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Amphibious Rodent

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Everything posted by Amphibious Rodent

  1. My son was working when he was 16, bought his own vehicle, clothing. And joined the military when he was 18. And he was fighting for you and your sons freedom in Afghanistan shortly thereafter. Point is. Yes at least my son was a man at 18.
  2. I can see how he forgot to pay for them!!!!
  3. 4.5% of us. No questions asked. No matter if we agree with the policy or not.
  4. maybe if you studied hard enough in college you would know not to leave college and go into the workforce if you are not in demand
  5. I agree. But I believe we have uncountable representation on both sides of the political spectrum. The American people need to demand accountability. Not just talk. We may have good conversation here. But no one is listening that can make a change.
  6. There is ups and downs to Obama care. If you can only see one side of the equation your not being honest with yourself. You should look for the up sides, and also the down sides. Do some extensive research, don't look at any situation from strictly your political stance, or even your personal stance. Of course that's hard to do. Everyone wants what benefits them the most. As opposed to what may benefit the country the most, or the people in need the most. I'm kinda changing my political stance, not Republican or Democrat, more American. Looking more towards government accountability. Kinda like to see our government take care of the needs of Americans first and foremost.
  7. That's very interesting and true. Sterling did help alot of people probably much more than most or any person who calls himself a activists for minorities. Are any other minority leader, ie Jesse Jackson. But due to the fact that his private conversation made public, the media and ever one and their dog had to take action to prove they are not racist. I don't care who you are. If your private life and comments are made public. I'm. Certain we would be all racist and slugs. No exceptions.
  8. You don't have to be black or white,or Jewish or Asian or any other race to recognize racism. You simply have to put yourself in that persons place to understand. if you are offended when someone discriminates, or makes offensive statements about someone of your race, religion background, you rightfully should be. If someone does the same against someone not of your ethnicity or background you should be equally offended. If not you likely suffer from the same affliction as the perpetrator. That's actually where the problem lies. When you don't stand up for all people. Probably should start with the people closest to you. If we are to make the change we have to take a hard look at ourselves. all races suffer from racism, I've have, you have, we all have. Sometimes when we don't get what we want, we are quick to look for other reasons than our own mistakes or failures to put the blame on. I've worked with many races all over the world and I to had thoughts of being discriminated against. In fact maybe I was not just qualified for the position. My point is, racism and discrimination is everywhere to include our minds. This guy is a racist. I don't have to be of your race to see that. A blind man could recognize that. And maybe we should be blind. Then we could see more clearly.
  9. Not sure I understand this comment or whom it was directed at. Please clarify.
  10. I bet he don't do very much prison time if any. Time will tell not our opinion
  11. Glad I live in the sticks.
  12. Don't try to make me feel guilty about shooting all those deer!!
  13. He may be convicted, but the police didn't help him. What do you do. Let them continue go rob you, hope the police catch them. They could also have been armed. Maybe they would have graduated into a higher crime. I may have done the same. Warning to all!!! Do not break into the Rodante's house, he will shoot you multiple times!!!
  14. She did slither didn't she?
  15. What says you?
  16. Got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. To much media pressure. The league had to take action and quickly. Why is the public outraged? Damning evidence I'd say. This was a no brainer. Why not 30 years ago? Economics. Nothing has changed. Money still talks. But if there is insurmountable evidence against you, and so much media and public pressure, action must be taken.
  17. That I'd like to see. People standing up for something. There have contractual obligations. But a person that really believes in something and stands up for it as well. That I'd like to see. Certainly the media and most people would stand behind the players on this issue. What is really like to see is Americans standing up for many other rights that are equally important as this issue and making much needed change across America. We really do have alot of problems that we need to force our government to fix.
  18. It's not just a league that needs to be cleaned up. In my view this has not so much to do with the league. It's people of all races, that are prejudice. We need to educate people, of course that's a daunting task. But it starts here. Starts with us, look at yourself
  19. I agree he does deserve punishment. I'm just making the point that what we say in private should be in private. If conversations you've had with your closest confidants where made public. Alot of people may have lost respect for you to say the least. I know the laws are different I different states. He will get what he deserves, but we also need to protect our rights.
  20. It's hard for me to believe that anyone would agree that taping a personal conversion in ones private residence would be acceptable, much less legal. I Read where he allowed her to tape him, because him being 80 years old couldn't remember his conversations. Don't know if that will hold up in court however, if its true. My problem with this whole thing is, who of us, if we can be honest with ourselves hasn't said things in the privacy of our own homes that we would never say in public. We probably really need to give that alot of thought. We now live in a society that everyone has a recording device. If someone wants to get some dirt one you, its pretty easy. Specifically if it's someone you trust. And this case it was. She baited him. IMO. I'm not taking this mans side, don't misunderstand me. He's got issues. But making it OK to record a private conversation in the privacy of your own home is wrong. Yea, I know, we found out alot about the man. But be careful what you ask for. Don't need to set a precedent here. You could be next, or another innocent person. Again, my problem is with how the evidence was ascertained.
  21. Bad grammar on my part. I should hire a tutor before I post
  22. I cannot understand this guys logic, or anyone who thinks like him. Irregardless of their skin color. And we have them that think that way, and they come in all colors. What really gets me, is the guy is educated, I'm assuming. Being around people of all different races, you come to realize that it's not the color of your skin, or where your from that matters. This guy will get his, you can bet on that. To many good people in America to let this guy get away with what he has said. The league, his wife, lawsuits, he's going to feel it. Might be to late to change his thought process, but maybe not. Don't hate! Not even your enemies.
  23. Guess he'll just have to out coach them!!!
  24. I know you guys may disagree with me. But I believe Russia is a non issue. We are really in a no win situation here. Look it doesn't matter who is in charge of this country right now, we can't stop Russia in this particular situation. Though you will be able to alienate yourself more or make a fool of yourself as we are doing now. This situation is giving opportunities to our enemies that we need to be keeping a closer eye on. Which is any Muslim Nation. When Russia was defeated in Afghanistan it emboldened Radicals. As well as made recruiting for Allah easier. Maybe was was on the wrong team. As soon as Russia left Afghanistan, Osama started trying to find out how to defeat us. Of course Russia wasn't really on our side were they, and why should they be? Yes I understand the reason we claimed Russia was in Afghanistan. Sometimes you need to pick the best of two evils. After years in the middle east, we have wasted billions of dollars. Lost American lives. I bear witness to the fact. And truth be known Iraq is in much, much worse shape now, and even more corrupt than they were before we invaded. Not to mention all the mosque that your tax dollars were used to build or repair. So they could go there and plan more attacks on American's. Afghanistan, we did accomplish one thing there, we made there president filthy rich. Just a few thoughts off the top of my head.
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