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Ulrich von Lichtenstein

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Everything posted by Ulrich von Lichtenstein

  1. Wow. Since you were so eloquent and had such nice usage of proper grammar and spelling there, I TOTALLY stand corrected. You are obviously a "22-3A media staff" who is looking to cover the best player in all of 22-3A. No, wait, perhaps the best player in the state...? The world...? The known universe...? This #31 is SO good, it's unbelievable! Shepherd must be undefeated right now, having such an incredible talent on their team! (Do you feel better now?)
  2. Anybody out there have a final on this one...?
  3. "Resch Gym", eh? That's good stuff!
  4. I think he needs to quit posting his own stats trying to get people to say good things about him... :roll:
  5. Oh boy, here come all the Liberty fans back.... Big whoop...you beat Tarkington, who has pretty much given up on the season. Congratulations, you finally have shown us all what a powerhouse the Panthers are...*yawn* We are SO impressed...
  6. I'm afraid you might have to wait a while for Liberty to put someone to shame. This is the weakest Panther squad in years. If they beat Splendora, then this is truly a district of Coldspring and the five dwarfs...
  7. Coldspring's JV is 6-1. Only loss was to Diboll when Gilbert Moye was playing on their JV.
  8. :roll: :roll: Ouch, that stings...!
  9. Coldspring JV 41 Shepherd JV 12 ...and it wasn't anywhere NEAR that close...
  10. Well, this thread seems to have been hijacked by all the talk about Barbers Hill, but here are my thoughts on Liberty-Cleveland... This year's Panther squad is as weak as I've ever seen Liberty put on the field. Anyone who played the quality Liberty teams of the past few years knew that you'd best have it strapped on tight when you played them. This year, not so much. That being said...Liberty still gets healthy tonight by pounding what evidently is a God-awful Cleveland outfit. It looks like once again Cleveland's best athletes are too busy bouncing a roundball to mess around with a pigskin. Liberty 34 Cleveland 3
  11. Here are tonight's games: Shepherd (2-4, 1-0) @ Coldspring (4-2, 1-0) Tarkington (2-4, 0-1) @ Splendora (2-4, 1-0) Liberty (1-5, 0-1) @ Cleveland (0-6, 0-1) What predictions do you guys have for tonight?
  12. Here are tonight's opening-round games in 22-3A. Who's going to be 1-0 tomorrow morning? Coldspring (3-2) @ Liberty (1-4) Shepherd (1-4) @ Tarkington (2-3) Cleveland (0-5) @ Splendora (1-4)
  13. 22-3A does indeed look like a tossup right now. Cleveland is hapless and maybe hopeless right now, but who can say which three of the other five will be playing in the postseason? Liberty was picked at the top of the heap, and until something happens to change that, you have to think they're the favorites.
  14. Any idea what Liberty JV's season record is now?
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