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Amphibious Rodent

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Everything posted by Amphibious Rodent

  1. Pick your battles, this ain't one of them. Oops to late, STUPID
  2. Fact!!! They're loving it!!!
  3. It would be suicide to send forces or any type of military action in Russia. As it would be for them to send something here. No win situation!!!
  4. Russia is not our enemy. Islam is if anyone. They must be loving this. They don't even have to lift a finger. Just sit back and watch us waist more money and become weaker.
  5. if we stick our nose in other peoples business, the cold war will be back on.
  6. Putin is going to do what Putin wants to do. If George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, or Robert e. Lee was president it wouldn't matter. Accept the truth!! There is nothing we can, or should do. If he was invading Canada, that might be a different story. But he won't. He knows what he's doing. We are just making fools if ourselves by acting like we can do anything
  7. The only thing that America could do is levy sanctions against them. Any military action is out of the question. Hope that the Ukrainian people fight back for themselves. They couldn't care less what we think. It's really none of our business. And by the media covering it, and American politicians getting involved, only makes us look like fools. We judge others countries actions harshly. Our actions are no more justified then what is already happening. Why should we get involved and pass judgment when we can't even take care of the issues of our own country. And they are going to do what they want to do, because they have a PAIR of shoes.
  8. As much as I would like to agree with you, I can't. First of all our media is to liberal and we could never wage war in the manner in which it should be waged to end wars. 2nd due to our liberal media the American people don't have the stomach for it. Considering that, it would be better to stay out if war. If you want (need) to wage war, then, wage it, win it or stay out!!! Therefore we should stay out. Doing what us necessary becomes ugly to say the least. The American public, needs to know very little if any of the dirty details. Just my opinion from a soldiers point of view, or at least mine. Don't tie my hands. It's not a boxing match.
  9. Put this short and simple. Russia is not our enemy. They may not be our Allie. But they are not our enemy. We should keep it that way. Stay out of other peoples business. I would like to solve the worlds problems, but we really can't afford it. And we really haven't solved any problems lately. We can't even fix Detroit much less Iraq, Afghanistan, or the Ukraine. Come on people wake up!
  10. Claiborne complained it was going to ruin his college career. I'm afraid he may ruin his college career. I know it's hard not to have fun. But if you can't keep it legal, have some self discipline, you may find yourself just being a working class stiff. A shoulda,coulda would have been. C'mon man!! Somebody needs to get in these kids head before it's to late.
  11. All you doubters better enjoy the recent past while you can. The University of Texas Longhorn Football Empire is getting on the track. And is going to roll over anything, that gets in our path. Can't say it's not going to hurt you, because it will. Get your crying rags out boys!! Your going to needem
  12. I'll give that book a read. Thanks.
  13. Things or not that simple, nor can you blame it on Democrats or Republicans. If your looking for a simple answer to why we do the things we do, you won't find it. Politics is very complex. Ordinary Joe, I don't believe ever understands, and almost every politician gets dirty even though it was never his or her intention. The more you know about history the easier it is to understand our actions. The more you are willing to look from your enemies prospective the more you understand how difficult the solution is. And also that what you believe is based strictly on what you have been taught or believe. We can't pick where we where born, or what we where taught. And that shapes who we are. I've looked in the face of my enemies dead and alive. I find it hard not to respect them. And at times I've hated them. Due to extreme circumstances. Do not judge your enemies, nor anyone else. Do not hate the player, hate the game.if you believe in God, pray for yourself and your enemies alike.
  14. And I'm not saying we should go to war for oil. Or that we did.
  15. Iraq really wasn't a player so much in our supply chain. Afghanistan isn't either
  16. I wish all the wars we got into at least got us some free oil. Doesn't seem to equate!!
  17. I agree with your assessment. I think we should keep our nose out of theirs and everyone else business and fix our own problems. And why they're at it stay out of my and your business and don't oppress my rights.
  18. They would most likely say, ve or vurs than zem!
  19. You sure that was a war ship? Maybe they were just trying to seek asylum. Besides, my message to Iran would be, just give us a reason!!
  20. If this and many other things the government is trying to do is factual. How much different or we than good old Russia.
  21. Just curious. What does this mean to you?
  22. I agree 100%. I'm saying most of the so called leaders or not in fact actually religious or Godly. Therefore the wars that are waged by such is not actually a religious war.
  23. I've lived in the middle east for several years. I've had many conversations with the people who live there in reference to politics. Of course I never really allowed them to know what I truly believe. My intention was to understand them and their logic. In fact they are little different from you or I. They put up a front as opposed to American's which are generally relatively transparent. Don't get me wrong, many of us are fake as well. But they use religion to hide their true intentions. As well as using it to get the poor and uneducated people of their populace to do their dirty work in the name of God. In fact it's really to benefit their on personal goals. So my point is, simply put, it's used as a disguise. It's not a religious war, they only use it to get what they want. Of course their countries media, and access to what really goes on there is controlled.
  24. you won't have to worry about that one.
  25. I'm counting those golden eggs!!!
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