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Dayton Transplant

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Everything posted by Dayton Transplant

  1. The report said because of the high % of pitchers in HS having surgery, UIL was (and I did not here) next thing I caught was 90 pitch limit on JV and 105 Varsity with a cap for a 7 day period. Coaches would be required to fax in reports to somewhere daily and if caught over limit, coach would be suspended for a period of time.  This may be BULL, I don't know. Sure would equal playing field a little and put some strategy into the pitching.
  2. Anyone heard anything about UIL and Pitch count limits of 90 for JV and 110 for Varsity. Heard rumor of this today on a news cast.
  3. Congrats to ALL sub varsity boys for giving 100%. You guys are the upcoming stars for you schools. Work hard, stay healthy and it will pay off for you and your teams for years to come. You all should be proud of yourselves.
  4. That's what I needed to know. Thanks for the help.
  5. For sure on that. More curious about working kids out in some kind of off season program as a parent. Select ball only fielding and hitting.
  6. Can someone clairify rule if any reguarding playing select and HS at same time. Also is there any rule about getting players together now and working out as a team in off season? Does it need to be after school is out and off school property conducted by someone other than an ISD coach?
  7. This is going in circles. My son is defending this country and I take offense to being late. Maybe this or that happened. Same jack leg locked the door at halftime also.        FACT. Late for kickoff and second half.          Excuses are like aholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.
  8. If baseball was the only thing, I would move in a flash but you must remember that my son has friends here and that would not be a reason to disrupt his life. He will wear his purple proudly and continue to play Select and have his friends also. Sometimes winning is not everything.
  9. Cannot believe anyone would make excuses for such a classless coach (team). Game starts the same every week. How many times has Crosby been late coming out? There either afraid or disrespectful. You make your own decision. I had some friends in Crosby call me at home to say they were sorry for coach Flanigans actions. He is the leader and must take the blame for the actions of his team. You learn from your leader and I for one am proud to be a BRONCO parent and thankful that I do not live in Crosby. ( would relocate).
  10. Forget the final score. Flainagan or who ever he is can kiss my ___. . Second time he has held his team for start of game. MY SON serves this country in the Armed Services and they all deserve respect on and off the field. I wish it had been 100-2. I cannot believe the good people of Crosby would put up with this crap. JD laying on the field and Crosby players do not have enough respect to take a knee.  Players learn from their leader and Crosby has none on the football field. I usually hold my opinion but this is disrespectful of our men and women serving our country
  11. Off season work is why BH - Crosby - GCM - Lee  etc will have good teams. Here in Dayton, we will struggle as always. Will someone in Dayton please wake up to the fact that we need off season work. We have talent to compete if they get the work in. (Farting in the wind on this)
  12. Forget the smack for a minute. That freshman game was awesome. Crosby has two very good backs coming up and Dayton has a very good team. One of the best freshman games I have seen in a long time. Both teams played hard. High five to both teams. Lot of talent coming up for both teams. Should fuel the fire for several years to come. By the way, I know for fact there was no B team game as of Monday evening. Do not know why. Dayton had there B team on sidelines at this game ready to play so make your own conclusion.
  13. It was Crosby's decision to only have A Freshman game in Crosby tonight
  14. Dayton Freshman do not give up points like the rest of the district (14 is the most). They are a ball control offense. Dayton vs Crosby freshman will be a good close game. Both groups have come a long way from JH days.
  15. Dayton vs Crosby shirts are in stock at Sports Depot. Nightmare on Hwy 90
  16. Must be nice to have a baseball program. I have to gather up a few players myself (as a parent) and play select just to keep the somewhat in baseball shape. All freshman.
  17. Dayton Freshman score on first 4 drives  30-0 after 1st qtr.    B-Team plays rest of game. 30-0 final.  Class act by coaches not to run up score and show up Lee.
  18. Don't give up Eagle7. Had practice last night. Be in touch later tonight. Thanks
  19. Can someone advise me on the best way to get looks for my son. Is it wise to make all of these camps or is this just a money pit. My son is a Fish and throws around 80 on gun (four seam) with very good control. Just turned 14 and is 6'  160lbs. Has been playing select (majors-premier) for last several years.  Is it too early to even bother?
  20. Can you foward your reply on to all high school AD's  in at least 19-4A. Won't be long before Rupp has a program at GCM and Denny has already one in place at BH. Not sure about Crosby. Lee?  Galena Park?      Don't think King and North Forrest care.
  21. Boy do I agree with that. Baseball is third in line at best but you always HOPE for the kids. We do have talent but as you said, most don't play year round and then try to come out of football or basketball. BH should have a big advantage with David D. and an off season baseball program. Maybe a coach or two is tuned into this channel and understands that to have a baseball team (as in football) you need a PROGRAM.    Wishful thinking in Purple Country
  22. Dayton is good size and there defense will knock your jock off. They have good speed and can throw. Great running attack
  23. Your right but it's a new year and they are finally getting some kids into the system that have been playing select at various levels instead of just league ball.
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