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Everything posted by dayton

  1. this is stupid....PM me Done
  2. my times from high school would hold up just fine. Having been away from it for 7 years now...I'll give you that.
  3. like I said...nothing special.
  4. Not a parent...just a fan...you're right he could have. And...since you mentioned it...I went to state in CC (yes, as an individual) in high school and went as far as BH in track....regionals...so, I wasn't anything special....but...if I'm not....well, you know where I am going
  5. They probably would be upset....but in the heat of the moment, loud stadium, etc. I would almost bet that no athlete is counting strides, measuring, etc. If this would have happened to Dayton....I for one would not call it CHEATING... to me it's incidental...especially knowing Joe's character. If he had went body to body with him, it would be one thing. but the back of a foot is what it sounds like. You can't call that cheating. There is almost always contact in hotly contested races.
  6. Too bad I wasn't comparing myself to Patton. I also wasn't running him down. I simply said...going by times, etc. that I don't believe he would have held on. I think he is a great athlete and is good at every sport he plays....that's a senseless statement you just made.
  7. wasn't talkin' mess...I was simply stating facts....If this really is Cameron S....I hope you do well with the lifting...a lot of the posters on here are adults like myself...so don't assume that I was talking to any particular youngster.
  8. Don't know...that's what I'm saying. I wish he would have. Believe me...he could have. Patton was in a very tough spot trying to hold the lead against the guys he was running against. In that situation...I think it is better to be the hunter than the hunted.
  9. Old man?? I'm 25...you're not so bright. How about you just compare the PR's for both teams and you'll have an answer on whether we can back it up or not. And...how do you intentionally knock the baton out of someone's hand with your HEEL???? Joe Carter = Track star/martial artist????
  10. I do pay attention to what I post...JACK???....clarify when you say everyone on a thread that is comparing mile relay teams (plural)....and no...I don't believe they had the horses to put a big enough gap on Joe to hold on. Like I said it is unfortunate the way it played out, but I don't believe they would've held on. I am allowed to state my opinion, aren't I?
  11. Joe ran a 49??? doubtful
  12. It's unfortunate that it went down the way it did, but Joe is not a cheater. If Joe would have waited, he would have just walked around him on the straight. It stinks for BH, but, Dayton went from 3:20.66 to 3:16.89 in one weekend. Cheating doesn't make you run a nearly 4 second PR. These kids worked their tails off. I honestly don't think that BH had the horses to hold on to that one.
  13. He intentionally knocked the stick out of BH's hand?? I wasn't there...how did he do that? Just curious. Not surprised...about showing the medals though.... a lotta smack has been goin' both ways all season
  14. bobby little didn't play varsity as a freshmen... Had to be will bowers...He was short...that could be who your talkin' about ncplaya He went on and played fullback at SFA he was tough to bring down
  15. everyone was responding to worldaintready42's post.
  16. I hope so...that would be great.
  17. Why would they call Hancock??...he's not the baseball coach. Craus is. I am baffled by this situation. I understand they wouldn't want to play at 7 tonight. Why not a 4 o'clock start like someone else suggested. I bet Diamond-J knows the scoop.
  18. ...and will be televised on ESPN :o kidding... the Hill by a lot
  19. those kids have worked their tails off. I think Barton and Smesny will continue to improve the next couple of weeks and the time will be a lot quicker. 3...maybe 4 guys under 50 seconds is a possibility. Two are already.
  20. Maybe the district is just down this year. :o Just kidding. LCM is GOOD top to bottom. Coaching goes a lot farther than pure talent and experience.
  21. I know I live in Dayton.......but I can't see the pictures.
  22. alceues' posts always leave me a little confused. If we are comparing the two...we are talking apples and oranges.
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