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Amphibious Rodent

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Everything posted by Amphibious Rodent

  1. Doesn't matter if you agree or not or what the law says, Yes, that what I'm saying. In my house , uninvited at night, with my daughter, Guilty! Just the way Americans think, specifically in the Greatest State of Texas! Lets face it or (you) has he been charged?
  2. FYI if you sneak a girl out of her house and you get caught, or caught in her bed. It may cost you your life. That means you made a real bad decision. Average American or jury will agree with father. Most likely that's the case here. Don't know if you have a daughter or sister, but Im kinda really sensitive about other people touching them in that manner. Truthfully most fathers are, you may be and exception. And we couldn't care less about the law or the punishment. And like I said, most jurrors will be lenient on the father. IMO
  3. as of now, for as I know, no charges has been filed. Apparently someone thinks the father was justified based on current information. And that could mean, end of story
  4. Fact: You can say what you want, give all your justified reasons why Russia shouldn't have done this, Put all the sanctions on Russia that you like. It will only put America in a worse situation. Russia is going to do as they please in this situation. They care nothing about world opinion or political correctness. They had this won before it started. Just the facts, might taste bad but it's the fact. We shouldn't have gotten involved. Now we look like fools. Same outcome no matter what party was in the White House. We should take a few pages out of Mother Russia's book. Do what you feel is necessary, don't worry about popular opinion. Face it, any military action we've been involved in hasn't turned out well for us recently. Due to our political leaders. There about as worthy as lawyers. Most of them are. IMO Again those Islamic country must be loving this. They don't have to lift a finger. Two of the major powers could destroy themselves. At least to my knowledge China is smart enough to stay out of other peoples business.
  5. Their is no one to refute his testimony other than his daughter. Or if he makes additional statements they may contradict his previous statement. I haven't seen anything on this story other that the link on this forum. But if there is no witnesses and no other circumstantial evidence, seems to me, as say, a potential juror, the guy walks. Can't read his mind. I'm strictly making my call from the one news story I've read. Bad situation to be in for the young man. Coincidentally, I was in a similar situation as and adolescent. I felt the compression of the gun fire close to my head. Fortunately for me I wasn't hit. I didn't report the incident, and have laughed about it ever since. However it could have went the same way as for this kid. I never was mad at the old man for shooting at me, I was guilty as charged.
  6. If he's reaching for something, I'm not going to wait for him to shoot me with that something or even make a positive ID of that something. Just saying, I really don't know how many times you have been shot at. On battlefield or not, just in not in your best interest to wait to see what he's reaching for. I've got my life and in this case the daughters life to protect. Like 5gallon says. I'll pay the price. Rather pay the price in jail than the cemetery. And I'm most always on the police officer side, until he's proven guilty.
  7. we have guns in America. The greatest country on Earth. It's our right. We're not giving them up without a fight. Get used to it!!
  8. Sounds like he was justified to me. He apparently didn't know who the kid was, according to the article. He thought the kid was reaching for something. Can't wait to be shot to shoot back. That hardly ever works out for you. What was truly in the fathers mind, we will never know. Or we will know what he tells us, fact or fiction. Unless father or daughter comes forward with conflicting evidence, Case Closed.
  9. I hope this guy proves them all wrong. And, by the way. I'm a Longhorn Fan. Time will tell. Lot of people have a lot of opinions, driven by their agenda's. He's from Texas, I like him.
  10. This is what Israel would like us to believe and it is likely the case,considering their circumstances, it would be in their best interest for us to believe that and we do have a vested interest in Israel. However IT many not necessarily be the case.
  11. We are playing into their hands.
  12. Something big may happen. Most likely it will be related to our Muslim friends. Not Russia. That is, unless we poke a bear.
  13. I have to be honest with you Pam. I don't usually agree with your political assessment, and I don't really here either. But this situation is in its infancy. Personally I believe we should sit on the fence. We should worry about our own problems. We have larger enemies abroad than Russia. And bigger problems at home. I'd love to be the world police, well not really. I'd love to save everyone but its not in the cards for us. Can't be the be all to end all. There is a bigger picture.
  14. And if sanctions don't work. You suggesting military action then? Just curious about your long term plans
  15. All these things may come to pass. The process takes a minute. And if they don't work?
  16. They kinda look at us the same way for invading Iraq. And I was there, 6 times.
  17. He and Russia are not weak. They can deal with any sanctions if they desire to. We are weak. Its the price we pay for political correctness and trying to please everyone. Didn't hear anyone in here screaming we should boycott olympics. Putin will do what Putin wants. Stop when he desires to stop. No matter who is in charge, he's going to do what he wants. But this may help you get your Republican president that you want. So count this as a blessing.
  18. So what should our strategy be? Anybody!!
  19. The missile launch was already scheduled prior to the Ukraine situation started. We new it was scheduled.
  20. I'm a Republican to start with. But I don't try to bash the president, for the sake of bashing him. I don't agree with alot of the stuff he does. I don't even agree with the way he is handling this situation. But I would like to hear what you and anyone else thinks our actions concerning this situation should be. Holding my breath with anticipation!!!
  21. Lock and Load then Warrior!!! Lets Rock, Ain't my First Rodeo! Oh what's that you say, You ain't ready to Float that Boat?
  22. We are putting ourselves in a precarious situation!!!
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