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Everything posted by dayton

  1. they've got to go to regionals before state. The regional sites will be FAT.
  2. There has been no hate towards him. The kid is a burner on the track and a stud on the football field. Plain and simple... a 10.34 hand time isn't a 10.34. Just like all the hand timed 4.3 40yd dashes in HS football aren't legit either. Folks that care about track and accurate results are gonna call out results that aren't legit every single time.
  3. Well said.
  4. This is a good lesson on how inaccurate handtimes can be... If you use the standard conversion (round to nearest tenth and add .24), it puts him at a 10.64, which is still way off from 10.8. That being said, 10.8 is flat out flying in my book.
  5. That's a very impressive time. I'm doubtful that it was FAT though. Just not that many sub 10.6 guys out there. He ran 10.80 at Texas Relays... That's a huge drop in the 100m
  6. what happened in deweyville? did they get turf? thought they remodeled but wasn't sure
  7. I think it's one of the coordinators... not Babin William Jehling is what Bmt enterprise says.
  8. Tell us what you heard PlayActionPass....
  9. Not to mention the tons of free, top of the line gear that they're given, flying all over the country at no cost, eating great meals and just a first rate sports experience that most of us could only dream of... I realize there is a lot of work involved, but what a reward! Also, the networking and contacts made through big time college sports will prove invaluable later. I sure hope he can/will/continue to appreciate all of these benefits. He is one of the lucky few.
  10. I hope Hancock reads this site. It'll be eye opening to him to see the picture you painted of how his mentor views him. Sad Or maybe I don't hope he reads it.
  11. ahhh. thanks for filling us in. Media... smh
  12. Good article. Gotta be awefully tense in Navasota.
  13. understood. But Haynes hadn't won multiple state titles in the past few years either.
  14. My thoughts as well. I'm sure Fedora is a very good coach, but Navasota is loaded also. Also, I'll bet there is lots to this story that folks don't know. I'd think he's reached a level by now, that someone upset over playing time, wouldn't be able to have him non-renewed.
  15. Sad way to go out for Ozen.
  16. Great job Broncos!
  17. sometimes an ego can get you beat..
  18. Awesome. Will she run track for the bears too? She had the #14 200m time in the nation last year. Incredible!
  19. Agreed. But it's likely no mods saw it yet, since very few care about H-D. That's why there is a report post link at the top of each post.
  20. Understood. Me too.
  21. Pretty fair amount of concussions, blood and broken bones in soccer. Just saying... And no offense, but those roofers and mowers are hard workers that are putting some of my best athletes and hardest working students through college right now. More power to them. They're living the American dream that so many refuse to take advantage of these days. On topic: Go Longhorns
  22. Just curious. Where did you learn all your spread skills? A guy with a high paying job (lots of hours?), a wife and kids would have to sacrifice a lot of their limited free time to know all that. Seriously asking.
  23. Eminem has won lots of BET awards. I'm sure there are other white winners as well. But really, who cares? All of the stars, (white, black, whatever) beefing about this have gotten extremely rich doing something that they love to do. All the while, we've got kids of all colors in America wondering where there next meal is coming from, hoping they won't be abused today, etc. Wake me up when these folks have some real problems.
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