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Everything posted by oldyeller21

  1. D-Wack....the real deal!!
  2. Quote from baseball25": "Hey he is a great coach. If he had athletes like central and ozen does just think what he could do. He's winning with a bunch of players that believe in the system, that are coachable, and descent athletes and that what makes a great coach because... I can tell you this nederland,png,ozen,central,livingston,lcm, they all got better athletes than lumberton. Its all about getting your players to believe and thats what makes coach credeur such a good coach......." Not a B#%$#$* or complainer....look at your previous quote. Look at my previous Quote: "There is enough blame to be shared among all involved"I would not dare to try to be a coach or a referee for that matter....don't have the temperment to put up with all the BS.....I would be fired before my 1st season is up. this is an open discussion forum ... and you may think all Deweyville fans hate all Deweyville Coaches...which is not true. Most Fans from Deweyville are big supporters of all of our programs and especially our students. We may not have the best Athletes around but they are our athletes and we love them and are proud of them. We may not be State Champions, but to us they are the best. I simply stated that I disagreed with his coaching decisions last night and how he has handled these young men the past couple of weeks. Is he a good coach? Yes. Is he a good person? I would think so. Are most of us good parents? YES!! If that's the worse that I get blamed for....then I'm okay.
  3. Coach Jackson you can call it BS if you want too, you have definitely earned that right but will all do respect, not at all BS or an ax to grind. Lots of fans talking in the stands...most of them unhappy with his coaching. Most of them are saying they miss you and wish they could see you "get on the ref's" again, kick a chair, throw your jacket ;) Of course, this is his reason for needing to make "friends with the referess" ....you apparently made a few enemies with the referrees. I agree with teaching the boys to be respectful young men but I think in the process you need to show them some respect also if they have earned it. You can't blame all the problems with this team on the players. There is enough blame to be shared among all involved.
  4. Deweyville7281 should also put in those stats that he had 1 starter missing (family vacation), one starter sitting out the entire game due to being punished for defending himself while a player from Hamshire Fannet swung his fist at him, and yet another starter, (the big #30) set out by his own coach after halftime due to "pushing a Kountze player", (even though the ref told the Kountze player to quit mouthing it was legal box out). It was the coaches decision to set him out, not the referree. The Coach yelled at #30 in front of everyone that he was being selfish, to sit down and shut his mouth. 30 went to the bench and sit down along with the other starter, who should have been playing to begin with. I am surprised that 30's parents didn't say something. I agree with disciplinary action but I don't agree with embarrassing a player or belittling him. I was in the stands... 30 is a physical player and does he fair share of fouling but he didn't appear to have a bad attitude. The coachs behaviour towards this young man was much worse. He did the same thing towards another player,#4, the other night while playing Hamshire Fannett. That young man told him to get his hands off of him. C'mon Coach....these are young men, treat them as such!! To the Deweyville Pirate Players: Keep your heads up! You boys have played together for a long time. Don't let the Coach destroy it. Be respectful to others and to each other. Your Coach has made the comment that he has worked 3 yrs to become "friends" with the referees and that you as a team are ruining that!! This is a sad comment and one that shows where his allegiance lies....and it is not with you the players. You all need to believe in each other, work as a team and most importantly have fun!!
  5. this is not athletic all state...this is academic all state....you have be a varsity letterman and hold a 92 gpa or higher 9th-11th grades and 1st six weeks of 12th grade to be on team. Then it is divided out Elite, 1st, 2nd or HM teams. The athletic allstate is media based
  6. i can see both sides of this argument. But if a parent chooses to live OUTSIDE of the school district, they should be ready to be hauling their kiddos to school functions. Coach Hooks has a heart for these kids and he knows FROM EXPERIENCE that this will be the only chance some of these kids have to escape a life some of us know nothing about. We should all have that big of a heart!! But on the other side of the coin....our society has proven time and again that it's way more beneficial to let someone take care us and our children. AND that is getting passed on to the next generation. We need to teach our students that anything worth having is worth working hard for. The student can find a way to school and practice if he or she wants it bad enough. The question is: How do we teach our students work ethics, not how do get them to and from games. Now, off my soapbox and onto my vote: Continue the bus route.....these students and this school is worth it!!!!
  7. Congrats to Stephen Whitsitt from Deweyville.....1st Team All State Academic!! Pirate Country is proud of you!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  8. Deweyville has a team....and they "got game"....won't you come over to play??? OH, MY BAD!! You already knew that you were just being sarcastic...OOPS!!
  9. ;D ;D ;D CAN EVERYONE SAY "OPEN ENROLLMENT" ;D ;D ;D Sabine Pass has alot of talent that comes from Port Arthur way..........my pick is Sabine Pass!!
  10. Another thought on this.....this also costs the players in scholarships too! These players need their names in the spotlight as much as possible. From their coaches to the local papers....these players need to be recognized and bragged on as much as possible. Recruiting is a big "game" and there is no way that every deserving player gets recognized. Recruiters look at the All District and All State lists. While it may only one aspect of his check list, it does help to get them looking the players direction!! It's up to the coaches to put their players in the papers and then the responsibility of the local papers to give these boys the coverage they have worked hard for and that they deserve. Kirbyville is well deserving of way more coverage than they recieved. They should have had several players on the All State List.......Keep working hard boys.....Ya'll made SETEXAS proud!!! Great bunch of kids and Great bunch of Coaches!!
  11. we did loose big time in Bland and Jackson, we will miss them!! But to say we will lack in the guard position or forward position, or that the post play will be non-existent...you are mis-informed!! Apparently, you have not seen Avilla, Addison or Williams play!! Post play will be manned by Estes, he may not be a Kevin Bland but he can handle his own. You won't find a better Point Guard than Caswell. And to back that up, they have a good bench, young but good. Tuesday night, those boys had practiced only 1 time together. Monday. I would say they started "gellin" by the end of the scrimmage. Hang in there Pirates!! If you read these posts, focus on the positive, not the negative...Don't let somebody dictate your season before you even get started!!
  12. To the buna football team, ya'll are a good football team, you played to win last night, and you no doubt outplayed our pirate team. you would have won without the help of the refs but it would be nice to be able to come to buna and get a good, fair game called. It is pitiful that both teams aren't allowed to go out and play and have fun. If there is a bad apple on the team or on the coaching staff that encourages bad behaviour, the rest of us need to set an example!!!Deweyville and Buna are neighbors and while a little rivalry is good, we all should be acting a little more "neighborly"..... For the seniors of both teams, set a good example for the rest of the team.....enjoy the ride...make memories.....have fun.....To the rest of of the football team...Both teams have a few games left and you (and your fans) could show the SETXSPORTS community what we are really made of......not a bunch of whiney babies or trouble makers but two communities that love football. Make your communities proud...... Remember, this is for the young men on the field.
  13. ""Well, you take a School district in mouring and add a logerhead to it and you get a FIRED UP COUGAR TEAM!"" to the buna community...sorry for your loss....but to ftballcrazy....that statement makes you sound like a drama queen....I hope you play football..this is gonna be fun :-*
  14. Deweyville messed up.....AGAIN!!!....when they let Pachuca go. Not taking anything away from the new coach....He's great!! but Pachuca was a great asset to the program and to the school and the community!!! He would have been here for years to come which is what the sports program at Deweyville needs.
  15. We will miss Coach Bickham at Deweyville!! He taught our boys alot, not just football, he taught them how to be young men!! With that said......I am voting for Coach Pachuca....great coach....the players really respond to him on and off the field!!
  16. kellite --- FYI (AGAIN ) ---- DV vs. BC -- 89-87 OT @ Bridge City DV vs. HF -- 90-56 ...home game but not even close!! You are a really negative person....have you considered smiling some....it will help your day!!! :)
  17. FYI -- Evadale is a 1A but Bridge City and Hamshire Fannette are 3A's.......Don't be Hatn'!!!
  18. first...good job by both teams....district is looking very interesting My real comment is about the referees and their inability to do their jobs. I'm not sure how the calls were at this game but at the Deweyville vs Hardin it was PITIFUL!! Before anyone gets their panties in knot, I am from Deweyville and No, I am not saying that we lost due to poor calls. We lost because They played a better ballgame than we did. Congrats Hardin! BUT....the men wearing the black and white stripes for our game STUNK THE PLACE UP!!! I have never seen such bad calling. Everyone is allowed mistakes...even refs...but they should not have accepted their paycheck that night. In today's world...you should have to do a job before you get paid for it. Where do these refs come from? That makes two games, same district - 24AA-that has had bad referees? I do realize that the more experienced refs got the bigger games...still no excuse! There has to be someone they answer to!! To the players -- for all the teams --- keep up the good work!! Ya'll are showing great sportmanship towards each other....it's making for some great Friday Night Football!!!
  19. and another thing......the cut off # for 2aa is 413...now that's some countin'!!!
  20. ??? Buna #'s ------- turned in 412.5...where the heck did the .5 come from......I don't know how to count half a student!!!
  21. [move][/move]Good Luck Joe!! Pirate Country is Cheering You ON!!!
  22. DEWEYVILLE[move][/move]
  23. Deweyville and East Chambers will have the 1 and 2 spots... Nuff said!!
  24. :)DW: Thanks for the hard work you gave to Deweyville last year....greatly appreciated...you have an open invitation to come back this year....... Proud Pirate Parent!!!
  25. I am glad Coach Bickham is still in Deweyville!!! He may not plz everyone in the stands but he is teaching our kids the game of football and self respect and responsibility all at the same time. And as far as the comments about him coming into a program that has been taught and guided by other coaches...you tell me of a successfull program ...in any sport... that does not have years of good coaching and/or little league programs where the athletes are playing and learning together. Success doesnt come in one year for any coach..good or bad..there are a lot of different aspects that contribute to a succesful program.. With that said...did you see the Pirates winning in the past? NO!! You need to look at what we have had in the past and thank your lucky stars your son got to play on a winning team. I think that the leadership of Bickham and the coaches he has chosen ( and yes that is his right to do that) to assist him led us to where we are today!! Go Pirates and Thank You Coach Bickham!!
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