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Everything posted by sleepy

  1. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="923962" timestamp="1291262417"] Let me try and paint you a very true picture. No bragging just facts! Picture a players of Austin Rivers' talent on a team you have to compete against on a regular basis. The focus and mental prep is at a high level. NC, Wake Forest, etc are in attendance with their notebooks. And you're only in the 8th grade. High school is the fun part to play with your friends, memories and goals of reaching the highest level you can obtain in high school. You can't go to the parks anymore and compete against the best kids in your area. maybe it's Xbox, I dunno. You're getting calls to attend a camp (just you, not your AAU TEAM) out of State because all the top players in your age bracket are coming to compete against each other. Your kid's way is paid. Man, I'm not making this up. I teach to play up and play better players. Don't make it easy for yourself and settle. So , to see a kid having to play down is an adjustment because it goes against my principles I'm teaching and played by. [/quote] If the kid is this good and he is not on HF's varsity there are some severe issues over there.
  2. [quote name="Scalabrine" post="911498" timestamp="1290020131"] I bet this was agreed for some sort of footage exchange [/quote] Good god you have lost your mind.  Footage only does so much.  You still have to play the game. 
  3. [quote name="bigred360" post="911426" timestamp="1290013024"] Sorry, this computer keeps messing up after a couple of paragraphs. I did not get mad a Lazeek for his post. I was surprise by a couple of his statements though. I believe you when you state a coach needs at least five years as I remember reading one of your post stating that. What I'd like to know is where have I posted or even talked in conversation with my best friends that Coach Woodard is over his head coaching at Lamar? Yes, I have questioned a couple of coaches he has hired and I admit to that. I'm 100% guilty. The running game and special teams have been terrible and comparing to other startup programs we are behind in those areas. Yes, I know we have played a much tougher schedule but there were a couple new programs and non DI teams on the schedule to have better stats in both those areas. What other things about the football program have I posted except maybe hoping Hall and Johnson sign with Lamar? Anything else? I've been waiting 21 years for the return of football to the Lamar campus. I think Ray Woodard is a man who has contacts all over the country, is a football man, played and coached at the highest levels of football and can get the program to where it needs to be in a few years. I like RW a lot. We should finish up 5-6 our first year back and the team didn't even get into the athletic complex until the season started. So they had a lot of things against them but they have come together and became a team. I think a lot of people will be surprise at how much better the team is next season for one just having a place to train and get dressed. The first recruits didn't even have a locker room to dress out in.   [/quote] sounds good
  4. [quote name="bigred360" post="911415" timestamp="1290012092"] Well, look like another long reply. I am the one that stated if after 10-12 games that are stinking up the Montagne Center then you could proclaim this team losers or a team that can compete in the SLC. Now, I did mention Lazeeks post in my comment. But, I did not stay he stated that but I hope he and other would give the team more than one game before handing out a grade. Yes, I like Roc as he has always been friendly to me and gave me access to practices and such. But, I am for all the coaches at Lamar and clearly want them to be successful. I know you and Lazeek may not share the same opinion of Coach Roc because of stuff that goes back 10 years. I hope all parties have moved on from there. If Coach Woodard wins the SLC in three years as I hypothetically stated in the prior post it would be HUGE FEAT and I agree bigger than anything Coach Roc can do short of another sweet-sixteen birth. Which IMO is very unlikely. [/quote] agreed on all counts.
  5. [quote name="bigred360" post="910856" timestamp="1289943023"] It is funny how fast people forget we have been co-champs of the SLC under Coach Roc's watch. We have two bad seasons and people are calling for his head or stating we can't do this or we can't defend this. Has he had enough time at Lamar? Yes, he took over after Billy Tubbs retired from coaching. Sports have gotten to the point of "what have you done for me lately". I think this team of 8 newcomers and the coaching staff deserve patients especially after one game that we won by 50 pts before cries of "they need to address the rebounding issue" or "anyone who makes Lamar slow it down and pound the ball down low will have a field day!!!" [b]How can you make that observation after one game that we won by 50 pts? Let's see how the team does for the first 10-12 games before we proclaim this team losers or a team that can compete in the SLC.[/b] I know you said comparing football to basketball are two different deals. I really not comparing the sports as I'm attempting to compare coaching and judging a coach. Let's say for the sake of debating, Coach Woodard and the football team are co-champions of the SLC in three years. Then the next two years LU finishes at the bottom of the standings of the conference. At that point, should Lamar fire him or even talk of canning him in the AD office? I say no way, he has earn a few more years after winning a conference championship. The same with Coach Roc, will Lamar really be better off if he is let go. Another MBB HC over the past 25 year to resign, retired or get fired. I don't see progress going down that road. Just my opinion but he or any coach deserves four or five years. If the Cardinals stink up the Montagne Center this year make a coaching change but remember it will take the next guy a few years to get his program up and running. [/quote] Where did anyone say that the team was losers and couldn't compete for a conference championship????? If Ray Woodard wins the conference within three years it is a MUCH larger feat than what Roc did.  He is starting a program from SCRATCH!!!! You can go back on record and see that i have always said give a coach AT LEAST five years.  If you go back before the post you called Lazeek out on in the same thread he is giving the cards MUCH love.  All I am saying is you and others after one football game had Ray Woodard tabbed as the next coming of Nick Saban and then three weeks later the question was is he in over his head. You and others questioned whether he had hired the right staff among other things.  This was 4 weeks in to the first season in 20 years and that is ok??  Lazeek gives the cards much love then states we need to improve our rebounding and you get mad.  You are holding the football program to a higher standard than you are the basketball program when in reality it should be just the opposite.  You clearly have a special liking for roccaforte which is fine with me but if we are going to compare let's compare fairly.  
  6. [quote name="bigred360" post="910637" timestamp="1289928685"] Lazeek has posted about the football team. I'd be glad to post them on here. All I'm saying is this is basically a new team with 8 new players and Lyon College was our first game. We beat them by over 50 points. I just think it would be best to wait and see on this team. You haven't seen me post anything about winning record, winning conference, star players. Except, I have stated I'll like to see what Mike James can do. You say give the football team time and you are correct. I say give this basketball team time. Don't we both want the best for Lamar athletics? I think we do. [/quote] I absolutely want them to win.............however the basketball team has had time.............wouldn't you agree?
  7. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="910678" timestamp="1289930527"] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=76187.msg910670#msg910670 date=1289929974] No hating. Just like to point out the idiotic comments on the board. You supply many of them. ;) [/quote]I bet if I took over your radio show  ::) I'd get more ratings. [/quote] What an idiot you are bluedove. 
  8. [quote name="bigred360" post="909775" timestamp="1289844309"] [quote author=LAZEEK link=topic=75993.msg907031#msg907031 date=1289673006] Lamar needs to address the rebounding issue and half court offense ability!!!!!  On the run they look great and score very well.  Anyone who tries to make LU slow it down and pound it down low on LU will have a field day!!!!! [/quote] Geez, can't you be happy for a victory versus Lyon before starting to talk about what you think Lamar can't do. Man, if this was a football thread people like you would be the first to defend our areas of concern like special teams, a running game or us being the last DI football program to not have a rushing TD. What rebounding issue are you talking about? This was our first game and we out rebounded Lyon 44-37. Lamb had 9 and he is a guard. Then Charlie Harper played the most minutes at 24. That is 4 minutes over HALF a game. Then, how do you know that teams who tries to pound the ball down low on LU will have a field day? Again, we have just played one game. I thought you were impressed with Brazier? [/quote] I don't think Lazeek has been in much of the conversation on the football stuff.  However to compare basketball and football are two different deals.  This is roc's 5th year I believe as a head coach and further more it is about his 7th or 8th recruiting class(he did ALL OF THE RECRUITING for tubbs.)  5 years of Woodard at the helm and we will all be able to tell alot more and form better opinions. JMHO! I also believe that if Woodard does as poorly as roc has done in his tenure as head coach that the powers that be won't give him a 5th year.  Again, just my opinion.
  9. [quote name="bigred360" post="909786" timestamp="1289845140"] You know I don't know golf, but if he has made $950k for the year isn't he assured of his PGA Tour Card? [/quote] He has his card.  All he really had to do was make the cut and he was pretty much assured to keep his card.  He was focused on winning so after having a 3 shot lead after the first round he was a bit dissapointed in his finish but he did what he had to do.  It will be nice to see him winning as it will give LU a ton of coverage.  He keeps a big LU embroidered on his bag.
  10. Didnt play that well the last day but still finished seventh and made $950k for the year.  He is improving every year.  I expect him to win next year.
  11. It will be on the golf channel starting at noon.  He should get a ton of TV time.  Thought some may enjoy watching.
  12. [quote name="Raiders99LHS80" post="908411" timestamp="1289712608"] [quote author=AJ25 link=topic=76054.msg908391#msg908391 date=1289712108] Who won this game? Oh, LU. Doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile.. A [b]W[/b] is a [b]W[/b]. No one will look back at this season if the Cards go .500 and go "Yeah man, they were .500, but they had a couple calls go there was against SD." WHO CARES. They won, quit coming on here and talking down because they didn't lose like you thought they would. [/quote]that's where you're missing the point of a forum. this is where people who "know" what's up come to talk about the good, and the not so good. without all the bs. but if you want to be the guy who opens up the paper the next morning and say, "well dang, lamar won" and just have an imagination of what really happened, then that's fine, but don't get on a forum thread talking about, "oh, a W is a W" that's weak. and you bring nothing to this discussion at all. so stay off the thread if you can't even accept the facts for what they really are. no one is talking about support??? HELLO? [/quote] You clearly think you know more than you "know!"
  13. [quote name="mammagotjuice" post="902974" timestamp="1289357754"] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=75809.msg902762#msg902762 date=1289343057] Maybe these athletes that you speak of are just not good enough to get scholarships to play at the next level. ;) Some of these athletes (particularly their parents or guardians ;)) have this sense of entitlement when it comes to the next level, not just the college level. ;) [/quote]Entitlement. Now that is a great topic to discuss. Entitlement is expecting to be given something w/out putting in the time and effort....just because. Expecting reward for hard work and effort is a horse of a different color. Hard work and effort outshines entitlement any day! Inspect closely, while others are playing Xbox yet getting entitlements, there are some youth that are quietly putting in the hard work in the gym being accused of being entitled. Be wise and know the difference. [/quote] Let's remember that just because you work hard doesn't entitle you to anything.  You have to be great to get a college scholarship these days and there are plenty of kids who work hard and never get one. 
  14. [quote name="JJWooten" post="901791" timestamp="1289245205"] [quote author=HardHitter link=topic=75757.msg901715#msg901715 date=1289240333] I agree that Bevil should have been at least benched in a game or two by now....Prewitt didn't perform bad for his first start...Like to see starts 2 and 3........ ;) [/quote] Considering this was his first collegiate start, on the road in the Georgia Dome of all places, I think he played admirably. His completion numbers weren't great, but that's to be expected for a first time start and not really getting the solid connection with receivers. Also, he threw a lot of incomplete passes toward the end when the team was trying to rally back for a final score. I think Prewitt is a game manager, not a game controller, like Bevil was. [/quote] I heard a rumor that this kid may be a gamer.  Literally gets better when pressure rises.  Interesting to me!!
  15. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="901628" timestamp="1289233186"] This subject deserves only this response: ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) [/quote] exactly.  Actually my response would be..............are all who responded in over their heads when making this judgement?  The answer: A resounding yes!!!!!
  16. Shocked to see you jumping on a new bandwagon Scal!!!  LMAO!!!!!
  17. [quote name="bigred360" post="894633" timestamp="1288711699"] [Hidden Content] Just giving my thoughts on the article as not to break any new rules. Todd Dodge stated he will keep all options open. He mentioned coaching at the right high school program or a QB coach and/or an offensive coordinator at the college level. Coach Dodge mentioned his first thoughts is he would like an opportunity to be a QB coach at the DI level program in the state of Texas. He thinks one of his assests is having a unique recruiting perspective. Sure hope Coach Woodard is monitoring this situation if Coach Whitten decides to leave or Coach Woodard wants to make a change at the OC position. [/quote] Have a hard time believing Todd Dodge would come to LU as an offensive coordinator.  He would make more as a high school coach/ad. Would love to see it but I believe he has his eyes on bigger schools.
  18. For all of those idiots that said that Yates did not recruit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Here ya go!
  19. Oh man did I love last night.  Go ahead Scalabrine.  Let us hear all of your excuses! LMAO!!!!!!
  20. Figured you would have that sort of response badndn.  I don't like admitting when I am wrong either ;)
  21. Last time I checked soulja it doesn't matter where you are "from" it matters where you live. 
  22. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="886919" timestamp="1288015880"] God, a bunch of Glen Beckitis on here spewing out words. Talking loud and saying nothing. :D [/quote] Dove........that would be the pot calling the kettle black!
  23. Chris Stroud finished in a tie for 22nd as he played his last 10 holes in 5 under par at the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospital for Children Open.  This looks like it will secure his card for next year as next week is the last week of the year. For those of you that don't know Chris was on his way to securing his card last sunday and on the second hole  in the final round he hit a shot and tore his trapezius (sp) muscle and his entire body locked up.  He had to WD with only 16 holes to play in the tournament.  So this was extra tough for him this week.  He is going to play this week in Florida but hopefully he won't need it.  Just wanted to update those of you who are interested.
  24. Still think griffin is a run first quarterback?  Or "Pat White" like you would say.  If you do.........check out his stats this week.
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