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Everything posted by TrueBlue

  1. I don't see much bashing going on.  A lot of these posts are thanking Gil for his service to BH and to the kids.  You Goose Creek folks just seem to want to stir the pot.  Everyone thought he was coming back next year until he announced it to us at the Sports Banquet that he was retiring.  NO ONE forced him out!!!!
  2. I hope he was feeling the love.  Ronnie Gage, Michael Odle, and Terry Goode were at EVERY baseball game since they started in March.  There was amazing support for Gil and Jackie from all of them including the fans.  Were you at all of those games.....probably not!  Your screen name is GCM Pats.....wonder why you act like you know so much about BH.
  3. Shannon is a great student and athlete!  I am glad to hear that she is recovering nicely.  Sounds like she has the right attitude to get through this injury and the associated rehabilitation.  She is one of my favorites and I can't wait to see her play next year.
  4. [quote name="GeeGanderdad" post="800798" timestamp="1273717709"] See what yall gone and made this man do,shame on yall...... [/quote] See what we did.....shame on us???  He wasn't asked to leave, he chose to leave!
  5. Spring football start last Friday (April 30).  Don't know when the spring game will be played.
  6. Don Price....seductive charm??????  I work at BH High School and can tell you he has ZERO personality.  He rarely attended faculty meetings, campus functions or had anything to say to anyone who wasn't a coach.  He didn't even come to the football pep rallies.  He pretty much acted like his dog got ran over and didn't have anything positive to say.  Wit the exception of the first year we were in 4A and had loads of talent, the majority of his wins came while we were in 3A and in a marginal district.  Yes, Liberty and HF had some good teams and we had some big wins against those teams, but I DON'T think he was the savior of BH football.  On another note.....I can tell you that the entire attitude has changed in our athletic department since Coach Gage arrived.  He is positive, attends all kinds of campus functions (even the One Act Play that is state bound), and the boys love him. 
  7. Yo Skeeter.....what 3-ring circus?  Coach Gage is pulling together his staff and those who don't fit in are being asked to leave.  Tell me how that isn't different that any Head Coach coming into a new program?  You must be one of the Price "lovers" and need to go post your thoughts on another thread.  We can speculate from now until the season starts about what will happen with the football program.  I just want Coach Gage to know the community supports him.  You folks from Dayton are talking smack now and it will continue through the season.  I have always supported you when you weren't playing BH because you are in our district and have a great football tradition.  I just wish you would give it a rest and see what Coach Gage brings to our program.
  8. Again I say, what makes you think they don't?  Get off it it an move forward.  tnt_mom was just trying to make an offer.  Your question has nothing to do with this thread.  We should be talking about Ronnie Gage and our feelings about him coming to BH.  I am thrilled and can't wait for the season!
  9. [quote name="eagle65" post="763862" timestamp="1266816764"] what makes you think they want to live that close to the school. [/quote] What does is matter eagle65?  tnt_mom is just trying to help by offering something to the new people coming to town.  Thanks "mom" for looking out for our new employees and giving them an opportunity to take a look first. 
  10. My point is that if Coach Price would have said something similar to this that people would be bashing him on here because he is negative. [/quote] If Coach Price said something similar he would get bashed because he was negative???????  All he ever SAID or DID was negative.  He was forever complaining about what he didn't have as opposed to the possibilities.  I really hope we all just ignore stranger's posts.  I understand why he has the name "stranger" because he obviously doesn't want to embrace the new BH. 
  11. Stranger, please do us all a favor and leave this thread.  I cannot imagine a BH graduate being so dense to think Coach Gage is talking about the athletes at Barbers Hill when referring to the jump ropes.  He hasn't even been here a couple of months to know how they are going to do (or improve) through spring drills.  Because he has CLASS he hasn't come in and bad-mouthed the old program.....just the opposite.  He has no axe to grind and you Price lovers can't stand that he is already making positive contributions to the program.   I hope the athletes do read the article.  They will see that their new coach has a great personality, a sense of humor, a desire to build teamwork among them, and a genuine commitment to them and this program.  Why don't you spend you time helping Coach Price get a job and talking him up to someone who wants to listen.
  12. It is clear to me that those in the community and the remaining coaches who were loyal to Price are sure taking a few steps backward and realizing we went out and got a Quality, A++++ coach in Ronnie Gage.  I have read through some of the previous threads and find it rather humorous that so many folks were whining and saying how stupid the school board & Poole was for getting rid of Price because he was such a great coach.  Well......if Price was so great, why doesn't he have a job? I think some folks might be choking on some crow!!!!
  13. I am with you bballer.  I am not trying to piss off anyone.  I have also been here a long time and didn't even read this blog until I overheard someone talking about it after we found out Price was leaving.  I was veru disappointed in our previous leadership at the athletic department.  But it wasn't (isn't) just Price who is the problem.  I am hopeful that Coach Gage will see the "true colors" of some of the other coaches and replace them. 
  14. Well said bballer.  Ronnie Gage is a savvy guy and his personality has already won over a lot of people.  I think he has high expectations for everyone INCLUDING the coaching staff.  Coach Gage knows the importance of inspiring the athletes AND the coaches.  The staff under Price didn't seem to make the connection that being motivated about your job and what you are doing translates to kids busting their tail to work hard and have a winning attitude. As for the BH fans and parents, yes we are proud of our Eagles and we want to win.  There are some parents/fans who don't always conduct themselves the right way.  BUT THOSE TYPES OF PEOPLE ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!  BH pride runs deep and even when we weren't winning (last few years), those stands were full every Friday night to support our boys. 
  15. There are several current coaches that need to go.  They are entrenched in the old program and don't have a good attitude.
  16. bballer - do you have any word on which coaches are staying and which are going?
  17. I believe Coach Gage will come in and build relationships with the athletes, staff and community.  He made it very clear when he met the public that he isn't going to blow smoke to parents or kids regarding their ability to play at the next level.  He knows what a D1 athlete looks like and realizes we probably aren't going to have an abundance of those kinds of players at BH.  But I do think he will work hard to develop each player and help them reach their potential and possibly play at the collegiate level (D2, D3 or NAIA) if the athlete has the talent and desire.  Having coached at the collegiate level, he is bound to have good networking ability and contacts to showcase kids at the appropriate programs.  More than anything, he seems POSITIVE about his job, our schools and community.  That in itself is better than what we had.  :)
  18. Still going back to Lion1's comment about hiring from within.  On the current BH staff, WHO would be qualified to be Head Coach/Athletic Director over Ronnie Gage.  The answer.....NO ONE!!! 
  19. Explain that one Lion1.  Gage has more experience and football knowledge than anyone on the current staff.  Don't forget he has two 5A state championships.  I don't see anyone on the current staff with those credentials. 
  20. WOW!  Got to meet and hear Coach Gage tonight as he addressed the public in an informal gathering to welcome him to Barbers Hill.  He is FANTASTIC and just exactly what Barbers Hill needed.  I had heard great things, and I can tell you he is definitely the real thing.  Way to go BH and everyone who had anything to do with bring him here!
  21. I heard there are more than 80 applicants, so there is definitely interest in the job.  I don't think it is true that he was offered the job because the Board has to approve a person and they just met tonight.  Could it be that some people are out there trying to spread rumors just to make BH look bad because they are Price supporters?
  22. Sandifer didn't apply for the job, but I heard Andy Evans did.
  23. Impressive vocabulary Tyrone!
  24. Yes, I am a stakeholder because I pay taxes.  I just want to let the process play out without all the drama.  Don't appreciate the dork comment, Tyrone!
  25. Why don't you think anyone wants to move to BH?  Have they even interviewed anyone other than Sandifer?  Seems like an awful lot of speculation from people who act like they are in the "know".  
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