, and sometimes...a little "grand theft baseball" when that fielder finds that "extra something" in his body, and robs a sure base hit from the batter... We get to see young men succeed, we get to see them struggle...and in all of this, let us not forget...they are YOUNG men, with a lot of life ahead of them...us old beasts have had our chance at greatness and glory...let us enjoy this for what it is...a game, an sporting event that entertains, and teaches. We, as fans, have a responsibility...to be the best we can..to cheer them on, and in the case of loss...to stand by our team...
  9. adminbaberuth... I see what you mean... I say, let's get 'em together, let 'em rassle (sic) each other, and charge admission, and the proceeds go toward that Little League Challenger ball park that Jerry McGinnis was working on... ;D
  10. are we taking ourselves a little TOO seriously here? I had fun with the thread...but now we have elctronic shouting, sarcastic name calling, hurt feelings...all over a young man who has a desire to play sports, baseball in particular, and have fun with it, and, from the looks of his stats, is pretty good at the game... aaaahhhh...there's that word...game... Having seen that fan behavior can get...well..crazy, I wanted to inject some levity into the discussion...but NNNOOOOO...we get folks that remind me about a relative of one of the little ball players that used to play at Twin County baseball...He would get SSSOOOO worked up, he would pull a "King Kong" and try to crawl over the backstop fence...we had to ban him... You know what? Good luck Mr. Kellogg...you seem like a good young man, who looks forward to playing ball at a really good place to play ball at...'ceptin' for some of the fans, that get the "baseball rabies" 'bout this time of year... Don't worry...the foam in their mouths is harmless...and they have been vaccinated, so they are safe...you'll find them at all the local ballparks...a crazy vocal minority that have self-assumed the mantle of "baseball oracle" Have fun playing the game young man...enjoy these years of playing ball...
  11. great start to district play, gentlemen...keep it up... GO BEARS!
  12. im going to give it a shot and say a vehicle.... really, what does it matter? if his family is now living in the area i believe its a law he has to attend school somewhere... a vehicle..that was funny...seriously, it was...lol if you see my earlier posts on this, you saw me having fun...at the expense of those who love to talk about high school kids as "baseball gods", ready for the big time. Up until one of the last posts did we actually see what young Mr. Kellogg actually brings to the Redbirds...before that it was pure speculation... ANd when we started talking about "pitching speed"...read WHO I was talking about...that awesome 3rd grader over at our neighbors to the east...EAGLE07 took it for what it was, but then that fictitious speed became a point about Mr. Kellogg...all without facts, until 2 posts later... The names of coaches and law enforcement personnel should have been the tip off... Me thinks we take games WAAAAAY too seriously... And yes, I do pick on myself as well...just look at the discussion on the Bear make up tournament thread...
  13. there is a strong possibility that he will be working the concession stand when the Cards are at bat, taking time out only for his at bat. in the field, he will be 1st2nd3rdSSCRFCFLF, and in an attempt to show the kinder side of BC baseball, will also coach 1st and 3rd for opposing teams.., refer to my earlier caveats for clarification...
  14. Do people read the WHOLE post on here?...
  15. "sarcasm"...I'm not gonna believe his spit wad hit 90 unless he actually had a gun on him. ;D Well...actually...there was a gun on him...Deputy B. Fife was called in after the incident, and drew his "Red Ryder" service revolver, and had the kid covered... Deputy Fife is still trying to get the jammed BB cleared after the kid threw a paper wad at him, and in a feat of precise ball placement, put the wad right in the barrel...
  16. I bet BH will let you pitch against them. Don't know, the old trick shoulder..no really, it does tricks!... Should be some interesting "chess match" type moves on all the coaches parts, to insure quality on the hill...I mean, not the "semi-stellar" stuff I can give them...but hey...it should be good...
  17. I tried to get some "grandfathered in" elegibility...I mean seriously "grandfathered", since I did not play in high school... Coach Griff just sadly shook his head, either gagged or giggled, I don't know which, and said..."thanks, Mr. M., we got it covered."... I mean, he is going to miss my blazing "school zone" speed heater... my "get the plumber honey, I think it's a hairball" sinker... and my "next time, use a %&^%&% turn signal" curve... oh, well, I volunteered...
  18. see what happens when you get past just $40 and a mule?...Things begin to happen... I see a booming 3A farm system down east of us...Bobby Bouche is seriously considering coming out of semi retirement and stepping in as a coach for all the D1 prospects, since he no longer has to worry about the fooseball. It is said one of the strongest draws for Bouche's farm system is his wife, Vickie Vallencourt, who retained her first name after having trouble spelling "Bouche". Coach Bouche has stated that he in no way, has any affiliation with any "Redbirds" because Cardinals give him the red a....well...you know. It is said that one of the local elementary schools has a "pre-D!" prospect, who, as a 3rd grader, knocked out his teacher, who is a dead ringer for Colonel Sanders of "KFC" fame. The young man in question, whose name has been withheld pending contract negot.... ummmm, uuuhhhh..."job offers for his father" is said to have used a regulation size and weight wad of paper to knock the teacher out, with paper wad speed said to have reached the low 80s. Singeing was found on the edges of the paper wad, leading some to beleive that the object may have touched the low 90s. Other local coaches have reservations about using farm system players, citing ethical concerns? "Are they raised in humane conditions?" asked the head coach of the local Orange Texas high school that has an "ursaite" mascot. Other coaches, such as the head coach of the local equine representative, asked if they were house broken, since a coaches time is so taken up with classes, coaching, training, and oh yes, an attempt at a family life, that baseball player feral behavior would be difficult to break... (INSTRUCTIONS FOR READING: plant tongue firmly in cheek, and go look up the words "parody" and "sarcasm")
  19. Sorry guys, but every time I see the name of this thread...I think it's gonna be a wrestling match betwwen a couple of Hollywood starlets...
  20. Nobody got anything right tonight....according to Channel 6, Dallas BEAN was pitching for LC-M...lol
  21. "Why, if he can't take it, he shouldn't play the game"..."he was weak"..."he should have bucked up and gotten strong"...can you hear all the morons already, the guys who sit in the stands, and complain, and moan, have never set foot on the field, yet know EVERYTHING? Please, please, repeat after me..."It's a game...it's a game...it's a game..."
  22. Nederland did well against one of El Paso's top 5A teams...congrats to both Bulldog teams, Nederland and El Paso Soccorro...
  23. thanks...EP Soccorro is a 5A school, located in the Lower Valley of El Paso. started out as a HS for all the farm kids, but now is the flagship school for the fastest growing district in the El Paso area...The Bulldogs made the playoffs last year...went 3rd round, I think...
  24. which El Paso team? EP has 17 high schools, 4A and 5A.
  25. One of the things we have to look at is the facts...btw Diamond, congratulations on your kids' acheivements... 1. Since this is a baseball forum, we will adress the baseball side of it...the reality is that many players will not get a full ride...scholarship, yes, full ride no...football gets those...the chances for an academic scholarship are greater than a sports one 2. A player's overall career is measured in years, while post playing days is measured in decades...so one must prepare for that, instead of the sports career being the goal... 3. In the practice of the athletic craft, the chances of a career ending injury increase with the amount of playing time...and the chances of a college career ending, along with the scholarship are also great, depending on the school... Maybe plan for the post athletic career, while enjoying the amount of playing time... EAGLE 07...tax or audit?...
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