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Big Stick

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  1. Seem's to me there is alot of crying in baseball.lol.You had tour chance to play dad's. Let the kids have their turn.
  2. I am going with LCM 5-3! With or without Willie Nelson.lol
  3. LCM wins this one 7-5.
  4. I believe the kids should vote for the all-stars! It would be way more fair! IMO
  5. IMO                                                                                                                            1. Bridge city 2. Barbers Hill 3.GCM 4.LCM 5.Nederland 6. Livingston 7.Jasper 8.Silsbee 9. PN-G 10.Vidor. we will see!
  6. All the bucks we have had shot were after 9:30.They are chasing the does hard.lol.No pun intended.
  7. I would like to see wooden bats at every level.JMI
  8. You missed the voting? Dang that sucks! ;D
  9. Most kids that really want to play for a succesful program take it upon themselves to get better.The coach may know baseball and baseball strategy. There are only a handful of high school baseball coaches that even teach their players the fundamentals needed to be succesful.Most succesful players go to hitting instructors such as Sam,Fackler and Green. Coaches have it way easier now than back in the day! JMO
  10. I see LCM as the only 20-4A team that will advance.JMO!I hope they all do! ;)
  11. They said in the first game! Yall can talk smack again,you earned the right!
  12. WOW! Great job Griff! Good to see you are back at it.Congrats guys,yall all have had a great season!
  13. I was at the game and was very near home plate.As soon as it happened i told the guys standing next to me wat I thought happened .The ejection did not surprise me at all.I have watched and played alot of baseball.It is wat it is.I have seen Babino catch alot.The kid is great, he does not miss many balls.JMO.I am glad noone got hurt.We all know batters never get hit on purpose!
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