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Everything posted by krashtown11

  1. we will all c wen kountze takes that trophy home this weekend, beatin all them 3A teams, man we done KILT 'EM!!
  2. nd we all know who that champion is gonna be..KOUNTZE!!!! CHECK OUR SWAGG!!!!
  3. cant touch kountze..yall got 1 good dude..jacoby
  4. 8-1 get it rite
  5. Lets jus say we KILT 'EM...hj got lucky one time they wont beat us again we gonna kill them n tha tournament..we putin up 100+, they jus cant stop #15 nd #25 duo..all yall who were at tha game saw wut we were capable of aint no1 got a chance i repeat aint no1 got a chance!!!!!!!
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