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Everything posted by hockeyfan

  1. People on the Aeros' board are talking about how when we get a goalie back(Kopriva was only called up because the Aeros' starting goalie, Josh Harding, was out with the flu), which one it will be. Kopriva or Quesada? ??? Probably Kopriva, but you never know. An update on Marco Rosa(with Providence): 6 games; 1 assist; -6 on the +/-
  2. You were there? You should have come by section 107/108 and sat by the fanatics. Although most people can't handle the sound of the cowbells and then they move to another area. Photos from all three games are up: Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Dec. 30
  3. Final score was 1-0. Poor Yahtzee gets a shootout loss even though he had a shutout. Sort of like a pitcher not getting run support in baseball. The highlight of the night was seeing Casey Lee dress as backup goalie, since Kopriva was called up at the very last minute.
  4. Great game! Photos from the first game of the series are up. [Hidden Content] MANY more are to be added over the next couple of days. One guy is bringing me a flash drive with photos on it, and another should bring me two CDs full of photos.
  5. The battle for 1st place begins tonight at 7:05pm! It's Buddy Night, so buy one ticket and get one for half-price.
  6. This is VERY good for our team. Last season, he won the Kelly Cup with the Alaska Aces, was rookie of the year, and led the entire league in points. And he has spent all of this season up in the AHL with the Houston Aeros. We traded Gino Guyer to Alaska this season for the rights to Leavitt, so that Houston could send him to us when needed. Alex is a center, which is what we need since Marco Rosa is in the AHL.
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. Wildcatters win it 7-3! Mike Bayrack gets a natural hat trick, with three goals in a row in the 2nd period. And not just that -- one was a shorty, then there was the power play goal, and then the other was at even strength. Great job, guys! Hockey -- Texas style! 8)
  9. Texas Wildcatters @ Pensacola Ice Pilots Time: 7:05pm CST Place: Pensacola Civic Center @ Game Sheet ECHL Today Texas Wildcatters radio (and for those who can't get that link to work, try this.) B2 Networks
  10. Wildcatters lose it 7-4. Tough game for the 'Catters, but they'll hopefully kick some "Pepsicola" butt tomorrow. Casey Lee scored his first professional goal, and Colin Nicholson had his first pro assist. I just wish that David and Rosa would come back.
  11. Texas Wildcatters @ Pensacola Ice Pilots Time: 7:05pm CST Place: Pensacola Civic Center @ Game Sheet ECHL Today Texas Wildcatters (17-5-2) at Pensacola Ice Pilots (6-16-2) 7:05 p.m. CT * Wildcatters have won first two meetings, 4-1 at Pensacola on Oct. 27 and 6-4 at Texas on Oct. 28. * Pensacola rookie Ben Gray picked up first pro win making 35 saves in 3-2 win at Columbia on Dec. 16. * Texas’ Brandin Cote leads the ECHL with five game-winning goals, including two in the last five games. * Mike Wirll has scored the Ice Pilots last two game-winning goals, both in final 90 seconds of game. Texas Wildcatters radio (and for those who can't get that link to work, try this.) B2 Networks
  12. ECHL: [Hidden Content] Houston Aeros official web site: [Hidden Content] Houston Aeros message board: [Hidden Content] AHL: [Hidden Content] NHL: [Hidden Content] Hockey Database: [Hidden Content] Schedules, Standings, Scores, Transactions, and misc. hockey links: [Hidden Content]
  13. I'm also surprised that Proulx didn't get chosen. But DG is right about the ECHL focusing on rookies more, especially those with AHL/NHL contracts like Madill and Albers. After all, the ECHL is the premier developmental league. :?
  14. I made some new post indicator buttons with a Texas theme to replace the old square ones: No new posts: New posts: The ones on this board look great, so I decided to make my own.
  15. [Hidden Content] The AHL just might as well take our whole team! Congrats to Marco, though.
  16. Nice story. The guys get so many "dumb" penalties for not keeping quiet. They could be getting ready for a power play, but they smart something off to another player or the ref, and then it's 4 on 4 hockey. :?
  17. Congrats to JF on the call-up!
  18. They just HAD to get shut out on my birthday. :| Ah, well. The "party" was fun. We had a hockey cake in the parking lot, and various members of my hockey family brought presents.
  19. Well, at least you tried the sport. You went to the games and found out that it wasn't for you, so I commend you for that. But you're one of the very few people that tried it and didn't like it.
  20. There are too many closed-minded people with the "redneck" mentality that "I AIN'T GONNA SUPPORT NO YANKEE SPORT!!11!!!" :| Those are always the people that have never been to a game. I can guarantee that if a person goes to one game -- just ONE game, that they will be hooked. Heck, I didn't really like or understand sports until I went to my first hockey game in 2003. Now I love sports(hockey, baseball, you name it!) and fully understand the rules to them. Hockey has to be one of the easiest sports to understand. But people get intimidated by the sight of the ice and guys skating at speeds of 30 mph, hitting into each other and making the rink's Plexiglass rattle. I guess that the only way to get more people in is to have a Nascar or Camouflage jersey night, which really is being considered by the team. :shock: People can't say that hockey tickets are expensive...it costs more to go to a movie most of the time! Oh, and here's my theory...if towns like Laredo and Knoxville can draw big crowds for their hockey teams, why can't we?
  21. Made ya look! But seriously, the Wildcatters are giving away a Playstation 3 to one lucky fan at tonight's game. [Hidden Content] If it's your first hockey game, come sit by us in sections 107 and 108, and we will be more than happy to explain the game. Look for the people wearing the party hats(it's my birthday). 8)
  22. No, we will probably have one more season, since the owner gets free rent for both this year AND next year, so there's no way for him to lose money. And 1100 is the padded number....there were more like 500 or 600 there. :| We have a big group coming with us today, since it's my birthday and all.
  23. Texas Wildcatters vs. Phoenix Roadrunners Thursday, December 14 @ 7:05pm Promotion: Three's a crowd Friday, December 15 @ 7:30pm Promotion: Playstation 3 Raffle Saturday, December 16 @ 7:05pm Promotion: Teddy Bear Toss for Tots Go Wildcatters!
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