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Everything posted by Ricefan

  1. brenham 11 lcm          9 game over tried to give a little more detail for shift workers....
  2. first at bat ground out to third, gonzales bb, humphrey pinch hitting, grounds out to third , allen ks....
  3. blem to pitch for lcm.... leadoff hr for brenham,  k second batter,k third batter, #26 ks ..... brenham 11 lcm 9
  4. allen grounds out to third, vaughn ks , adams ks
  5. double by 14 brings in run, brenham now up 10- 9 ,   runner on 2,  smith still pitching, ks # 25 , two down, #4 up ks... brenham up 10-9....   lcm          9 runs 10 hits 2 er brenham 10 runs 11 hits 2 er
  6. double to rt  off smith, short stop at bat, runner at second, no outs, bb, runner 1 and 2 no outs for brenham, runners advance on passed ball to 2 and 3, grounded out to short , rbi, 9-7, runner on third, 1 out... batter swings and ks on ball in dirt, advance to first on cather error to first... pick off error score run... runner on second 1 out 1 run scored, 9-8 lcm, base hit ties game...
  7. first batter bb, bell single by short, three run home run.......... 9-6 lcm , noone on no outs..... cody smith in relief...
  8. drouillard up, ks one out, swan single up the middle, gonzales fc, two outs,
  9. short stop #9 singles to rt.. 28 at bat runner on first, singles to rt, runners on first and second  no outs, single to rt thrown out at second , 1 run scores, 1 out, #7 ks , two out brings up baker , ks baker , 9-3 lcm .... big pitches by fults .
  10. allen singles to lead off, vaughn doubles down the rt line,  runners on 2 and 3 , adams singles drives in two on rt field error, tied 2-2 adams on third, drouillard shot to center 1 out,  adams scored on passed ball, new catcher for cubs quickcowske, blem singles, drouillard hbp, runners on first and second one out swan up, swan home run, lcm 6 branhan 2 , 0 on 1 out . new pitcher for the cubs.
  11. baker ks , stegent grounds to second, jacobs error second , one on two outs... 20 at bat fouled off 4 so far... #20 walks, on first and second two outs, crenshwaw flies out to center.... brenham 2 lcm 0  
  12. drouillard ks looking, swan bb , gonzales fc choice , carline grounds out to short. 
  13. crenshaw singles, on second by fielding error, roberts flys out to rt, runner on third, bolezerk hr 2-0 brenham... 1 out... 10 grounds out. 2 outs , #7 grounds out... after one 2-0 brenham..
  14. vaughn leadoff single. vaughn picked off at first.adams doubled, waddell advances runner, 20uts runner on 3rd 2 outs blem up, blem k's  for third out...
  15. brenham vs lcm.... jacobs vs fults...
  16. brenham 14 rudder 3 final...  lcm - brenham next..
  17. sanford pithing for lcm, barnes singles... ground ball double play, two outs 0 on, harper to bat, line out to 3rd ! game lcm over texas city 13-3 ....
  18. vaughn walks, bases loaded for fults pinch hits...  fults ks to bring up waddell, waddell to deep center for rbi , 2 outs,humphrey hbp, drouillard up, base hit, bases loaded for swan, 2 outs, pb, swan pop up to second... 13 - 3 lcm bottom of 7th..
  19. swan lead off single in 7th, pb, swan to second, gonzo walks, 1 and 2, jacob garza to bat...no outs, wp runners advance, wp swan scores gonzo tho third... garza 3-0 ... 3-2, garza ,base hit rbi ... allen to bat... allen hbp, pinch runner for garza second, and allen first.  vaughn up, one out runners on 1 and 2nd,0 outs, new pitcher for texas city.. 10 - 3 lcm 
  20. 8-3 lcm after 5 1/2.....  last out awesome play by right fielder for texas city ! 3 up three down for dillon young, lcm outfield is tough to beat !
  21. sorry lost service for a bit, carline fly out to center , allen singles,  , allen sb, vaughn walks, adams up, runners at 1 and 2nd, one out,  adams fc, runners first and third 2 down..... waddell hbp , bases losded, for humphrey... e 7  to left 8-3 lcm... change pitchers..
  22. dillon in for lcm , 5 to bat... 5 ground out to 3rd... 15 up for texas city, sorry he is not saying names.. k.... #7 single, #3 battinng runner on first.. ground out.. 6-3 lcm...
  23. allen ropes double, vaughn advances allen , adams deep rbi to center. humphrey dh and k's.... 6 - 3 lcm after 3 /1/2 . dillon young in to pitch for lcm ...
  24. 15 walks for texas city, coopper up the middle nice hit, harper up out force to 3.   summerall to bat runnerss on 1 and 2 . summerall bb,  bases loaded, apple up 1 out , groundout,,rbi, 23 up, 1 and 2nd , dlouble, 5-3 lcm 2 outs .   13 up for texas , swan misplayed ball atfirst pop fly... 1 and 2nd 2 down.. #2 at bat pops out to short.... score  lcm 5   trxas city 3 after 3 ....
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