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Everything posted by dayton

  1. understood...thanks.
  2. Total yards First downs Rushing yards Yds/Att Passing yards Yds/Catch 2823 109 2348 7.53 475 21.59 balanced??? Haven't seen them play.....but I would assume they are capable of passing, but only pass when they have to.
  3. just curious? how many times have you seen dayton play?? and who did you see them play?? I'm not being sarcastic.
  4. AGREE ... that would be a huge undertaking coming from where just left though
  5. FRAN!!!!!!!!
  6. Copied and Pasted from Dayton News - Hope I'm not violating any copyrights etc. Galena Park has said it's okay and the Dayton News Tailgate for the Dayton vs Livingston game is on. We'll be up and ready by 4 p.m. We'll be located in the south parking lot in the trees and on the grass next to Wallisville Rd. Go park your vehicle and come join us for some BBQ sandwhiches, pickles and onions, and cold drinks (coke, diet coke, dr. pepper, diet dr. pepper, and water - maybe some lemonade). Now we'll have a "tip jar" set up for anyone who might want to donate to the cause, but this is done at no charge so paying is not a requirement - it's only voluntary. Any proceeds will go towards the next tailgate. Hey! As the Broncos advance, the tailgates will get better and better - after all - we're not all that use to this. We'll have two bun sizes for small and large sandwhiches. Also will have some links with some bread and/or hot dog buns. Sounds good, doesn't it? Drop by eat, get something to drink and/or sit around and we'll talk about the Broncos. We'll have a couple of chairs but if you're going to be around awhile, bring your own. Let's start a tradition here of showing others we know how to "follow the Broncos." If you have any questions, want to be more involved, or whatever, give me a call on my cell. If you don't have it, get it from someone who does as I don't think I want it published on the world wide web. Oh, and WEAR PURPLE!!!!!!!!! Mike George
  7. 45 out of 58 is about 78%
  8. Go ahead and say that...about 5 other different guys will.
  9. Who cares.....ya'll would have a blast if it sat 2,000. Most of ya'll don't sit down most the time anyway. It is what it is. Have fun regardless. Go Raiders!
  10. I've found that with the chronicle, individual stats usually aren't complete but team stats usually are. This seems to be especially true of the schools outside of the houston area. Not knocking the Chronicle, they do a good job of compiling stats over a large area. It has really expanded over the past couple of years.
  11. rarely misses a prediction. this was a big one to miss. I have been reading his predictions on other boards for 2 or 3 years and this is honestly the 1st I remember him missing. EX: last year predicted dayton to lose (he said reality pipe upsead the head) this year he said TC would get punked. :-\
  12. I think everyone was very wary of TC this past week. the fans that were guaranteeing a dayton victory usually weren't from dayton.
  13. If it was to happen and was held at Lamar. the Area support would be great I bet.
  14. In the words of Paris Hilton..........."That's hot" ;D ;D ;D
  15. TC dressed 76 kids according to their program roster. Maybe them and LM should have picked some others to play.
  16. 38-7 China Springs..... they are playing Kville next
  17. ??? ??? didn't lufkin lose to klein forest in RD 1????????
  18. Good hold Indians!......let's go baby.
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