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Everything posted by elhector1
Bulldogs add QB, lose star tackle
elhector1 replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
[quote name="Dogs2x2" post="852960" timestamp="1285092841"] To "The Boys Mom"... not sure what you meant by saying is everyone held to those rules or just some??? I get so tired of hearing how people think the coaches just play their favorites or show some sort of favoritism. (Which is what I understood you to imply) Yeah Im sure they like some kids more than others but if they are going to win they have to have rules that apply to everyone. The kid that left was a starter. I know Neuman did not want to loose him but when you let the kids run the team then your done. I know these boys will work even harder to show the kid that left that they will do fine without him and Dionte will step up and learn a lesson from all this also. I just know my kid likes both Dionte and Carson. He will support whomever plays quarterback and do his best to help them do their job because its about the T E A M ! [/quote] In the "Bill and Ted" style... Your post was most excellent...rock on! -
Obviously, since my life revolves around posting on forums where I have no children, I will put my unwanted 2 cents in here... This is for snooty...ooops, I mean smitty Being a taxpayer in a district DOES NOT make you a fan of a program, or a supporter of that program. SInce all the tax money is disbursed into different accounts, your taxes could have gone into the science coffers... Second, your anology of being able to criticize a coach's on field abilities because you are a taxpayer falls flat. The won/loss column are a measure of the kids in that program, not in the coach's job performance. The kids paly the games, not the coaches. What then, is a measure of the coach's preformance? That he prepares them for the games. Period. If the kids are sitting around, doing nothing, THEN you would have a point. That, however, isn't the case. Coach Neumann, from past performance, has shown that he prepares his kids QUITE well. I beleive he is an AD as well...the 'Dogs bring EVERY team that they field, ready to go, so that shows his measure as an AD. We now have the same thing in Bear land. A coach who prepares the kids, and also an AD who works for all teams of the school. Now, being that we have shown, by a preponderance of the circumstantial evidence, that Coach Neumann is doing his job QUITE well, I move that the court of public opinion convict you of the offense of being a hater in the first degree...
Bulldogs add QB, lose star tackle
elhector1 replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
I agree on keeping it a team issue, and not involving the press...the question now is...how did the press find out? Was it from the Nederland coaching staff? I doubt it. Was it "a la Craig James"? Don't know that either. Sme may say that the document about eligibility would be the trigger...but since that is internal, that can't be the cause, just the nugget a reporter found when he or she dug. So, where did the "treasure map" come from? Since I doubt that Coach Neumann or his staff would do it, then what remains is the players involved. Who stands the most to gain from "exposing" Nederland? No evidence, no evidence at all...a lot of circumstantial nuggets, but nothing like a "Deep Throat" phone call to the friendly reporting staff of the local newspaper... -
Bulldogs add QB, lose star tackle
elhector1 replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Since my kid goes to LCM, I don't have a dog in this hunt... But... It's a tough decision for a coach to make. Do you put a kid in as QB who has a lot of athletic talent, but struggles with interacting with his team mates, or do you put the kid in who might not have as much talent, but has the ability to work with the others? Plain and simple, football is not a popularity contest. A coach has to evaluate the tangibles and intangibles and decide who will be best for the TEAM. That the "field general" might not be a popular choice shouldn't matter to kids who are team players. The fact that Coach Neumann had the new QB talk to his team mates and iron things out, shows that coach recognized that there were issues. That the majority of the team stood behind their QB, even the kid being replaced, after this, shows that the majority of the team play for the sake of the team. That does not bode ill for Nederland. They know they have to work at it. Once you identify an issue, you work to remedy the issue and play ball. As for the kid who left...hey, you knew what the consequences were before you walked out of the locker room. I can understand leaving on principle, but to go to the rival across the way shows that principle only goes so far... -
How to damage your image 101
elhector1 replied to Mr. Buddy Garrity's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
I hear Mike Price over at UTEP has an opening... He is VERY understanding about such matters... ;D -
how much does OU suck?
elhector1 replied to Mr. Buddy Garrity's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
You know that twister that has all the New Yorkers freaked out? How the wind came in and sucked the trees out of the ground.......(wait for it)......that was just an OU alum flying overhead... -
Y'all remember that coach from Frio River City who got in all kinds of hot water for recruiting that 6th grader who could throw a tight spiral on target 50 yards, and could kick the ball 60 yards through the uprights? Remember how he used the 6th grader in that freshman game? Come to find out that the 6th grader was a hermaphrodite whose hormone meds were a weeeeeee bit high. Made the change from male to female in 8th grade, go elected head cheerleader and homecoming queen this year. Of course, the student body is a total of 95, but what the heck, it's still an acomplishment... ;D
[quote name="BrenhamFan" post="847392" timestamp="1284489559"] "Offense sells tickets, defense wins games" [/quote] You'll have the sales tickets for this one...it'll be high scoring, with last possession who scores being the winner. I "predict" that LCM will score last, making it a 41-38 win for the Bears. Both high scoring offenses...both Ds will be gassed at the end of the game.
One of the last comments caught my eye...the "veteran" versus "rookie" comment. As I have said before, I coached Pop Warner. However, I can't, and never will hold a candle to folks like the head coaches and assistant coaches who make a living at it. My job was fundamentals..."Listen to your coach, try your best, in flag, we block like this, don't move till the ball gets hiked, etc..." Y'all get the point. As a volunteer coach, and as a parent, I never considered my "expertise" to be anywhere close to the high school coaches. Yet, more and more I see "specialized kids" who are "beasts" and "pro material" at least in their parents and families' eyes. These "robo-parents" are in the parking lot after the game, expecting a coach who has close to 100 kids to coach, to do the same thing their "special coach", who they pay $100.00 an hour to, does for little Johnny. What happens is a kid develops certain habits that are part of that special coach's repetoire. Things that may have worked for others, but don't quite work for Johnny, yet the parents think that he can do no wrong. A high school coach gets this kid, and instead of adapting to the team, the parents expect the team to adapt to Johnny. The same thing can happen to a parent who was a "beast" in high school or even college. He teaches little Johnny "his" way of doing things, and if the coach says otherwise, the coach is wrong. What you get is a VERY confused young man. A young man who can't adapt, because doing so would hurt dad or mom, who either paid big bucks, or are so self centered that any other way of doing things is wrong...
[quote name="bronco1" post="846370" timestamp="1284392713"] Football is a violent sport, violence rules the field. A player must be ferocious regardless of position. Raised voices, rants, and rebukes are a part of this sport. Soccer(kickball) may be a good option to avoid that atmosphere. [/quote] Kickball, okay. But soccer, at leasst the soccer (futbol) I know, is played as hard, physical, and violent as any football game, except without the pads, and the frequent stoppage in play. You all want to compare the way youth league soccer is played to the way high school and college football is played. Compare apples to apples. Youth football and youth soccer is all about fundamentals and making kids feel good. Neither one reflects the reality of either sport in high school, college and the pros. In fact, if some of the "poor little Johnny" moms went to a real soccer game, they would get beat up...
we kind of need to subdivide things here, magnus... As a volunteer coach, I had time to coach "quietly" because I was in charge of 15-16 kids. It's not a bad idea in Pop Warner and Youth football. However, comparing a volunteer coaching gig to a head coach gig is light years of difference. When they are young, you are a god, and they hang on your every word. In high school, heck, even junior high, they have other things on their mind, and there are a lot more of them. A coach has to shout to be heard. And beechnut, you are pretty much what? Another poster? I will let my fellow posters decide whether my post made sense, and also let them decide the "wisdom" of your actions.
I'll offer my perspective from the various "hats" I have worn in life... As a parent, I have let my children be individuals, not carbon copies of me (thank God! Iwas 125 lbs., soaking wet, in high school as a senior...combined with Coke bottle glasses and buck teeth, that made for an interesting picture.) My oldest, now an accountant, played high school football from 8th grade to 10th grade. HE decided that he could make a greater contribution to the team by being off of it and letting someone with more ability, but a lower grade classification, take the spot he was occupying. My contribution while he played was to be the loudest supporter for the "D" line, to the point where I gave his coaches a chuckle on game films. My middle son lettered in baseball his junior and senior year. Every season began with the same question..."you still wanna play?" My daughter is not interested in sports. As a coach (volunteer Pop Warner and Little League) I have had the opportunity to coach great little guys that became fine young men. A couple of the ones I coached are in D-1 schools, one is at Lamar University, and one is in the NFL. None of them are there because I coached them. They are there because you had a wonderful combination of parents who worked in conjunction with the coaches, from little kid to high school. Parents that KNEW the coaches job was to coach, and their job was to parent. Parents who led by example. Coaches are there to win the games (and occasionally, teach history). They can have the most knowledgeable history students, but the school faithful demand wins. They do scream...they don't have the luxury of a Britney Spears flesh toned microphone that can make them heard over the [size=14pt]LOUDNESS[/size] of a typical game. They have to yell instructions to kids who are thinking about the date after the game with that hot cheerleader (or a reasonable approximation thereof). No wins? Coaches get fired...No wins and lousy ADs? Coaches get fired faster...Coaches are handed a bunch of kids, and each skills group is handled by an assistant. With a large group of kids, there is no time to be "individual"..a coaching style will be a coaching style. As a parent you have to accept the loudness and the brusqueness of a coach...physical assault? Okay, no, but being loud and obnoxious? In my third hat, as a clergyman who works with youth, I get to see the kids. Not all of them are angels, but by and large, they are good kids. I can tell though, when kids have "freinds" instead of parents. These kids have no limits. I can also tell when kids feel they are being used to relive "dad's glory days". The package is sold as a "benefit" for the kid, but they realize they are being used. The hardest part of this is when the kid graduates, because their worth is no longer evident to glory day parents. Pretty much, parents can't rely on coaches to be their kid's "buddy". They are there to coach a team, not build lasting freindships into the future. And parents, if you want to see the face of "ugly parenting"...turn on ESPN anytime Craig James is on...
I'm going to the.......
elhector1 replied to Mr. Buddy Garrity's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
[quote name="OrangeFBfan" post="843261" timestamp="1284154641"] Think I'll take in a late game on ESPN: UTEP at UH. My WO-S Mustangs are off tonight. Until next week! :) [/quote] GO MINERS! -
Coaches, UIL and Player eligibility
elhector1 replied to LR2014's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
I know...I think legitimate moves (work related, family cohesion related) are dealt with pretty fairly with most coaches...they realize that at times, someone's livelihood makes moving necessary, or that situations such as divorce or remarriage of a parent make that a necessity as well. FOr lack of a better term, "pissy moves" are dealt with harshly, simply because a coach can do it. If you have a parent who is like a Craig James, threatening to pull his kid and send him to another school for more playing time, a coach will exercise his option to make that kid sit out. I think that the UIL takes situations on a case by case basis, and due to some towns playing the "job for dad of a good kid" game, they really scrutinize a player's eligibility. -
Coaches, UIL and Player eligibility
elhector1 replied to LR2014's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
[quote name="LR2014" post="842527" timestamp="1284062929"] When a player or the players parents move to another town within the district, how often do coaches try to prevent that player from being eligible to play? Also, if a coach does this repeatedly, shouldn't that raise a red flag with UIL? Just curious. I know there will be various reason why parents move. Some are ligit and some because of disagreements with coaches etc. It seems like some coaches think they own these young men. Any comments??? [/quote] This would be a great question for a panel composed of Craig James, his little boy Adam, and the former coach of the Texas Tech Red Raiders... -
Question about weight on refs
elhector1 replied to magnus1on1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
If we are going to going to thrash the refs for weight, then we need to start charging for two seats for some of the bubbas that come into the stadium. I mean seriously, there is a concession stand available, you DIDN'T have to bring the 20 lb industrial size bag of hog cracklins from Louisiana. And, by God, give your kid one of them cracklins, he looks hungry! Poor child, 4'11" and weighing just a measly 290, don't you feed that kid? As for refs...it's a pain in the rear job. I scream at them the loudest, but only if I see a preponderance (sic?) of calls against one team and not the other. Like a lot of holding penalties on one team, and none on the other. If a referee is calling a lot of holding on both teams, he may just have a way he sees holding, and that is a fair determination. If a crew lets a game be played liberally on both sides, again, that is judgement of what they see, and as long as they are consistent to both teams, no problem...As far as the LL angle, I have been behind the plate as a volunteer (most little leagues don't hire umpires, unless the parents and volunteers are so thin skinned that they can't be a volunteer umpire). Understand, I am talking about Little League International here, not Pony, not select, or any other league not affiliated with Little League International. We have had relatives of kids playing try to climb the fence over what they thought was a bad call. That is STOOPID! You can be passionate about the game without being STOOPID. (and yes, I know stupid is spelled like this, I'm just making a point). As far as this thread, hey, if the guy can get up and down the field with no problem, more power to him...just don't stand in his way as he's running down the field. -
[quote name="Tyrone_Biggums" post="841376" timestamp="1283893286"] Where is the anti homo hate speech thread? ;) [/quote] that one is suspended during football season, because, at some point in time DURING the season, me, you and everyone else will be included in the term or the category "homo" by a poster who vehemently disagrees with our post. To my truly gay brothers and lesbian sisters, I beg your indulgence.
[quote name="SgtRey" post="841247" timestamp="1283883304"] [quote author=WeedBegone link=topic=72268.msg841220#msg841220 date=1283881448] Week 2 ---- and the challenge to smack without racism is still on. BTW-- I observed a thread almost get hijacked off the topic because of a post about a schools diverse ethnicticity. Several follow up post were defensively taken offensivly if you know what I mean. Over all, the recovery was ok. We still have work to do. Remember---attack the post yet not the poster. They are just another you with a little different look. ;) [/quote] ;D...Brown and yellow people don't have an Al Sharpton(or however you spell it), or the Grand Dragon(you know what I mean the hooded guy)....I guess I can speak for Brown peeps... [/quote] Since I have a very Hispanic (read: Mexican) last name, many people are surprised when I tell them my ethnicity. One even went so far as to say..."you can't be Mexican! You have freckles!...I looked at him dead serious and said..."aaaahhh, but I'm one of those rare speckled Mexicans"...He still beleives to this day, that there are speckled Mexicans! As for the freckles...you all need to look up "Bataleones (it might be Bataliones) de San Patricio. These are the Saint Patrick battalions of recent Irish immigrants that were conscripted into the US Army in the 1840s, and deserted to fight on the Mexican side because they felt they had more in common with the Catholic Mexicans. Though Mexico is thought of being "brown", we have every shade of person.............
[quote name="shovelhead" post="836933" timestamp="1283449653"] I dont understand the reason for the post either, but I'm in. There are no pedigrees in my family. On this board I'm a Purple Indian anyhow! I guess its still OK to call Cowboy lovers Romosexuals? ;D By the way, this post makes me miss censored Vitale! ;D ;D [/quote] See, I'm an "Indian" from a different "reservation" (Ysleta High School in El Paso), and the saying we always had, and have to this day is..."Once An Indian, Always An Indian"
I think what some of us saw in the past years was people coming on here, disrespecting a half time show from a high school that was in a particular region, and leaving comments that, if they didn't cross racially insensitive lines, then skirted them... You know how them band parents are....
;D Cue the mariachi music, break out the salsa, and bring me the lime, salt, and the shot of Cuervo Reposado... I'll let you all guess my heritage from the BIG CLUES I just left. Oh...BTW...in...deep...and getting deeper...lol :D
Final Four Thread/Butler advances to the finals!!!
elhector1 replied to bullets13's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
Now my Miners losing in the first round doesn't look so bad...lol. -
Solomon: Surprise! UH Cougars hire James Dickey
elhector1 replied to KFDM COOP's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
what is really funny is that when I heard the last name, I thought that UH had hired UTEP's assistant. Close, but no cigar. RANDALL Dickey is JAMES' brother, and was considered the front runner by many El Pasoans before Tim Floyd got the job. It was expected that Randall Dickey would bring his brother to UTEP had he gotten the head coaching gig at UTEP. However, with UTEP taking Floyd, it is unclear what will happen with Randall Dickey...possibily moving to Houston?... -
Tim Floyd comes back to UTEP as head basketball coach
elhector1 replied to elhector1's topic in SETXsports Archived Threads
I think Floyd was a "sentimental" choice. He had assistant coached under Haskins, and is seen as taking the program back to the "glory days" of "Glory Road". Who knows? He's been an assistant at the pro level, so, as a coach, he can't be that bad. What I do think, however, is that he was cheap. Billy, even with is problems, was higher priced than Tim was. And UTEP is known for being the parking spot of scandalized coaches, both in footbal and basketball. Now NDN, remember it's the Instituto Tecnologico de Juarez...UTEP is in the States...but just barely...lol... ;D (500 feet from the US Mexico border...)